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Everything posted by Thunderspotter

  1. First flash of the evening, followed by a faint rumble! Got one small issue though - it's very far away! Officially though I'm pretty sure that this is my first storm of the year.
  2. Lu. Strange. Thunder this evening is deciding to be very selective! Lets hope this is the beginning.
  3. Heard a faint rumble - I'm struggling to video it as it's at thee only side that my home doesn't have any windows on. Typical. Nevermind, as it strengthens it should hopefully move it's way into my viewing range Lu. oh really? Lightning radars went crazy for a sec and now they're going crazy at Chichester
  4. My camera is now set and ready, just in case the cells to the E IOW decide to boom.
  5. ChannelThunder Just had a roast dinner too. Now time to get up my tri-pod
  6. Mother nature should do this whole "Storms on Easter Sunday" again - it's quite satisfying looking at all the radars while munching on my chocolates.
  7. Azazel how does it look? The clouds are huge from what I'm seeing, but too far away to get any more info than that. @ me if you get any pictures or anything
  8. I can see the Winchester cell. Not lightning, but the massive cloud that is producing it. A pretty massive cloud, wish it went boom a little bit earlier so that I can appreciate it more but nevermind!
  9. Winchester is right out of my viewing range (houses are obstructing haha), gutting but nevermind
  10. Can't get any photos on here as my Quick Share just broke, but the clouds to my south look very smooth at the bottom. I can't see the whole structure sadly To my north though, wow, as @ChannelThunder said, those clouds are huge.
  11. Eagle Eye Hoping that the Arome is onto something! If so, I'll be right in the centre of it. Will be the first storm in a while. Just set up a timelapse for now and will post it here in a few hours, I'm interested to see what it'll look like. Even if nothing happens, the anticipation is exciting.
  12. I'm surprised Netweather have made it this far without issuing a convective outlook.
  13. Eagle Eye haha fair enough! I generally film in high framerate video (60fps but I'm experimenting with 120fps at times for better slow motion) and put it in some video editing software to slow it down and extract frames from it. I used to use Adobe Premiere Pro but I couldn't justify the price for me using it every now and again for such basic uses. Trying to learn some other software now like Davinci. I'm getting ahead of myself now lmao.
  14. Eagle Eye I remember there was a massive storm (few years back I think?) and I went down to the solent with my family for a dog walk, but ended up taking videos of lightning over the IOW. It was awesome. I don't use any professional camera but I've got a galaxy s22 ultra which takes great videos during a storm. Have you got any cameras in particular that you use or do you just use your phone like me?
  15. Eagle Eye still very early on in the year, I'm surprised that such large storms have already happened over the past few days. Looks like the SW (and CS?) are in for another chance tomorrow. ESSL forecast is spitting out some widespread risks so we'll see how that develops! Even if nothing happens tonight or tomorrow, I enjoy coming on here and looking at the forecasts/predictions. Very interesting to see (especially as I'm still pretty new to the forecasting game!).
  16. Eagle Eye haha! It's great that even with all the hardships with making the map etc. that you still do it. I appreciate the dedication! You do very well with these forecasts. Keep it up!
  17. Loving these forecasts and the explanations! I'm right in the centeral south so I'll keep an eye out today for any convection Also, anyone seen the nee Met Office warning? Not that the warning system is really any effective or accurate anymore... Just thought that i'd mention it.
  18. Thunders I'm secretly hoping it does, but realistically it'll die out before it reaches the UK lmao
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