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DR Hosking

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Everything posted by DR Hosking

  1. Very dry around here too. Had 0.2mm of rain since the 4th September. My veggie patch is dry and cracked, looks more like a desert! Still expect it will change over the next week or so and in a couple of weeks we will probably be moaning about how wet it is!
  2. No heating as yet, still fairly mild in this part of the world though, daytime over the last couple of weeks 16 - 20c and night time 7 - 12c so no need for heating yet, just stick a jumper on if there is a slight chill in the evening (I feel the cold before others). Usually I expect it will go on once daytime maxes are around 13/14c and mins 5/6c and that will only be after I have given in to the wifes nagging!
  3. Right just done some statistical analysis to back up my generalisation that I wore shorts more this year than last! For the months of June, July and August Days were max temp was 20c - 24.9c 2007 - 43 2008 - 34 2009 - 47 Days were max temp was 25c - 26.9c 2007 - 1 2008 - 7 2009 - 11 Days were max temp was 27c - 29.9c 2007 - 1 2008 - 2 2009 - 2 Days were max was 30c + 2007 - 0 2008 - 0 2009 - 2 So, yes 2009 was considerably better than 2007 and 2008 here, temperature wise at least!
  4. Here in South Northants personally speaking I would say its been a decent summer, I think if you asked anyone round here though they would say its been rubbish, people tend to forget the decent days. Only had one really hot period the end of June beginning of July but thats a good thing in my book as im not a lover of very hot days. I dont have any proper figures to confirm its been a better summer than the last 2 but using my normal barometer of how many days ive worn shorts, its been much better than last year! Last year I could count th nimber of times ive worn shorts on one hand, this year it must be at least 20 times, so by that measurement its been better! I generally only wear shorts when its dry and warmer than 22 or 23 degrees as a rough measurement. OK at times this summer has been cool and wet, but I would say those days have been far out numbered by the warm sunny days, at least here they have.
  5. 3rd Thunderstorm of the day, massive downpour, serious lightning and crackling thunder.
  6. hevty thunderstorm and torrential rain here at the moment
  7. 9th in Spring, 14th in May and 14th overall, my total random guesswork seems to be working!
  8. It cant be that dry, the stream by my house has been healthily full for over a year now, no-where near the low levels it reached a few years back and given how wet the last 2 years have been all the reservoirs and aquefers in the SE should be at a healthy level, no chance of needing water restrictions in my opinion unless the water companies are being very cautious with there water!
  9. Im in the middle of central England in generally one of the warmest part of the country when it comes to max temps, we have reached 20c once, back on the 15th April, exactly 20.0c. Not got within a degree or two of it since. We have had 25c by now fairly commonly in the last decade, indeed on the 11th May last year we hit 26.2c Incidently the BBC yesterday were saying the Isle of Skye hit 20.0c yesterday.
  10. damn, late for the first time! I will go for 12.3c
  11. I will go for a nice round 9.0c very early punt from me but im away for a week from tomorrow and dont want to be late with it!
  12. dont have any historical stats at the momennt but certainly coldest and snowiest here since 95/96 maybe longer, weve had about 17 or 18 days of snow cover, with 14 continous days which we havent had for many years, not bad for central southern England
  13. Think it will be around 6.8c total guess again though!
  14. wasent long ago that people were praying for a single below average month in winter, to have 3 below months and a below average winter and the coldest winter periods for many a year and also the snowiest winter for a long time and still not be happy is a bit beyond me.
  15. 5th snow event here in South Northants in a week. 2 inches last Sunday night, another 2 inches monday day and night, 4-5 inches Wednesday night and another 4-5 inches Thursday night, and now 2 inches and counting tonight! Cant ever remember a week like it, and im a 70's and 80's child.
  16. Been snowing here in South Northants since about 5pm, light at first but very heavy for the last hour with big fat flakes, added another couple of inches at the moment to the 8 inches we have left from Thurs/Friday, Tomorrow borning will be a week of continous snow cover here,
  17. Im fed up with people up north moaning about southern bias, get over it, face facts, over 40 million of the 60 million people in this country live within 2 hours of London, this means the media, and people in general are bound to have a bias to this area as this is where they live and work, the main news headlines and newspapers are bound to reflect this fact and the fact that this area has has its worse weather in years is true, also is the fact that the south is much less used to it and less equiped than the north so it is bound to have a worse impact.
  18. [attac hment=78647:P1010678.jpg]4 lots of snowfall this week here in south Northants, 2 inches sunday night, 3 inches monday night, 4-5 inches Wednesday night and 4-5 inches last night. got 7 - 10 inches of lying snow at the moment. See photos
  19. Smowing steadily again now in South Northants/ Bucks border, probably about 3 or 4 cm of lying snow at the moment
  20. About a couple of cm here in south Northants, more than I expected as the worse of the weather seemed to be to the north and south of us. Its snowing fairly persistantly now.
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