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Everything posted by Cymru

  1. Nothing here. Just cold and grey with lying snow slowly thawing.
  2. Welcome Basset Hound :unsure: You'll learn a lot on this site. I know I have. Still learning in fact.
  3. Snowing here, Mark. Like your area though, it's very fine snow.
  4. Snowing heavily here now. Have around 6cm from this morning's snow and present fall settling on top of that.
  5. Snowing again here! It turned to fine drizzle at around mid afternoon but now it's back to snow and big flakes at that!
  6. Started snowing again here. Biggest flakes we've had so far today. Still got a good covering from this morning's snow as well.
  7. Fine drizzle here now. Still got a good covering of snow though. Hoping we'll get more as temps drop this evening.
  8. Snow started at around 7am this morning and we've got a good covering. Around 6 to 7cm. Still snowing but there's sleety grains mixed in with it now.
  9. We've got crisp snow here, jimmyay. I went for a walk this morning and it was dry and crunchy under foot. Still snowing now. Tiny granules though. I know what you mean about soggy Atlantic snow though. That's the kind I really detest, the slushy grey sort.
  10. Snow stopped earlier but is falling again now. Very, very fine though. You almost need a magnifying glass to see it with!. Sky has brightened up too, unfortunately. Oh for bigger fatter flakes.
  11. Stopped snowing here but the wind is really getting up now. Hopefully we'll get more soon. Forecast has us down for snow up to mid-afternoon.
  12. Fine snow falling since seven this morning. Still snowing but the flakes have got bigger and the wind has got up. Everywhere looks beautiful.
  13. Been like that here since about 7am this morning. Now though, the flakes are getting bigger and it's getting heavier. Sky looks full of it. I went for a walk over the fields and noticed the wind had got up too.
  14. Send some over this way It's snowing here but very lightly and there's sleet mixed in with it. A good covering on the ground though. I think it started about 7 am time as it wasn't snowing when I looked out an hour earlier.
  15. Clear starry skies, very cold, frost on grass on lawn already.
  16. Hmmm, I've been taken in before by frontal systems. I remember one forecast when we were supposed to have a huge dumping of snow only to wake up that morning to slush and rain. I'm praying this doesn't happen again.
  17. Yes, PP, it is. Sorry, I tend to forget that others elsewhere may not be familiar with the shortened version.
  18. Feeling quite warm in the sun. Grrrrrr.
  19. Interesting, TEITS. Personally, I'm hoping the snow results chart comes off rather than your view as that would benefit me the most. However, I've got a sinking feeling that you're right and I'll get lighter snow, or even rain, here on the Notts border.
  20. Clear cold and frosty. Temp around -4 now. Lovely sunshine out there but bitter. Very calm.
  21. East Midlands, nowhere near the North as far as I am aware
  22. Couldn't agree with you more, Tamara. Snowfall that turns to rain is useless as far as I am concerned. What's the point? I would much rather have cold, frosty days and nights with plenty of sun than an hour of snow followed by drizzle and mild temperatures.
  23. Number 5 would be my ideal scenario but failing that, number 4. I really don't want to see any rain, and snow turning to rain after a couple of hours, as in number 2, would be like offering me a present then, just as I was unwrapping it, taking it off me.
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