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Everything posted by coldfingers

  1. Yes, I wouldn't like to live on the south side although for a period we also in W,Sussex will get equally badly hit.
  2. I really hope he doesn't say anything he might regret on Monday evening! People so very easily misconstrue what a person says.
  3. You should have posted those in the Western thread not the South East! Oh dear, Oh dear! So sorry GTLTW, I am mixing up the threads now. Forgot this is the severe storm one. VERY humble apologies, please blame in on my old age and too many tabs open.
  4. Hi, hope you do drive home tomorrow because as you say, it wont be a nice day with gale force winds and rain along the South Coast anyway. Come back in summer, much more fun then. Wishing you a good drive home.
  5. Haha, I thought that last line said about taking out neighbours cats! Thankfully they have enough sense to stay in if they have a litter tray.
  6. One whose raincoat blew away! Seriously though, it is a coast where the wind is blowing onshore, just like it will be in Folkstone.
  7. Chloe, I for one am glad you cancelled the caravan. Most definitely NOT the place to be in a storm and the far corner of Kent looks like it could catch the worswt of this coming storm.
  8. I can understand your feelings, That road in is likely to flood also. I don't know if I am more worried or more excited at what could happen but I can promise one thing, I WILL be watching out of the window even though hubby thinks I must be mad!
  9. I like this but REALLY don't want to see anything like '87 again please! I have taken every precaution but living half a mile from the beach and in an area to catch the worst of the wind I am getting a little worried now!
  10. Just a question Paul. Do those wind speeds mean sustained wind speed or highest gust windspeed. Worried if it is sustained as it shows 64.4 for monday, I really don't want that to be sustained winds !
  11. I spent the afternoon strengthening garden fence and gate, putting away anything loose in the garden and picking the rest of the pears on my tree. This afternoon down town I was amazed to hear how many people were talking about the coming storm,I just hope they pay enough attention to actually make sure their gardens are also as safe as possible. No doubt I will end up with neighbours rubbish in my newly tidy garden. LOL. I have candles, new batteries for torches and now plenty of milk, bread and eggs, so I am happy to spend the next day and a half at my computer checking out how the storm develops. Of course if the power goes off then I also have plenty of books to read, hubby will miss his tele though, LOL
  12. Look at a webcam instead! It is safer when the winds is worst but there should be a good swell for a while after the worst of the storm has passed. Ooh, torrential rain here at the moment as well as strong wind. http://www.bognorregisbeach.co.uk/live
  13. If you live in Ryde it won't be as bad as the South side of the Island as it will be sheltered from the worst of the winds, UNTIL that is the winds turn more westerly, then you will feel more of a blow.
  14. If it comes off as the charts are suggesting then I would say Portland is VERY likely to be cut off, unless they have done any upgrade work on the linking road in recent years. It has happened before and the Southwest, turning Westerly look to the winds isn't a good scenario for the causeway. It shouldn't be cut off for too long if it is and remember with neap tides it may not happen.
  15. Very windy, actually gale force already in Bognor and looks to stay close to Gale 8 right until the big storm arrives. Sea already looking very stormy on the cam for Bognor. http://www.bognorregisbeach.co.uk/live Thankfully it is back in full working order ready for the storm. I have spent hours today mending and stabilising the gate in our fence and propping up the neighbours one that is likely to take the full force of this storm. Now everything is ready for the worst so i can relax and watch now.
  16. Icene, that sort of damage sounds more like a tornado touching down for a short while, especially the chimney lifting over the roof. I personally would have thought the South side of the I.O.W. would catch it pretty badly. Be careful and stay safe.
  17. CHIMET shows air temp 16.2C and sea 14.8C, my weather station says 16.4C. Crazy for October and that warm sea water will only fuel this storm.
  18. Someone yesterday gave me a link to two webcams of the beach in Selsey in W.Sussex . They will be good for Monday morning. http://beautifulbeach.bunn-leisure.co.uk/webcam.aspx Bognor also has a superb one with sound as well as superb view of the beach at Bognor. http://www.bognorregisbeach.co.uk/live Sadly today it is off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaargh if it isn't working on Monday morning I wont be responsible for my behaviour! Worth saving these links for Monday, if they aren't blown away. LOL
  19. Can I mention now that if anyone sees damage happening in their garden during a storm, DON'T go out to try to secure anything! A few people have got killed that way in many storms from '87 and onward. Stay safe everyone. You have tomorrow to make everything secure. Do it then even if it turns out not to be necesary in the end. you just may be very thankful on Tuesday that you had foresight.
  20. I am sure the emergency services would far rather you didn't camp!!!! The very least of your problems will be getting extremely wet as soon as your tent collapses
  21. This warmth has been worrying me for days. Was cold on Sunday '87 when we visited family, came out of the house a few hours later and was amazed at the warmth. I am no expert but I think the cold/warm air interaction makes things worse?
  22. Hi Polar bear. Been down visiting the parents? Hope all is well with you and stays that way into late Monday. Tomorrow my garden will be tidier than all summer. LOL.
  23. Please don't talk about it tracking further north, I can see Isle of Wight from where i live and I am also only half a mile from the beach. I REALLY don't want this storm to even be a baby of '87. Once in a lifetime is enough, also my daughter is only one street away from the beach with South facing windows. Thankfully their bedroom is to the north.
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