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Everything posted by noggin

  1. I moved house last year. My new garden was a weedy quagmire, but it meant that I could plant it out from scratch. It was lovely to be able to pick and choose plants that would attract insects and the garden is now buzzing. The hoverflies are loving the escallonia and the lovely big fat bees can't seem to get enough of the foxgloves and nasturtiums in particular. It just feels so right to be sharing the garden with these lovely creatures.
  2. Do we know the anomaly for June, yet? The Met Office still haven't updated since the 27th. I'm on tenterhooks!
  3. The CET anomaly is still -0.2 and that is up to the 27th. Just today and the weekend to go. Will we stay below the average or will we just sneak over it? How sad am I, to find it quite exciting? I really need to get out more!
  4. The anomaly up to the 26th is -0.2. It looks like it'll be touch and go whether we get another "minus" month. Has anyone any idea about the likelihood of achieving this?
  5. Ah, thank you for saying that, Pit. I've been wanting to say it for a few days but was fearful of the possible backlash.I am glad to see that the comment has been well received!
  6. Hello.After the few cold days/nights we had recently, the anomaly on the Met Office CET table dropped down to what seemed (to me!) to be a reasonable level. I keep a close eye on it and it seemed proportional. Also, I live in the CET area (just about) and I feel that that is a bit of a help when monitoring the anomalies.However, when things warmed up slightly, my jaw dropped at how the level of anomaly (Hadley) had lessened, just in one day. It seemed out of all proportion to the general and slight warming-up. I found it quite hard to comprehend how it could have changed so much.Some sort of error possibly?
  7. Oh, so if I delete temporary files, would that do the trick? I think I know how to do that....
  8. Delete catch? Please excuse my ignorance but how do I do that? I am a total nincompoop with technology, but I would like to have my smileys back.........
  9. Hello, Earth, this is noggin speaking. Can report an overcast day, but without that blasted wind, at last. Even better........my daffs are now in full bloom! Oh, the joys of a north facing border. Tsk, tsk.
  10. Seems to be working, but still no smileys. Sorry to be off topic....haven't been able to post for a while. Turned into quite a nice day eventually........actually had some sunshine this afternoon!
  11. The CET anomaly for April, up to the 8th, is -3.0c. Is there any possibility of it ending up as a positive anomaly? I only ask because January, February and March anomalies were negative and it would surely be impressive to have April end up negative as well. Thank you in advance.
  12. I feel all of your pain, having moved into a right hovel last August and having had the builders in for 4 months. Mind you, they have finished now and at least I am now living north of the M4 rather than south of it. Not that it has provided us with increased amounts of snow; it's still near miss after near miss. Now I have the garden to get together, having had to clear the existing one completely and am overspending on my garden budget (tut tut!). Every spare minute is spent in the garden now and by the end of today everything should be planted up and I am looking forward to any rain to help everything settle in. Stuff the house..........I'd rather be spending my time working in and thoroughly enjoying my garden. Oh, sort of on topic.........still having to scrape ice from the car at 6.30 every morning. I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful sunshine; It's actually quite warm out of any wind.
  13. Ah, just like the non-existent snow.....always being pushed out a bit further away into the future. Now we have a carrot of warmth being dangled in front of us!
  14. That's it, folks..............no more snow. I've been trying to find this article for ages and have succeeded at last. Note the date of the article, (the date under the heading, not today's date!) http://www.independe...ast-724017.html
  15. Thanks, AWD, for a very clear and informative post. I am glad that things look to be getting a little less cold. Having had such a memorable March, I am ready to file it away in my memory banks and look forward to something a bit warmer. Might even be able to sort out my poor garden.
  16. Yipeeeee! Met Office CET for March 2013 is 2.7. We have beaten March 1962 (2.8 ) by a whisker. Coldest since 1892, which was also 2.7. Yipeeeee!
  17. Blink and you'd miss it, but, the very slightest of snizzly stuff blowing about here in Coalpit Heath. NOT an April Fool joke. It is far too serious a subject to be joking about!
  18. This is truly terrible. Poor farmers and poor animals. At the risk of being told off for getting political, this sort of situation (and the floods of last year) is where the government should be spending "aid" money.........not sending it abroad to tin pot dictators and countries who have more money than we do.
  19. Hi, BFTV. A genuine question (as always).....is it not the sun that causes changes to sea ice and ocean currents?
  20. No....at first glance I thought it said swazilandmet.co.uk !
  21. Not 3 or 4, because it looks like the Channel Islands are being sidelined by being abbreviated, whilst Cornwall/Kernow gets it's full name.
  22. ....me too. I thought I was going nuts! PS There are still some people "over there"!
  23. Oh, for goodness' sake..........I thought I was going nuts! Off to the new thread, then. Will this one be locked, to help the easily confused?
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