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Harry's House

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Everything posted by Harry's House

  1. At Egerton, I would have thought that the bulk of the thundery activity if not its entirety occurred between midnight and 1am BST though other observers nearby may know better.
  2. Possibly, but I would have thought much less if you do get any more. Torrential rain has eased here.
  3. Rain torrential again, distant thunder in more S'ly direction.
  4. Don't know what the chances are of much if any thundery activity at Hamstreet, SW of Ashford. Been here for over a month now and still no thunder heard or lightning seen yet.
  5. I was living at Shinfield near Reading at the time. At 10am on Sunday 10th August I attended a church service held outside on the vicarage lawn. We had to sit in the shade as it was such an oppressive heat which I cannot recall experiencing in the UK before or since.
  6. 1973 was my first summer working in the Met Office, at Stansted Airport. It may well be the best summer between 1959 and 1976.
  7. We stayed with my brother-in-law in Canberra over Christmas 2002. Christmas day there had a fair amount of cloud and was certainly not very warm. Around 5pm on Boxing day, we went for a walk and it was actually quite cool and cloudy.
  8. Regarding point 2, this summer reminds me of 1960. After the outstandingly good summer of 1959, June 1960 was good, but to use your expression, it 'crashed and burned badly' for July and August, and ended up a poor summer.
  9. October 1969 was very dry and warm indeed. October 1969 was very dry and warm indeed.
  10. Living in Essex, 1966 was earliest summer that I remember in some detail. After a disappointing July and early August, the second half of August was much better with a fine sunny spell for perhaps a week and pretty good weather in September to follow.
  11. As a boy in 1965, I remember that summer as just another of the poor summers which happened in the 1960s, but when I looked at Cardington's records, I could see what a dreadful month July of that year was, very likely the coolest, dullest and wettest on record there. Mean Max: 18.5 deg C, highest max 22.4 deg C on 19th (both probable records). Sunshine: 93.0 hours (very likely the only summer month there with less than 100 hours of sunshine). Rainfall: 108.1 mm.
  12. I remember July 1988. It was really very poor indeed.
  13. Heather's youngest brother used to lay cricket for Great Chart many years ago. He has since emigrated to Australia.
  14. Tomorrow, we will be leaving Pagham for Hamstreet to be near to Heather's (my wife's) family. I wrote about the move on page 417 in the SE, London & EA thread. I don't know who actually saw it. Anyway below is what I wrote. I will very soon be living near you, Eagle Eye, to Hamstreet to be close to my wife's, Heather's family. After retiring, we moved from Bulford to Pagham to be near to my old dad but he has since died. Before we married, Heather lived for a long time in Great Chart and Ashford. We married in Great Chart Church. I know little of Woodchurch as I have driven through it as opposed to stopping there. We know Hamstreet much better as Heather's oldest brother lived there for many years before dying of covid 2 1/2 years ago, but his widow still lives there.
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