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Everything posted by rob48

  1. Whoever would have thought it? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/environment/climatechange/7440664/Government-rebuked-over-global-warming-nursery-rhyme-adverts.html Kindred spirits protecting each other's interests.
  2. ..........................always near! - Roadhouse Blues I think.
  3. Good for you Tamara. The AGW brigade's sense of entitlement is such that they automatically assume they alone are correct, occupy the moral high-ground, and throw out challenges to others as though they are some sort of deity. Don't waste your time, they're hardly on solid ground themselves.
  4. I thought you were more "scientific" than that.
  5. Disturbing: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/7231466/British-Council-gets-in-on-the-climate-act.html Sadly, not surprising, especially when the name Kinnock is to the fore.
  6. As an isolated incident it means nothing: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/northamerica/usa/7177471/US-east-coast-shut-down-as-snowpocalypse-hits.html But it's another thorn in the AGWers side.
  7. Indeed. Looks like a new trend may be emerging: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8500443.stm "The fact that there has been a very significant drop in the number of people that believe that we humans are changing the Earth's climate is serious," he (professor Bob Watson) told BBC News. " It's probably serious for him.
  8. I'd have thought you'd be used to it by now, it's been going on ever since anyone dared to question the theory.
  9. I never thought I'd enjoy reading about "climate change" so much: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/feb/03/climate-scientists-freedom-information-act Hard to believe it used to be so pious and sanctimonious, now it's rats in a sack.
  10. Another example of a government dumbfounded when people don't swallow what they're given: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jan/31/ed-miliband-climate-change-scepticism Bit like a Ceausescu moment! Still, someone as well-respected as Miliband is sure to alay any doubters, perhaps Brigstock will chip-in as well.
  11. Ah, I'd almost forgotten our much loved spend-crazed government for a moment.
  12. I don't have a word for it because I don't consider "thought crimes" an offence anyone can be guilty of, as there's no victim.
  13. You raised the prospect of a witch hunt, not me, so make what you like of it.
  14. Allegations, witch hunt, whatever. The reaction of the people who choose to comment is indicative that the AGW campaign is rapidly losing momentum. At one time hardly anyone would have dared to question the theory because the alarmist methods were initially successful. The sort of thing Alistair Campbell would have been proud of.
  15. More excellent publicity: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article7009081.ece Someone here is lying, whom hardly matters, just another instance of "climate change" deceit.
  16. I don't remember claiming it was. It's noticeable that after being feted and unchallenged for so long in the public arena, the first time that AGW proponents are put on the back foot they are found wanting. The impression that they have created is of a furtive dishonest bunch of self-serving elitists. The public are really lapping this up and in the end, when the double-dip recession really bites, I'd estimate that even those of a favourable persuasion will think there are countless more important things that require attention than their theories, especially if the weather continues not to play ball. Anyway, dull, cool summer suit me fine, for a variety of reasons.
  17. I cited the BBC above, but Times, Telegraph and Indie are all coming on board. The Grauniad might if they could manage to sedate ranting Monbiot for long enough although their tax&spend instincts run deep. I guess it all depends which gutters you're most familiar with.
  18. Whatever the value of the global-warming "science" its all-conquering path appears to be heading for the buffers: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/dailypolitics/andrewneil/ Once the populist main-stream media gets hold of the sceptic agenda the politicians will realise that they can no longer use it for spreading fear and justifying punitive taxation measures. When promoting the argument is no longer of use to them the funding of the pro AGW scientists may not seem much of a priority either.
  19. Thank goodness these three stories about the Met Office: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/ are on the front of the respected Times and not that evil Daily Mail! Further down the page is the shocking revelation that the UN prediction of glacial meltdown in the Himalayas may have been a tad, er, optimistic.
  20. Good old Rod: http://www.spectator.co.uk/rodliddle/ Really made me smile after seeing Brigstock on QT last year.
  21. Has there ever been a period when the climate hasn't been changing?
  22. I saw them as hot summers. I've seen the three since then as rather cool, even if the nights were mild. I've never seen any proof of AGW and don't expect to. I've seen the last two winters as cold and very cold.
  23. Apologies all round. Seems I was completely wrong previously. Now I've got it. Cold = only weather. Warm = real climate. That must be it.
  24. Yes, they have to plan ahead. Perhaps they struggle because they take the advice of the Met Office and CLIMATE CHANGE organisation and thus no longer plan for colder than average winters. Regarding waste, if that was all that they wasted I'd be rather pleased.
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