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Everything posted by Geordiesnow

  1. Well i'm going to bed expecting no snowfall during the night despite what the beeb graphics indicate. Who knows i might see a touch of lying snow as i did this morning to my surprice. But its all melted(apart from where people left a pile of snow in there gardens) now due to that E wind which bought the warming affect off the sea which is sadly what may affect Saturday's possible 'event'.
  2. I know PP. Whenever its snows in the South its chaos and the BBC loves to report. Whenever its snows up North its never get menturn or as much chaos. Schools are getting more soft i think and i'm sure i been to school with 10CM of snow before.
  3. I notice that the heaviest of the PPN always seems to be in the sea(apart from Ireland). This is what will make the front slow down and give a good dumping in the East Midlands. When looking at the rader i wonder how EA and the SE will get snow, its heading NE missing these too areas
  4. I would be very surpriced and if i was in your location and it was snowing at 10 i'll be slightly concerened. 8 hours ahead of scheldue? It would mean that the cold air is weak and this front will be alot futher North than forecasted. However i don't think this is the case.
  5. I don't know why people are looking at this free rader cr*p. For starters PPN can't change direction like that. And 2 nobody can't forecast the exact location and intensity of a PPN band. So theres no point looking at that because its useless!!
  6. It could so stay positive! Must remember cloud cover and wind will raise the tempertures so consequently making the band go a tad faster though i have me doubts about this.
  7. Its been doing that all the time for some reason. It won't head North like that, Its going in a NE direction at the moment. I think the wind might be tricking the rader because the wind is SE so the rader may think the PPN heads North which is clearly not the case!
  8. NP. Sure you can Back on topic and its seems that the band is weakned ever so slightly. Its still way ahead of schedule still aswell.
  9. I wish people will lay off Blizzards back and let us respect his view in what he think. I also think he is generally excited about this snow so you can't blame him being all hyped up!. I would be excited if i was in his location so let him makes his predictions regardless weather they are right or wrong.
  10. I must say its come quicker than first thought but i don't think its too much of a worry. One very small concern maybe that the cloud cover before the PPN may help rise the temps slightly. The tempertures are important in what speed this front moves. Of corse the colder the slower its get, I also think patiantce will be key tonight aswell.
  11. It will slow down once its bumps into the cold air. I must say its come quicker than first thought but i don't think its too much of a worry. One very small concern maybe that the cloud cover before the PPN may help rise the temps slightly. The tempertures are important in what speed this front moves. Of corse the colder the slower its get, I also think patiantce will be key tonight aswell. oops wrong thread. i'll C+P most of this in the snow discussion thread (sorry mods).
  12. Despite that i'm not going to see much(if any) snow in this system i am frustrated by the METO constant web server too busy. The Meteo rader is bull. The band is heading NE not stright N! So no need to ring the alarm bells yet.
  13. They look more NEE to me but they are going so slow its hard to call. Snow cover stayed in the shaded area with very little if no thaw, with only where the sun shines there was a thaw however saying that i was surpriced to see some snow on some parts of the pavements and grass in my street. despite the sun shining on it.
  14. Well good luck PP. We got 1 CM here now roughly so anything more is a bonus, i hope i'm not trying to rub it in. lol. Good night!
  15. Snow is nearly stopped now but i'm going to bed a happy boy
  16. You are joking? Big flakes here now for the last 10mins. This is getting peristant aswell. Starting to ease off and visability is getting clearer but hey i'm satisfied.
  17. Snowing now here again. More Snow than hail now, sky lovly orange colour. I really hope PP gets some of this.
  18. Well the first 1 contain mostly hail. Everything is white stright away. Looks like more on the way.
  19. Hopefully reports will come from Tyneside soon. I used to listen to Nightowls but since i plugged me laptop in at Xmas i never have me radio on. So i don't know if Alan Robson doing anymore ghosthunts. Visabilty reducing to my NE. Great looking snowcloud to my North. Not snowing YET.
  20. You could say 1 min theres no cloud to the north then the next there is a resonable snow cloud coming your way. According to the METO rader it should be snowing or PPN at least falling but theres nowt. Cloud is heading this way though but weather its contain PPN remains a mystery because its not like a normal snowcloud.
  21. Theres snow cloud to my East. To my NE theres cloud but its certainly does not look like a snow cloud!. Answers on a postcard please.
  22. Its quite odd that i must say, I can see the clouds but i don't know if PPN is falling or not. Normally rader's are very good picking up PPN so i have no clue whats going on. Theory says that with snow its might show the PPN in 1 place but the snow flakes are actully landing in another place - i'm sure someone on here posted that.
  23. Well who knows, then again you like staying up till 4/5AM so you may see something. I just hope it won't be the case that i see a line of showers just to the east of me because then that be a big kick in the teeth.
  24. Don't jynx it PP :lol: Lets hope so and head a bit futher inland. At least you got NW X so you know weather its intensifying or not.
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