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suffolk lady

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Everything posted by suffolk lady

  1. gorgeous morning, or just perfik as pop larkin used to say, have a lovely day everyone.
  2. what a lovely bright sunny morning to start the new week with, the sun has got his hat on hip hip hip hooray shinning on the first baby step out of lockdown
  3. yucky horrible day grey murk and strong wind gusts, just watched live video of iceland volcano very interesting and yesterday had tour of australia courtesy of jane macdonald cruising program on tv at least feel like im travelling and learning while stuck at home because of lockdown. Also easter weekend still not looking very promising weather wise oh well bring out the chocolate and keep entertained with tele and netweather
  4. thanks allseasons for the video link just been watching it very amazing, some folk asking silly questions on comments ie can snow put out the volcano
  5. Yes blue skies here and very blustery was quite chilly earlier or so iv'e been told i was still under the duvet thenwe now have quite a build up of cloud so will probably lose the sun soon. Will i need to get the snow boots out for next weekend? happy thought
  6. had lovely bright start to the day but lots of strong wind gusts, still got bits of blue sky but heavy cloud cover building up and wind gusts pretty hefty nice for kite flying or wind surfing enthusiasts
  7. just looking at the model thread but also met office giving high temp for next tues for us but then a nw air flow so looks like one day of fake summer then back in the fridge again what fun keep the thermal underware handy
  8. to tsnwk if you like i could direct all the tourists to your neck of the woods
  9. no because with all the extra housing that has and is being built most locals say our infrastructure cannot cope without the extra pressure that masses of campers and second home owners and of course day trippers inundate us with as soon as the weather turns nice
  10. as bernard mathews would say "bootiful morning here" another morning of lovely brightness and blue sky with a few clouds floating around, day like this not worried about not travelling abroad, have lovely county just hope we dont get too many tourists to spoil it.
  11. just had the queen trying to fly in our front room!!, had takeaway coffee sat in car very pleasant out in the sunshine bit chilly in the shade though.
  12. the scale of those floods is amazing bbc video this morning was unbelieveable those poor folk caught up in that, dread to think what ghastly life is swimming around in those waters spiders would be the least of your problems ugh.
  13. lovely sunny morning quite a breeze judging by way neighbours flag is blowing around, going to local small market gardener later so will find out what it feels like out then. hubby might even treat me to takeaway coffee if i'm lucky, did have bottle of asti last night and steak plus bouquet so he really looked after me count myself as very lucky
  14. yes agree has been quiet regarding postings, pleasant day here in suffolk but not overly warm due to chilly breeze, red letter day as a 53yr anniversary which coincides with a year of lockdown, seems fitting for above poster to have done the honours for his mum today as it is a day of rememberance , cant believe a whole year of our lives being changed perhaps for good has gone by. many folk are arguing the rights and wrongs of what has happened and what they think should be allowed in the future we all need to remember we are the ones who have been lucky enough to still be here.
  15. horrible for all the people who are affected by the floods, pictures on bbc web look horrific.
  16. bees are very useful honey is gorgeous and medicinal can help with hay fever if local honey is used, but pesky cats are not so useful so want a way to deter neighbours moggies away and also give my bird visitors a safe place to visit.
  17. what weather would you like take your pick from ours today, grey start suddenly lovely blue sky then tiny sprinkle of rain now grey and overcast plus still then breezy, weather seems muddled up or has the apprentice got his hands on the weather machine againalso volcano in iceland has erupted what a start to spring.
  18. clear blue sky here but not 28c is it possible that poly tunnel had a heater in it to reach that temp?
  19. wall to wall sunshine, just a few whispy clouds floating around oh the joy of a bright morning, who remembers the song "the sun has got his hat on hip hip hooray" anyway good morning everyone
  20. Morning all, hint of brightness here but heavy cloud around, told it was very cold out earlier this morning from hubby who is now improving every day he went to get daily paper about 7am. Yes agree grey days seem never ending bit like lockdown, however lighter evenings not far away [coincidence clocks alter as first part of road map happens bit of schemeing going on there me thinks] and nature already bursting into spring blossom and flowers hurrah.
  21. you really didnt have to share that drizzle bb, have heard iceland is expecting a volcano to blow anytime soon, also parts of america getting hammered with massive snow storms and tornados, makes our weather seem very tame at the moment.
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