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Everything posted by Thunderspotter

  1. Wow, great to see all the captures from last night! Now I would share my own, but the issue is i slept through it all. I knew going to sleep was a risky move but I had set an alarm and everything, just for my phone to put itself on mute and for me to miss it completely. So now i've just missed the biggest thunderstorm in years... Note to self: never go to sleep if a big event is happening. It's not worth it missing it. Damn it.
  2. RIght, I've got a plan (sort of). I know I keep saying it but good luck to everyone tonight. Really hope to see some great footage and stuff tomorrow. I've got the curtains open and an alarm set for just in case. But I need to catch up on some sort of sleep now. Have fun everyone! It's been great here watching and predicting with you all. If I do get woken up by a storm I'll be sure to film it and share it when I get the chance.
  3. *Stormforce~beka* it's just on the radar now. Seems to be some new development working it's way up.
  4. ChannelThunder I'm niether an expert, but yeah I did see that the UKV was practically spot-on with the current channel development. Now I'm faced with a choice and I think I might just stay up. It'll be worth it.
  5. ChannelThunder I'm torn! I've got a busy day tomorrow but I don't want to miss this event. What are you thinking is most likely to reach us? THe lower clusters under Le Harve or the other main part? I'm unsure now haha
  6. This storm is making my desicion to sleep extremely tough... My very (in)accurate drawing just outlines what the current radar direction is, and, if it survives, looks like the smaller storm under the main supercell part might reach S'ton or at lease southern IOW. I've got a busy day tomorrow, but I can't miss a thunderstorm....
  7. An incredible kick-off for those clusters entering the channel now. One minute a cloud, the next full-blown thunderstorm. Wow. Glad to see the rewards coming in for Kent now haha
  8. I'm fairly confident that I won't be able to see much tonight. Tempted to go to bed, but I'll stay up till at least 23:30 to see what happens. Good luck to those chasing again
  9. Azazel I think I remember that. Hoping for some good stuff tonight
  10. ChannelThunder I'm following @*Stormforce~beka*'s motto and staying on till midnight. Exciting.
  11. Mark Parsons sorry about that... I may have started it. Anyway...
  12. Eagle Eye I saw (if it's the one you posted here earlier haha)! It was a great sketch, I'll give you that. Thunders that's great. We have a system that monitors everything, I don't think my teacher would have minded but I probably should have focused on my lesson anyway considering exams and all that.
  13. Thunders that's awesome. I should have done the same in my Music tech lessons today but I think I would have got caught if I tried.
  14. Thunders thank you and you too of course when the time arrives! Trust me, time flies (even if some days feel long...)
  15. Thunders that's cool, sounds like you're smart! I also do geography, triple science, higher maths, English lang+lit, PE/PSHE and I also do Enterprise & Marketing and Music Tech. It's interesting to hear what other people do!
  16. 23 users currently here, it really is our first event of the year! Hey everyone!
  17. Thunders It's worth it when the risks are high enough. If you miss anything you can always catch up. Out of interest what subjects do you do?
  18. I'll wait for some of the later models to come out, but I don't think it's worth me staying up as of the new shift east/north. Even the UKV is agreeing now (mostly...). Good luck to everyone chasing out tonight. Lets hope to catch some good strikes
  19. Alderc 2.0 sorry to hear this, hope everything is well and you get better soon!
  20. Oh also while I'm here, might as well mention: Anyone testing out the Met Office's new data? On their website you can now opt in for their experimental data 'to provide the most accurate and useful forecasts to help you understand the impact of the weather'... Here's the link if anyone wants it: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/enhanced-forecast-weather-data-trial Although for me it just seems to over-generalise the forecast more. Old data (for my location): New data (for my location): Edit: Sorry my screenshots are a bit off. I just noticed that now. I know it's not totally relevant but just thought I'd mention it.
  21. Anyone else having torubles accessing things on the Netweather site? Community + Main pages work but things data related seem to be down.
  22. I'm liking these forecasts! I could do with a storm around now... Get one done and over before my first GCSEs when I actually need sleep
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