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Everything posted by bazookabob

  1. Morning all and what a fantastic sight to wake up to. A good 10 inches of fresh snow and about a level foot in the few bits where it is level! A great end to a very good fortnight for us here, hope the pics do it justice. BB
  2. Just came back from the superrmarket and thought our street looked so nice i parked up at home and walked back to take a pic... (Apologies to those in York, Scarborough and anywhere else less fortunate, but hope you enjoy the pretty trees lol!) BB
  3. Morning all... good 12-14cm of fresh snow here over the past 12 hours so I'll see if I can post pics on my phone showing things here. Gotta say I love it when its like this, all the trees and bushes covered in it! Oh and when are you buying everyone those free drinks adam-lufc? Champagne to celebrate for me I think lol! BB
  4. Well that was a success... Drove out to Fridaythorpe between York and Driffiield and was caught in quite a snowstorm! Waited til it stopped and the roads improved then got caught in some attrocious conditions around York with some really heavy snow. Stopped about ten miles east of home (Garforth) but keeping n eye on the radar in case. What an excellent early bonus tonight is! Keep the pics and videos coming everyone! bb
  5. I'm stuck in the aptly named Fridaythorpe between York and Driffield right now!
  6. I feel with a Friday night at home in Leeds and snow potentially so near I may need to go for a drive and get some video! Anyone any ideas about my best route? Would head to York on A64 and then either A64 towards Scarborough, up towards Pickering or Across towards Driffield. Any advice appreciated! Cheers BB
  7. Driving from Huddersfield back to Garforth this morning, thought I'd stop off and see how the river looked in Castleford- the flooded road you see is the road from there to Garforth which I should have been taking, and some people in 2 wheel drive cars were actually attempting (and failing!) bb
  8. Timelapse of the mad cloud movements as the East Leeds storm came over us- this is looking east and was a rush job when I got in so sorry for the rain on the window! There's some mad updrafts at the very start- its a free app so resolution is a bit limited- no HD here I'm afraid but hope you enjoy anyway! bb
  9. Driven through the Leeds storm back home to Garforth- M1 was at a standstill near Temple Newsam With a few inches of water on the motorway and a few flashes of lightning too. Can hear it rumbling here in Garforth now and is getting increasingly dark! Woohoo bb
  10. Here is my first ever attempt at a timelapse using my Samsung Galaxy S and a free android timelapse app call LapseIt... it shows the approach of the messy blob or showers that came from Wales and is indeed just showers, nothing more! Anyway let me know ways to improve it (resolution aint an option on the free app version!) Cheers bb http://youtu.be/UPIBBor4630
  11. Ha... be careful taking video cameras into kids playgrounds over there won't you! I don't want the live stream to be taken through a window with bars across it tonight! Good luck for today and the rest of the chase anyway- week off work for me so want some late night entertainment! bb
  12. God what shocking weather today! (shocking for getting out and about in I mean)... 9c and still raining- 18mm so far since 6pm yesterday. Interesting(ish)ly, this is the second time this year we've had a hot spell followed within 5 days by a near 20c drop in max temps! Of course the other one in March/April went from the mid 20's to a morning snowstorm in about 4 days I think it was! Well, its not boring I suppose, just badly timed with our postponed bank holiday... couldn't make it up could you!? bb
  13. 128mm so far this month, more that half the total for the whole year, which is currently 239.5mm! Interestingly we've had 99mm in the past 9 days- and its still raining! bb
  14. Well I was expecting today to be the dry day of the week but some torrential rain over the past couple of hours around Leeds means we're on 16mm and still going for the day! 88mm for the month so far too! bb
  15. http://www.severestudios.com/cgi-bin/player.pl?username=matt.walker Same Oklahoma storm- looks like an imminent touchdown bb
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