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Duncan McAlister

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Everything posted by Duncan McAlister

  1. Just for fun. I make it that the 00z would give -0.75 which would be rounded up to -0.7, just missing out on equalling the record. I've got a feeling it could come as close as that!
  2. Mild and wet, a less extreme version of 2009. 8.6C for me please.
  3. 11.1 Just missed the deadline :blush:
  4. Should correct the above, 4.2C was the hourly minimum. In Another Place the minimum for the whole night is given as 3.6C !
  5. 2.7C at Prestwick AP at 7am. Quite extraordinary for us here on the coast in late August.
  6. Looks like some pretty low mins in the CET area (4.2C at Pershore). At Prestwick it reached 2.7C, quite extraordinary for here in late August.
  7. I thought today would have been the warmest day of the summer here owing to the sunshine all day and +8 hPa, it's certainly felt it with the light winds. To my surprise the highest value on the Met Office 'latest' page for Prestwick is 19.7C. 20+C days really have been as rare as hen's teeth here since late June.
  8. It's the same up here and it's funny I made the same point in another thread not so long ago. There seems to be a perception by many up here actually that August is the start of autumn. Maybe it's the Celtic connection with Ireland, their calendar is: Spring - Feb/Mar/Apr Summer - May/Jun/Jul Autumn - Aug/Sep/Oct Winter - Nov/Dec/Jan But the recent poor run of Augusts is a disappointment nonetheless. Maybe I've just been spoiled in my short time with years like 1995 and 2003! Actually this August hasn't been too bad here so far and is fast catching up with July for number of days over 4 hours sunshine (7 to July's 11)
  9. Slightly above average at 16.5C but nothing spectacular in the way of heat.
  10. Only 11 days with over 4 hours sunshine, not much to write home about considering the length of the days, and pretty pathetic even by our standards. Very few days of 8+ hours. Similar to July 2004 I'd say. And what a contrast to May and June which is becoming the de facto summer here these days.
  11. I'm tempted to go below average looking at the charts but warm nights will probably keep it just above, so 16.7C
  12. 7.9 Cool wet start balanced out somewhat by a warmer, drier second half.
  13. Albert Square's had it for a couple of weeks now :winky:
  14. I regard the first day of Spring as 1st March but, for me, a week like this is the start of the spring weather, plenty of heat from the sun even though the thermometer readings are still quite low.
  15. Yep, looks like West (and North) is best this coming week However those BBC Weather maps do tend to overstate amounts of cloud in these high pressures, it can show a blanket of cloud for the whole country but this doesn't show up the bright/sunny spells.
  16. It's snowing quite heavily here just now and settling too. It's been a great day, frosty this morning, sunny all day and now snow
  17. 4.5C - not warming up til the last 10 days a la March 2006.
  18. Some cold minima forecast for the CET region in the next few days so sub 3 a real possibility. Astonishing how anomalous this winter has been compared with recent years.
  19. Here and in many parts of Scotland, undoubtedly. The snow depths here weren't as good as December 2000 but to have snow on the ground in some form, from 18 December-15 January, really is exceptional. My dad can't even remember snow cover for as long as that in 1979. Also of note was a sub -10C night and 4 nights in a row below -8C. I only have the weatheronline stats and no good authority on Ayr winters, but this has to be up there with the best of them in the last 100+ years. Also, the River above the weir was frozen solid for days.
  20. Record for February is 19.7C on the 13th, surprisingly early in the month http://torro.org.uk/site/hightempsyear.php
  21. Not the case at all - see mid Feb-mid March 2006. Can get some v cold temperatures in early March.
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