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fine wine

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Everything posted by fine wine

  1. Absolutely stunning out there, not a cloud in sight. Infact only two of the last nine days have been poor with the rest sunny and warm. This weather has been perfect for both the vegetables on the allotment and the plants in the garden with just enough rain to keep everything growing well.
  2. I don't think the rain makes a difference. For me it's usually about seeing friends and family and enjoying some lovely barbecued food. We always make a real effort with the quality of the meat with homemade burgers etc so even if the weather is poor it doesn't matter.
  3. https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?client=ms-android-hms-vf-gb&hl=en-GB&safe=images&q=newton+poppleford&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x486d9ea131cbb733:0x24517009e202c95e,Newton+Poppleford,+Devon&gl=uk&ei=t1QYUviaH8Wg0wXV-4D4AQ&ved=0CCoQ8gEwAA
  4. Gfs looking a little better than last night with a hot Saturday. On this run the short wave fades and drops south pretty quickly although there isn't a massive pressure build afterwards. Still, an improvement certainly.
  5. Another great set of charts tonight which if they verify would give us a fantastic final third to what has been locally a pretty good month so far. No rainy days and plenty of sun so far and our coolest top temp has been 22c so no complaints here.
  6. Another fantastic set of charts from both the 0z and 06z charts on the GFS. There has certainly been growing support and confidence for very warm if not hot conditions to move across most of the UK starting from Monday. Great for those further north as that shortwave feature has been progressively toned down in the last few runs.
  7. Cloudy and cool, not what I expected! Feels rather more like late August rather than early. If the morning is meant to be the brightest part of the day, what will the afternoon be like?
  8. It is already an awful lot warmer and sunnier here than the forcast I heard this morning. BBC Essex said a high of 20c today - it already 24.5c in the shade and rising so perhaps this will bode well for later on. I must admit with such warm uppers over us I always thought today would e much warmer than forcast. The GFS however has always had today as a warm one.
  9. Clouds are already breaking upstream here so should be sunny in a hour or two
  10. Funny how I am 25 miles further east towards the sea from Bedford yet we have had four hot stunning days in a row with virtually no breeze until this afternoon which was welcome . We have family in biggleswade very near Bedford who said on the phone it been very warm and sunny there.
  11. What a stunning morning. Took our 14 month old up to the allotment this morning for an hour and it was lovely and warm. Not a breath of wind and clear blue skies, perfect. Tomatoes are really loving this weather.
  12. Bright, mild and calm start to the day - looking forward to a pleaseant warm weekend with the kids. Some much needed rain Tuesday and Wednesday and then more of the same.
  13. Nice sunny start, much better than last weekend. Perhaps that front will far enough south and West for my fathers day barbeque.
  14. Just a hint of brightness here and the Nero satellite shows it thinning and breaking. Clouds have gone from uniform grey to defined clouds. Still can't complain in north Essex where my weather station has recorded 87 hrs of sunshine already. (and I think this should actually be higher as we had six days on the trot of totally Unbroken sunshine with sun up from 5am to 9pm)
  15. Being just that further inland must be making all the difference. It clear to the south and this was taken looking north so it should brighten for you soon.
  16. Where are you ABNS ? This what we have here in north Essex.
  17. That cloud is breaking as we speak. Has been bright with sunny spells here since 9am.
  18. Brightening up nicely after a cloudy start. We have had days and days of glorious weather with a lovely fresh breeze. It a shame dome areas of the region have not joined in.
  19. Cloudy, dull and cool. Not great really considering the forcast!
  20. Amazing footage here: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8ef_1370051465 Language warning.
  21. Keraunophile, try this I use the hammer method usually. If you don't have a hammer, then you might do well to get a basic tool set like this http://www.homebase.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?langId=110&storeId=10151&partNumber=412270&c_1=1%7Ccategory_root%7CDIY%2C+Tools+and+Hardware%7C16849207&c_2=2%7Ccat_16849207%7CHand+Tools%7C14260203&c_3=3%7Ccat_14260203%7CTools+Sets%7C14260309&_$ja=cgid:5633335952|tsid:13699|cid:75371552|lid:50801646872|nw:search|crid:18800659232
  22. Charts still look terrible. High pressure is still a long way away and the warm humid potential for later next week has now gone
  23. Warm and sunny the majority of the day. A high of 22.1c and still sunny despite thw forcast for cloudier afternoon. Spent most of it cutting logs with my boy And had some llovely sausages on coals of the fire.
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