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S Bragg

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Everything posted by S Bragg

  1. I'd love to see a cooler, cloudier and wetter than average summer this year, kind of like how 2007 followed on from 2006. Anything but the heat of last year thanks. A warm, sunny spring wouldn't be too bad though.
  2. I was thinking the same thing. It's really mild out there at the moment and looks set to remain so for the next few days.
  3. I'm dreading the prospect of Spring and Summer personally. If it's anything like the horror show of last Summer I think I'll just hibernate in a freezer for a few months.
  4. I agree, and it's annoying how some people want to inflict "warm sunshine" on us when it's not even March yet. We'll have 4, 5 months even of that misery when May comes around. Can't we just enjoy what's left of winter first?
  5. Maybe you should move to the tropics instead and invest in warmer clothing? Works both ways.
  6. Oh yes, let's look forward to another four months of "glorious" heat, where it's too hot to do anything, even sleep and keeping cool is a constant struggle. Can't wait...
  7. I can't even be bothered to watch, we already know what it's going to be - Atlantic-driven, unsettled, rain, windy at times etc etc.
  8. Well, that's your lot for winter then? See you next December I suppose.
  9. I said something similar - that it'll take a loong time to get out of this mild trend and once we hit February, well that's becoming more and more of a spring month anyway. Time to kiss good bye to hopes of cold for this winter?
  10. Awful update from the MetO for the middle and latter parts of January and little sign of any change in the pattern in any of the models. I think it's safe to say there'll be no more cold weather this winter, for most of us anyway.
  11. This might seem premature to many here but I honestly think it's time we gave up on this winter. I know, I know, it's "only December" but let's face it, it'll take at least a fortnight to get rid of this Atlantic muck (and there's no sign of that happening in any of the models) by which time it'll be mid-January. Then we have to hope the stars align for any "potential" in the charts to deliver actual cold weather (you know what it's like in this country) then we have to wait for the cold to dig-in which isn't guaranteed with the Atlantic on our doorstep. Before you know it it's February, the Sun is gaining strength and people's minds are already starting to look ahead to Spring. Sorry to be a downer here, but it comes from years' worth of experience of this country's "winters".
  12. I certainly enjoyed the cold weather earlier this month, with the sunshine and light winds we had at times it was perfect winter weather from my POV. Certainly preferable to the crud we can look forward to this week!
  13. Got to love how a forecast cold spell can be on a knife-edge all the way up to the actual event occuring, yet any mild weather that's forecast is almost certainly nailed-on and locked-in for at least a week. I give up on winter.
  14. So, that's it for cold weather this winter then? From the models predicting a return to cold weather after a mild blip we're now doomed to a lost fortnight at least of "changeable" (Atlantic dross) weather and mild temps. Typical. Well, see you next winter I suppose.
  15. Such a contrast with much of the first half of December! Mild, damp, breezy and overcast with it, this is the kind of weather I've become used to in December. I wonder if/when we'll see any cold like we had up until a couple of days ago?
  16. Aren't we allowed to enjoy the winter evenings first without people harping on about Spring? We barely experience decent winters in this country as it is without people wishing the winter away. Or would you prefer 9 months of spring and summer?
  17. The MetO are forecasting a shift toward a more "changeable" weather pattern, but can anyone explain to me how weeks of mild, wet and windy weather is in any way "changeable"? A solid month of Atlantic-driven dross is hardly "changeable" now is it? Just the same boring, wet weather we get most winters.
  18. We had around an inch, or maybe less of snow fall on Sunday and in many places it's still lying. Rare for such a small fall of snow to remain on the ground for so long. It goes to show how deep the cold has been this month. What a great start to winter!
  19. So we'll probably back to our usual Atlantic dross come the middle of the month, surprise surprise. At least it's cold and seasonal at the moment though, but I think any dreams of a prolonged wintry spell in this country will remain just that.
  20. To my untrained eye I see pretty good cross-model agreement for a sizeable low to move in in around 10 days' time, signalling the end of any cold weather (maybe temporarily, hopefully) and a reversion to a more typical December weather type. Over on the model thread, I see nothing but wall-to-wall asserions that the models are basically wrong and that the cold will still be in place. Am I missing something? As I said, I have zero knowledge of how these models work and may well be missing something but to me all I see in the mod thread is denial, denial, denial.
  21. Winter getting off to a decent start for me, cold and dry. It's certainly preferable (in my POV) to the Atlantic-dominated weather that seems so common in December most years.
  22. I'll take an easterly, *any* kind of easterly over what we've been having for what seems like forever. Whether we end up in the freezer, or just get sat under a slack, chilly easterly it'll be a lot better than the rain and mild we've had in recent weeks.
  23. I'm calling it now, based on little more than having lived in this country all my life: there will be no significant cold weather this winter, any settled/easterly spells will flatter to deceive, and boths temps and rainfall will end up above average. You read it here first.
  24. Changes afoot? Sure, from chilly, wet and windy weather sweeping in off the Atlantic to mild, wet and windy weather sweeping in off the Atlantic. How exciting.
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