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Everything posted by jethro

  1. Apologies. Merely trying to suggest that winter isn't late, nor half way through, it's just beginning. Maybe if folk considered it that way, they'd be less frustration and teeth gnashing whilst waiting for some decent charts to appear. It's not like there's a whole lot of excitement to discuss at the mo, is there? A bit diversion surely isn't the end of the world, especially given this is the general 'hunt for cold' thread and suggesting the time to hunt for it is really only just beginning.
  2. It's far from simple though. Speaking as someone who lives in the SW, borderline temperatures where snow might happen if we're lucky, result in nowt but rain due to the warm sea temperatures in late Autumn/early Winter if the METO dates are used. Those same borderline temperatures are more likely to produce snow around here from late December onwards,(astrological winter) once the sea has cooled. I'm a gardener by trade, cutting grass long into late November/early December is common, cutting it at the beginning of March is unheard of. Nature doesn't say 'woohoo, it's Spring' on March 1st. Tempering expectations of winter weather by paying heed to when astrological winter starts could save a lot of teeth gnashing around here, early December snow and thick frost is a rare beast. Late December, early January however, is a reasonable time to expect some.
  3. It's not pedantic though, is it? The METO definition is simply an arbitrary thing to make it easier to classify the weather in neat little chunks, it's more of a record keeping/filing system thing. The weather isn't influenced by a filing system, but because their filing system dictates that winter starts on December 1st, people's expectations are that 'winter is here' when it very rarely is. The METO definition has simply added another 3 weeks in which hope/expectation of cold, snowy weather is high, when in reality, it's actually the end of Autumn. Physical things, such as the length of day, do influence the weather so astrological dates are (in my opinion) more relevant when applied to the weather we can expect. People often complain about the endless, tedious autumn weather, 'when will winter kick in?' because of the METO arbitrary date. But if you look at the things likely to lead to winter proper starting, such as day length, sea temperatures, soil temperatures etc, December 21st makes far more sense. Winter is but 8 days old, we're not half way through winter with dwindling prospects of cold and snow, we're at the start of winter with promising signs that it will kick in with a vengeance soon.
  4. Morning, woken to 100% cloud cover again today, such a shame after the last couple of mornings of blue sky and sunshine. Got that eerie twilight glow here of never really getting light all day, incredibly mild too. This weather is so tedious.
  5. Morning all, hope you all had a good Christmas. Weather here was dry but cloudy for the big day, gave way to rain overnight, yesterday was 100% cloud, never really getting light but it stayed dry and it was lovely to walk the dogs without getting soaked. This morning however, if it wasn't for the temperature, you'd swear it was a summer morning, blue sky with low level mistiness that in summer would burn off quickly to leave a brilliant day. Looks promising.
  6. Well it's here again, that big day When we dream of ice and snow to play The fun, the games, no shop can sell Of sledging and skating on snow that fell Santa will you come, make dreams come true? Give us snow to play 'til our fingers turn blue We've been good, I promise, no naughty deeds So just for once, will you fulfil our needs? Of snow so deep and crisp and white, When we open our curtains, oh what a sight! Why this obsession, with white fluffy flakes? Why the dreams of snow when all awakes? It's a time for peace, goodwill to all men A time to remember when we were ten We want magic and joy, free to have fun Of rain, mist and fog, we want none  It's Christmas Santa, your time to shine We want to believe so give us a sign That you listen and care, want dreams to come true I've asked time and again, I'm sure that you knew That all we want, all that we need Is for you to be kind, just this one deed We know it's too cold for rain up above And every flake is an Angel's kiss of love So at this time of year, surely you must Defy all the odds, prove the models are bust And grant us our wishes, make dreams come true Give us snow to play, 'til our fingers turn blue Merry Christmas my fellow snow freaks, hope you all have a good one.
  7. Well it's here again, that big day When we dream of ice and snow to play The fun, the games, no shop can sell Of sledging and skating on snow that fell Santa will you come, make dreams come true? Give us snow to play 'til our fingers turn blue We've been good, I promise, no naughty deeds So just for once, will you fulfil our needs? Of snow so deep and crisp and white, When we open our curtains, oh what a sight! Why this obsession, with white fluffy flakes? Why the dreams of snow when all awakes? It's a time for peace, goodwill to all men A time to remember when we were ten We want magic and joy, free to have fun Of rain, mist and fog, we want none It's Christmas Santa, your time to shine We want to believe so give us a sign That you listen and care, want dreams to come true I've asked time and again, I'm sure that you knew That all we want, all that we need Is for you to be kind, just this one deed We know it's too cold for rain up above And every flake is an Angel's kiss of love So at this time of year, surely you must Defy all the odds, prove the models are bust And grant us our wishes, make dreams come true Give us snow to play, 'til our fingers turn blue Merry Christmas my fellow snow freaks, hope you all have a good one.
  8. Is this likely to be as continuous and devastating as then?
  9. Lol. Nope but for lovers of trivia it's the Poldark church, used for funerals/weddings/services in the series. It's my village church, set across the fields in total isolation, it has the most complete set of Georgian box pews in the country and this lovely angel guards the entrance. She always looks extra pretty with a cloak of snow.
  10. I've had a word with the Angel of snow, she says she's very sorry that her plans of making our Christmas dreams come true aren't going to happen but promises that all the ingredients are in stock and will be delivered soon. Apparently the chiefs up high still aren't happy that some foolish earthling decided to shift the date of Christmas by 13 days and are sticklers for tradition, they insist January 7th is Christmas day so if we fools want a White Christmas, they'll deliver it then.
  11. Thought I was going to be able to report a completely dry day, but oh no, it's raining. Again.
  12. Haven't seen a spot of rain today, stayed dry and sunny all day, still dry and clear now. Sods law it was an inside day today but it was still nice to not have rain battering down on the greenhouse, especially as it's an enormous old wooden one that has shrunk during the hot summer and now leaks like a sieve. Been making Christmas at work, dodgy pics, really must get a better phone.... What are the chances of getting a cold Christmas? I know snow is out of the question, but dry and frosty? Can't make head nor tail of the hunt for cold thread, one says zonal all the way, another says that's baloney. Makes my head spin.
  13. It's still dry and we have a bonafide Christmas miracle..... it's sunny.
  14. I have an announcement to make...…. IT'S NOT RAINING!!!!! Hallebloodylujah!
  15. Miserable here, steady rain all day, light level akin to sunset, grim.
  16. Morning all, another wet and windy start to the day here. I'm hoping this dreary, dank autumnal weather will give way to winter soon, astronomical winter starts on Friday, with a bit of luck it'll be turning colder and dryer soon.
  17. Afternoon, it's not been a bad day here, appreciating the dry but sadly it's just a brief respite, more incoming tomorrow. Looking on the bright side, at this time of year I won't be getting wet at work as I'll be busy in the greenhouse, made this today to go in the white garden at work, tomorrow I'll be making garlands and dressing fireplaces - all indoor work
  18. The mere thought of Cribbs Causeway makes me lose the will to live, especially this close to Christmas. Thankfully I've actually been organised for a change, pressies all bought and wrapped.
  19. Seriously, don't do it. The worst service ever, booked and paid for a room on-line, drove from Somerset got there at 9.30pm (as agreed via phone) they didn't have a room for us, denied us ever booking despite having the receipt. They put us in a grotty bunk room, one bathroom between guests and staff, and it just went downhill from there. Had to stay that night as no chance of finding anything else, left the next day with the landlady following us outside screaming and hurling abuse at us for leaving, Very unpleasant lady.
  20. Just saying the same last night, I think the last dry Saturday we had here was 16th November.
  21. Morning all, filthy morning here, cold, wet and windy. Local artisan Christmas market in Shepton Mallet cancelled due to high winds toppling the town Christmas tree and stalls blowing over. Not exactly festive weather.
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