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law of averages

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Everything posted by law of averages

  1. How can it be of no use?? There is no LAW, as what dictates the weather… only the weather dictates!! Granted an EASTERLY now… wouldn't be as potent but I'd still take it, if it was severe!! Superb winter as happened b4 at this time of year… who are we to say it won't happen again… records are there to be broken… and as mi name suggests, I'm a great believer in it!! Records from hundreds of years will tell you that!! Ps… in the USA can still get a severe spell, so can we
  2. As they say… " more chance of SNOW in March, than december "… anyway there's more chance of a continued AUTUMN ( rain, wind, rain, wind, storms, flooding ), 75% of the yr… than real warmth!! So bring on the COLD, SNOW… it'll soon be AUTUMN, knocker lol
  3. Thanks SS… I must have misread?? But looking at the charts, I'm not sure we are goin to get the spring temps like many think… to much change b4 the end of the wk… and if a chart showin cold n snow doesn't verify 5/6days b4… I'm pretty sure mild n spring like won't lol… time will tell
  4. Is it me?? But the mild interlude this wk, keeps gettin pushed back to the end of the wk… a few days back it was tuesday!! Now thursday at the earliest??… is this the beginning of the SSW!! setting in… or as it begun!!… I hope is it the SSW… not interested in any warm till the end of april/beginning of may
  5. Well the end of WINTER… and the start of SPRING!! And in OLDHAM, we get a decent dumping of the HOLY GRAIL… with still more forecast, till about 10… 2night!! Made mi very happy, lol… lets hope it stays all the way thru MARCH!! and I'll be happy, till next winter… and the hunt starts all over again… anyway those in oldham, pennines etc… ENJOY WHAT WE GOT, love the SNOW… and hope knocker doesn't get his way with his MILD RAMPS, lol…
  6. Xcellent post by ' weather history ' btw… very detailed and informative
  7. Yes I do, hehe … I keep saying this!! Look to the past, for the future
  8. As Gardeners question time, as moved from the radio… to this forum
  9. This part of your reply… some people in a certain part of world, would strongly disagree… but that's all together another matter… back to the weather
  10. No its not missing words… sorry probably shouldn't have put lol there As for the science part, we can't change anything the weather as to offer… its all about what it will or won't do, not what computers think!! … just my thoughts, if its wrong thinking… then I'm wrong As for being on this forum… I've followed it for yrs, without making any comments… I enjoy reading what certain peeps, have to say… even the greatest mild king IAN BROWN lol... We've all got opinions… whether right or wrong
  11. Yes smog… but there will never be anymore smog in my part of the north west… nearly all the mills have gone now
  12. What I think I mean, lol… by not a science is!! We can only learn, what it does… we can't make it better or worse can we!! Cause if we could… coldies would cut the cancer out ( mild ) and replace it with a scandi or greenland high or beastly for the winter months And no matter what we learn from the weather… it will not go to plan and do summat completely different
  13. Lol… thanks nick l, I agree but its not really Science is it… the weather will do what it'll do, regardless of Science, any chart or anyone will say We all search of that EPIC WINTER ( well the coldies do )… whether the last ice age, the mini ice age or the winters dickens portraits in the novels!! Patterns we've seen, whether mild or cold… when you look thru history best we can… they showed very similar patterns then as they do now but apparently cold as showed its hand more than mild… its like sayin the last ice age, the mini ice age, all the mild winters or XTREME summer's… are down to global warming?? And for me there's not been a summer as hot or as long as 1976!!… the last 100yrs, they've not been more XTREME than say the 1000yrs or further back than that??… like i said a good few messages back… john hansen of nasa, was proclaiming ' global cooling ' in the 70s and 40yrs or so is a blink in the eye!! Unless the poles melt, then im a non believer… but isnt it supposed to be… ' the day after tomorrow ' if that happens
  14. I don't for believe our climate as changed… we are in a mild pattern!! But since 2005/07… the trend as been a cool/cold one!! I'll never believe in global warming, history shows these patterns before and they'll happen again!! Look at states and the far east… is that global warming!! I think not… we are in a unique position, in that the gulf stream decides alot of our weather We want 30yrs plus from the mid 80s I'm a mild pattern, dotted with cold n snow… only time will tell, if we are in a cold pattern… dotted with mild mush like the last few yrs!! But that EPIC WINTER like 47 or 63… will happen again, nowt surer!! Will that be global warming…
  15. Yeah Stafford is north of the Midlands but South of northern england
  16. But history shows the same from just after the… little ice age, it was similar then… as it is now!! So who knows that EPIC WINTER… is just round the corner!! But we've still a chance before winter is done…
  17. All these TOWELS being throw in!! Why??… must be all this… RINSE n REPEAT, crappy mild autumn we've had for last few yrs
  18. How can the models be taken seriously!! When they change in 6 to 12hr period, I mean really… its impossible, even the Met are struggling… just a thought But they keep showing, the Holy Grail… which is what I want lol
  19. Hope I'm not off topic, but long range forecasts… are really useless, how many times have the MET OFFICE said mild winters ( especially the winters of 09 and 10 ) and look how they turned out!! even there summer ones, I'm sure they have a hat ( for summer or winter )… with 9 mild and 1 cold outlook W… and 1 wet n cool, 9 hot n dry outlook S!!… a chart is only as good as the input, that's put into it!! A week is a long time I weather… and the weather will only do, whatever it does!! It will and does change… a chart for me, what it shows 2day… for a week later, if it shows 75% of what it shows 2/3days later… will be probably be right!! But if not… then start again Ive always felt the MET OFFICE to be mild rampers, no matter what… but so is MADDEN the cold ramper!! But he will get 1 right, eventually lol Ps... I say this about long range or medium range because some are throwing the towel in… with still alot of winter left and they will change whether it will be the holy grail cold n snow… or the bloody boring mild… mucka seems to have perked up a bit, when it seemed the towel had been chucked in…
  20. Lol... Whatever floats ya boat but you wouldn't get much in failsworth
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