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Everything posted by coldfingers

  1. Thanks for the reply, son has been studying arboriculture and his interest is rubbing off on me.
  2. Hi John, what you said is just what my hubby would have said. I however would have done more than tut, I would have boxed his ears! LOL, after 30 years married i reckon i deserve the right to do that. OOPS sorry, seriously off topic.
  3. Hi Gaz, just as a matter of interest, do you get many Oaks up North? This is a genuine question and I would be interested in an answer. If you do I suggest anyone should never shelter under an oak in a windstorm, they tend to lose very heavy branches very easily.
  4. If it is too bad the ferries wont run. If it is just bad then DON'T go into the loos or you will regret it and throw up too. I once crossed the channel in a F9 gale, too many people were sick. Horrible!
  5. Ooer! Seriously, if it WAS progged to be VERY bad close to the event, in your place I would get B&B for Sunday night! Just keep a good watch on the charts for now, things may calm down a bit.
  6. It sure can Southernman and Selsey has had more than it's fair share of flooding problems too. I may head that way at low tide after the storms to look for any fossils exposed on the beach. NO not old people I don't mean. Being nearly one I can say that. Now I have to check the location of the cam.
  7. I reckon overkill . Didn't tape ours during '87 storm (we never knew it was coming anyway) and nothing blew in, mind you, our house was sheltered and I did see lofts open to the air later that morning. No, no need to tape anything but ones mouth to stop the screams.
  8. Thanks for the link, can never have too many webcams when it is stormy. Selsey sticks out into the Channel further than Bognor so may catch the weather more, depends which direction the wind comes from. Nice to have a cam facing east and one west too!
  9. Oops sorry Nick, I forget about trolls. A nice web-cam from Bognor if Monday does come off. better in daylight! http://www.bognorregisbeach.co.uk/live
  10. If anyone wants to watch the waves on their computer, safe in their nice warm home, here is a good webcam. This is a new cam this year. http://www.bognorregisbeach.co.uk/live You will hear any high winds too.
  11. And how old were you in '87? 8 years old? People screamed about the METO not giving a warning then even though the forecast systems were nothing like today. I AM NOT saying this is another '87, far from it, however I AM saying this has a potential to hurt some people very badly at a time when many people will be out and about their business. NEVER disregard warnings, or one day it may be your last warning.
  12. Ah but Victor, you must enjoy doing it every year or you wouldn't know it was happening!
  13. Sadly people may be more aware of the potential of severe storms but most have an 'It will never happen to me attitude'. I really hope people listen to the warnings and remember property can be rebuilt, human bodies are much frailer! Too many people died in '87 for silly reasons.
  14. I remember the first time I realised railway lines could rust. That was the morning after the overnight '87 storm. No trains running for 24 hours and ALL roads out of Bognor Regis blocked by fallen trees, and lots of them! Seemed so odd to see rail lines red instead of shiny. There were certainly plenty of leaves on the line that morning, worst problem was..... they were attached to tree trunks!
  15. Katrina though had just come over some very warm waters and was massive! This is a low pressure system with potential to be awful. I would be more than shocked if it bombed to the same depth as '87. That was a horrendous night and a horrendous clean-up. Anyone who was alive during that storm would NEVER wish to experience that again. Thankfully this wont be that bad. That was a one in a lifetime storm, and my lifetime isn't over by a long way yet. I remember the tornado in Bognor, tore every roof tile off my friends roof and blew their windows half-way out and the weather was nothing like what is currently forecast for Monday. I would think some places would likely get a tornado from this storm, hopefully they will be few and far between.
  16. If anyone wants to watch for more weather on the South coast this Bognor webcan is brilliant. http://www.bognorregisbeach.co.uk/live
  17. Absolutely horrendous squall just sweeping through Bognor at the moment. It was relatively windy then the rain started, fortunately just as I finished moving the lawn. Then the rain and wind went totally mad!! I was expecting a tornado here also but thankfully after 5 minutes it is just back to torrential rain. The worst squall I have seen here for many, many years and I have seen a good few! CHIMET is showing a 47 knot gust/54mph. No thunder or lightning though. http://www.chimet.co.uk/%28S%28ssugix45etzrcyyvh15u1q45%29%29/Default.aspx
  18. Absolutely horrendous squall just sweeping through Bognor at the moment. It was relatively windy then the rain started, fortunately just as I finished moving the lawn. Then the rain and wind went totally mad!! I was expecting a tornado here also but thankfully after 5 minutes it is just back to torrential rain. The worst squall I have seen here for many, many years and I have seen a good few! CHIMET showing a gust up to 47knot/54mph http://www.chimet.co.uk/%28S%28ssugix45etzrcyyvh15u1q45%29%29/Default.aspx
  19. Wish mine had. It isn't an expensive one but the anemometer wont turn. Any idea how best to lubricate it? It was a new one put up only a few weeks ago but the windspeed showed a max gust of 8mph today. Been actually Force 7 to F8.
  20. We had gritters out early in Bognor town centre but then a full on blizzard developed for around an hour. No salt or grit could cope with that. Snow came down, melted by salt, froze then more snow on top of ice. Deadly out there on the roads tonight. better perhaps if it hadn't been gritted in the first place.
  21. Don't know where you are in Sussex Kate but here in Bognor it is still snowing 3 inches in my back garden and the radar looks to be pushing heavier precip slightly further north from what i can see. http://www.raintoday.co.uk/
  22. Friends were in Marshall Ave, long since moved though. Just round the corner from where you were. That was a day for sure!!! All I heard on the other side of town was a loud thump of the front door. You did miss the Hurricane of '87 then. Now that was a night to remember down here. Today is a day to remember too, never had a March day like this before and I have lived here for 48 years. And still it snows. WOW. Need my sleep now. Almost forgot, now 3 inches of laying snow in my back garden.
  23. Great emg. Thanks for the update to your profile and I now can pinpoint your location even closer because of the tornado in your road. Only a relatively small area was affected badly. I had a friend in one of those roads. Every single tile was ripped off their roof and the old sash windows had to be replaced as they were almost sucked right out and as she had small children at the time it had to be done as a matter of urgency. And really I am sure last year we couldn't have had the sunshine record either as it was so poor. Not often we get this sort of weather either! I am finding it hard to believe we have had almost 17 hours non-stop snow, must be a record for Bognor.
  24. I agree, the last time I remember was in the '70's and having to drive up to London in -6C daytime temps in an old Morris 1,000 (Jelly Mould) that had no heater!! I remember the smell of spraying de-icer inside the windscreen to this day. NOT fun. By the way emg, what is your location? can you put it into your profile please as it makes it easier for others to see what the local weather is in your area. Thanks if you can.
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