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Everything posted by Don

  1. I wonder what's preventing the strat warmings from downwelling properly this season?
  2. Derecho I suppose one of the questions remain, will March come in under February?
  3. You will need to replace your chickens with ducks!
  4. It is indeed. Lying snow on the hills survived today (after expecting a thaw), so wish I'd taken another trip to them. Seen some awesome photos on internet today with the snow covered Shropshire Hills in the sun!
  5. *Stormforce~beka* will do. It would be nice to actually look forward to seeing snow, rather than merely hoping, only to be dashed!
  6. *Stormforce~beka* What's the betting we will all get excited about winter prospects come autumn, only for it to be yet another farce?!
  7. Wade Indeed, I've meaning meaning to book a winter holiday to Scandinavia or Canada for some time now!
  8. Norrance familiar story with talk of colder weather in the extended downgraded! After the winter just gone, I don't know why they bother still mentioning the possibility of cold spells? I suppose they have to cover their backs, even if they think the chances are next to none?!
  9. In other words, early spring continues the same tone of winter, i.e. it ain't gonna happen and we can probably realistically rule out any 'genuine' cold weather until November?!
  10. I certainly wouldn't bet against that, with the cold opening not amounting to much.
  11. Beanz ok but would you say to someone ‘some of us hang out here for weather, not just for warmth’ after an exceptionally cool and wet summer?
  12. Snow at Cardingmill Valley and the Long Mynd this afternoon. Only heavy rain in Longden, with a bit of sleet!
  13. Yet again, earlier Met Office forecasts were going for sleet/snow for me tomorrow, but have downgraded to cold damn rain!
  14. Had the 'twists and turns' of the models led to cold spells properly materialising, then I would have agreed with this!
  15. Erm no, I think you're thinking about 2013 not 2023?!
  16. Well, there's the answer then. Stay bloody negative about cold/snow and it just might come to fruition!!
  17. Summer18 I was only 3C off!! So much for February being the month to look forward to this winter!
  18. cheeky_monkey I think there were some thoughts that the El Nino would develop into a Modiki type, which of course it never did?
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