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Storm Animal

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Everything posted by Storm Animal

  1. Very heavy snow overnight & this afternoon and still continuing now with blizzard conditions. Total whiteout at the moment. Some pics from earlier this pm
  2. Had over a foot of snow (almost a thigh to be precise, lol) & its blizarding now & quite intense still, which wasnt forecast. Just been out and taken some pics a few hrs ago, so its worse now
  3. Thanks, I dont know where this is coming from but its sooooo intense now its totally unforcast & shocking me how much is building up!
  4. Wow, what a day. Still snowing & heaviest its been all day really. Im shocked its still going, but its absolutely pelting it down and some serious drifting in places too. Glad to see so many folks got snow, like in Liverpool & Manchester got a few inches and made headlines, most impresive. Heres a few ive just taken, hope you enjoy
  5. Not chancing it by car, theres plenty of yuppies flying around on quad bikes! lol. Im going for a walk shortly, so try & take some more of the hills above Oldham
  6. Wind has picked up here causing blizzard like conditions. Hope it continues for a while longer Just taken a few more pics
  7. Still snowing here, that band of snow thats been stuck for hours appears to be heading South. Why is the South of England stealing our thunder already when its not even snowing yet. Cant understand these "extreme" warnings of a foot of snow down South, when we've had more than that here! TV tomorrow will be intolerable coz it will be non stop coverage on all news channels & god help us if it reaches London
  8. Welcome to Netweather! Glad to report moderate snow falling again now after what seems like an age! Temp is currently -0.4oC. Many people out with tractors digging out n stuff, dont think many have attempted going to work
  9. Over a foot of snow up on the higher hills of South Pennines/ Peak District (level cover, not including drifts) Few inches in Manchester City Centre. Just taken some pics from my kitchen, but its worse in real life, getting upto calf/knee level when your out walking in it
  10. Well I gues its slightly better than VERY VERY VERY VERY light snow
  11. Still holding out for another heavy burst of snow, but just a few dribs & drabs over past few hours. Just taken a few pics out over the back fields from the comfort of the kitchen. Its bin collection day here, but as you can see, they aint been emptied, darn Oldham Council!!
  12. Hmmm, not much snow falling recently, yet the radar shows plenty of it. Hope it comes soon, getting impatient! lol
  13. Snow report coming up live from Mancs on Sky news, take a butchers. I cant believe there are inches of snow in the city centre, its very rare
  14. Oh best snow coverage is on Sky News, just seen Manchester city centre reporter and it looks as bad as ive ever seen it in the city!! He also said they have tried to get to do a report from Oldham, but couldnt get there! Apparently the chief of gritting in Oldham has said that the Saddleworth area is a no go area & possibly worse conditions for 25 yrs. Id say theres a least a foot of snow here, and thats not just due to drifting as is sometimes the case
  15. Been fairly quiet here for best part of an hour due to a large gap between the 2 snow bands but there are signs that the 2nd batch is about to hit soon. My friend has walked to Manchester!! There appears to be no buses & I called for a taxi, who told me to forget it!
  16. LOL, maybe the Mayens got it wrong it wasnt 2012, it was infact 2010!!!!!
  17. Appears like there is a brief gap between 2 bands of snow. I dread to think what the roads will be like shortly, in the rush hour. Heard that the snow is ankle deep in Manchester City Centre, so god help us all! lol
  18. Been up for an hour & some really heavy snow falling. Thick covering on main A62, just about passab
  19. Snow started again approx 5mins ago & quite moderate too! Yet more snow to clear off the car coz I got work later Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
  20. LOL @ Trench foot! Is it me or is there another area of snow coming down from north east on the radar?
  21. Several inches of snow this am, died out in the afternoon but was quite heavy & unexpected ;o)
  22. Well its been a good snowy day up here, just been a 2 hour walk and taken a few snaps. Hope everybody had fun playing around in it & not too many broken bones, I slipped on my backside 6 times in dramatic fashion!
  23. A nice covering of snow over past few hours here aswell....appears to be getting lighter now, but then has the odd heavy burst with nice juicy flakes. Temp 0oC and the A62 looks pretty bad from my house, not much gritting activity going on
  24. Glad to report same conditions as Rossendale. Moderate snow for past few hours & nice juicy flakes. Given a couple of inches ontop of existing snow. Temp currently 0oC
  25. Dusting of snow adding to whats already lying this am. Temp was -5oC when I woke up at 8.30am & still below freezing now. Looks like Nenthead up North has had a real good pasting of the white stuff (pic below).....come this way please!! hehe
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