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Barmada Casten

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Everything posted by Barmada Casten

  1. Nice photos, how has places like Ambleside and Bowness done. Will be kicking myself only moved away last year and that was where I last saw proper snow!!
  2. dont take as gospel its a narrow, volatile system that can shift very quickly. do not take as gospel till the time. I still am predicting a non-event, sleet for most......
  3. I live in Bolton. We have had sleet and rain showers all day. There is no lying snow. There was half a cm this morning that melted quickly. I have fared a lot worse than majority of people on here reporting decent snow accumulations. I feel physically sick at the news that the polar low will not be hitting this part of the region and will now log off for good and drink a large volume of alcohol to numb the pain. Its quite difficult for me to take this as it happens repeatedly every year and I am quite passionate about snow. I drove 400 miles north last night essentially, for a bit of sleet.
  4. only parts of nw affected are merseyside, cheshire and north wales. looks to be affecting mostly the south and west. Absolutely, well and truly unbelievable.
  5. I sir have experienced the exact same - horrible feeling is'nt it? especially when its something you feel passionate about....
  6. Not personally no. Brought mild temps and rain for me....
  7. I remember John Kettley mis-forecasting one in great detail back in winter 03/04 - would have brought major snow event to the officially snowless city of Lancaster, for the first time in 7/8 years. It never came and I destroyed my sink in anger.
  8. Not sure why there is so much excitement, only set to hit south merseyside, cheshire and north wales. IT WILL COMPLETELY MISS THE BULK OF THE NW: LANCASHURE, CUMBRIA, GTR MANCHESTER ETC.
  9. just posted in the polar low thread but i don't know why i bother i kn ow deep down i will see nothing from this, as per chuffing usual. Ah polar lows, rare phenomenal snow events that affect the north west very rarely delivering bucket loads of snow - i doubt it will affect Cumbria, Merseyside, Cheshire, and all parts of GTR MAnchester and Lancashire with the exception of the area where I live. Currently looking out of my window where it is raining, grey and there is now no snow cover whatsoever. yawn.....
  10. what is bolton, lancs chances of seeing anything from this. had barely a squiff and no lying snow whatsoever now...
  11. dont worry i feel your pain, I have suffered just as badly as you here, and now talks of polar lows hitting everyone other than us. Really quite depressing....
  12. Bit of info on what the Bolton area might get would be nice..... there are some of us round here with hardly any snow to speak of...
  13. anyone got a clue if Bolton area is due anything??...
  14. Probably for everyone except those in the Bolton/Preston area....
  15. Pretty much nothing here in Bolton, absolutely deplorable. Up there with one of the biggest anti-climaxes in my lifetime - 12 hours of constant heavy snowfall my a**e!!! Although I have been here so many, many times before I still find it incredibly baffling!! - WHY IS IT ALWAYS EVERYWHERE OTHER THAN ME!!!!
  16. Could anyone please explain why here in Bolton there is barely sufficient snow to cover the ground while the rest of the NW appears to be inundated with heavy snow. Really starting to get fed up with this now....
  17. and to add to my frusrration reports of snow everywhere around me, preston, manchester etc. could things really get any worse??
  18. well i have just travelled from down south (near London) to Bolton overnight. having looked at all avaialable weather reports I was expecting to arrive here in Bolton to prolonged heavy snow, and decent accumulations on the ground. All I have got is fine rain. I am too old (29) to get wound up by this, as it is probably he hundreth time that a predicted snow event has failed to materialise but nevertheless I am absolutely flabbergasted and annoyed by this.
  19. well seeing as i have moved to Guildford I guess it won't snow here any time soon - usually avoids me. Having lived in Lancaster, Cumbria and now Guildford in the last ten years I have experienced proper heavy snowfall twice. tempted to go back up to north west where im from to catch it all up there.
  20. West Cumbria does suffer, albeit from that major dumping in winter 12/13 which was an extremely rare event. In fact away from high ground Cumbria does'nt fair well, eg/ Carlisle, Cumbria, Keswick etc. Othe poor locations in the NW are the Fylde coast and perhaps the most snowless place in the UK: Lancaster - which last ahd a major snowfall event in 1996!!
  21. Great post Damian, here we got 2cm last sun/mon which soon melted (apart from some parts in rural areas) and today we have had about half a cm - dusting. Dissapointing in this part of the Lakes but your post summed up my thoughts/feelings entirely.
  22. Fantastic post mate. Really happy for the Blackpool/Fylde lot if anyone deserved it it was you guys. Really enjoyed your company over the last few days and thanks for keeping us up to date. Barmada Casten
  23. Some persistent light snow in the evening has brought a 'dusting' ie/ less than half a cm which has largely melted in urban areas. So we got some snow but evidently far less than everyone else - the Lake District has been so unlucky with these recent systems which seem to have avoided us almost deliberately!! Best chance for further snowfall will be on the leading edge of the rain front later this week - accumulations of 2cm on lower levels of wet snow before rapidly turning to rain as the mild air sets in. In retrospect higher ground will see accumulations increase further. Hope evryone's OK!
  24. Apologies I was lead to believe Lancaster had some. I lived in Lancaster for 4 years and know the pains of living there and not seeing any snow. I would def rank it in the top 5 snowless parts of England. 1996 I believe was the last time Lancaster saw significant snowfall. Whats the situation for the Lakes atm Liam?
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