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Red Raven

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Posts posted by Red Raven

  1. It's a bit like Noah's ark

    Do you spend trillions building an ark, what happens if you don't need the ark but just a paddle?

    I think we need realism rather then panic. We have some light drizzle so buy a mac don't build a storm shelter capable of with standing 200mph blizzards just yet

    If Hurricane activity in the Atlantic basin last year was double the forecast it would be on every front page

    When it's below forecast its a 'blip'.


    Its more stark than that - watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDsIFspVzfI

  2. I just looked back at my student research i did in the early 90's and found some figures that could be useful.

    As I vaguely suggested in my earlier post that maybe the ozone hole isn't the cause but more to do with something connected to it, ie the CFC's. Unlike other GH gasses CFC's have no known natural sink and as a result linger in the atmosphere for up to 400 years and are 3000 to 13000 times more effective as a green house gas than CO2. I think it would be good to see that info graphed against the temperature changes.

    To save typing I've attached a scan of the relevant pages from my masters (finshed in 92 - so be kind :doh: )


  3. Having given SF's point regarding coincidence early I thought I would struggle with Excel and plot Ozone hole size again Global mean temps since 1979. Sorry its a but crude but see what you think, is it just a coincidence?


    It is an interesting corelation and one I think has some legs. I think its also important to recognise that the ozone gas at high altitude, where it forms a protective filter, performs/reacts very differently at lower altitudes. The gas at sea level is a poison and one that is bad news not just for breathing life but also for its possible affect on the climate. Could the correlation therefore, not be between the ozone hole but the ozone pollution created at teh surface.

  4. Quick answer to the question - No

    Slightly longer answer - Back in 1992 when i finsihed my masters in climate change I concluded that the evidence was unclear both ways, but what was clear is that the human race was having an unprecedented effect on the world and it would be unwise to think that that effect would not bring about instability (or change in pattern) of the global climate.

    My personal view, now and at the time, is that AGW would bring about the things we are seeing in China etc.

  5. We Shall see. If you look at iceage now site you will see many articals about the comming Global cooling. As For Us At present I really do think that over the next 10 years we shall cool down and this could begin at any time now. In Some months it has already began. For exaple there has not been a true hot August in England since 2003 and apart from July 2006 even these months have been cooler. The Net weather forcats modles at Present seem to show that next summer will be a cold one with well below averages Temps. This is against global warming trends for summer in England. There A good chance in the next 10 years we will see bitter cold winters as cold as the worst ones of the 20th century. Like I pointed out cold can start with in a year and with out warning.

    I'm certainly no expert in data analysis but if you look at the graph i have produced using the Manley data set updated with the PARKER AND HORTON data (all taken straight from the MET office web site).

    The earliest year is 1659 and latest 2006, as you can see with a simple linear trend line applied the trend is up. I cant see how the data can show anything other than a continual increase in mean temperatures for the CET area.


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