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Everything posted by Thunderspotter

  1. It's asking the French if they're happy with their nightshows. Perhaps if enough people are fed up with it, it'll be repelled from France and drift over the the UK...
  2. I sure hope so. That's what The Weather Channel say, and the Met seem to agree to an extent...
  3. That's extremely impressive! Just watching that gets me hyped up!
  4. These forecasts just leave me fantasizing about the excitement it would be to experience a storm like this. I know it won't happen, just trying to make a point!
  5. Based on the outlook from The Weather Channel, it looks like I'm still in the game. They really like to exaggerate thunderstorms but if things play out right it could spark something. Might have to stay up later than usual and take the bullet! My fate of sleep or no sleep will be decided in the next few hours...
  6. Ouch, hope you're doing ok. I love the boldness! Best of luck to you (and everyone else!)
  7. I started a few years ago. 16 now, and I don't mindlessly predict storms as I used to! I'm still a bit rusty and learning lots but I think it's a start. I remember when I hated thunderstorms, but after my brother told me some facts about lightning, it sparked my obsession with them. Anyway, back to storm chasing... I don't think it's worth me staying up tonight, and school tomorrow means my brain will die if i don't sleep lol. Good luck to everyone out tracking and chasing storms tonight!
  8. My dog's got beginner's luck! She just summoned a lightning strike with one of the deepest booms I've heard in a while.
  9. My dog Rosie has joined me in the 'stare out the window and hope something interesting happens' game.
  10. Distant rumbles and light flashes over here. Not much but I'll take what I can get.
  11. The temperature here has dropped a considerable amount, down from 24C to 23.1C
  12. Morning everyone! I'm not expecting much today for me. Just a showery mess moving up to the central south. Good luck to everyone chasing today! There does seem to be a small glimmer of hope among the rainy mess... Hopefully that purple bit goes boom as it moves in.
  13. Storm at Bristol will make it's way over in my direction if it survives. There were some good cloud formations today but no thunder heard here. Lightning over Southampton I saw on my tracker, but I was too late to the party.
  14. Not bad for today, but I'm not expecting anything to kick off. Looks like tomorrow's CAPE is good, so hopefully that will fuel some storms!
  15. Most active below the IOW now. Looks like a Bognor - Brighton bumper?
  16. Booms and flashes have stopped. Just left with light rain now. I'm still sat here calling for the encore!
  17. Hopefully things keep going the way they are - Looks like maybe a direct hit for me
  18. Storms picking up a bit? Still many miles away, but the rain seems to have picked up a little bit. Edit: Now that looks great.
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