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Severe Blizzard

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Posts posted by Severe Blizzard

  1. Looks like another '2nd August style' let-down in the south again. Still haven't heard any thunder this August. Not very impressed with summer 2013 for thunder - looks like the usual locations get all the fun again.

    Can't even say summer 2013 is driest on record now as the non-thundery rain yesterday morning (10.5 mm) upped the summer total to 61.9 mm exceeding the driest year, 1976 (52.8 mm).

    This part of S.E. misses everything - bet something exciting will happen during the 5 days I am away in September though.

  2. Not sure it's been posted yet - MetO issued early warning for the SE for thundery rain (though confidence is low).Very odd yellow zone marked IMO

    This will be the one at Guildford having missed out big time over the last few days and with 28.3 mm falling at FLEET, HANTS yesterday.Why?Because I will be staying at Fleet overnight Fri-Sat and that will be when Guildford gets the long awaited deluge and storm. Bl**dy typical of the bad luck I have had with missing out in the last 15 months or so. If I cancelled the trip - the warning would go the way of all the others in the last few weeks - bust.
  3. If it's going to continue hot, with hot uncomfortable nights, it can all go to hell as far as i'm concerned Sick to death with punks out on the streets, during these warm nights Everyone leaving their windows wide open, with unsavioury smells, and crap music blasting out Everyone will be turning into zombies, as the lack of decent sleep, surely effects the mind

    Add rude, obnoxious and ungrateful customers at supermarkets to this list.Sick to death of sweltering and wilting when struggling to keep the trolley bays full for these ungrateful wretches (usually young studenty types all boozed up) - only to get tutted at, moaned at or some other negative response just because I am in their way.Bad enough feeling annoyed about missing out on the storms without the double kick in the teeth of suffering in the humid muck and having to be at the wrath of other peoples tantrums and strops.
  4. After a max. of 33.2 deg.C. today and a shift from Hell working in it this evening, I really hope this thunder event delivers at Guildford. It already looks like the usual areas are getting all the fun. All we got this evening was a brief shower that evaporated within 30 minutes and made it feel even more humid and wretched.

    If the amount and number of times that I get rudeness, derogatory and abusive remarks from customers could equal the number of times that Guildford gets a severe thunderstorm then I would be a happy man. Another example of disrespect and verbal abuse from a woman this evening who had the cheek to call me rude when she barged in front of me as I was struggling to negotiate line of trolleys into the bay trying not to knock the 5 or 6 students loitering in the entrance of the trolley bay. Maybe if this jumped up madam worked 6 hours in the car park in sweltering heat and got disrespect then she may understand the effects of her actions.

    Work related annoyances aside - one wonders why I get so annoyed about storms failing when we have to get the humid filth like this evening then I have to put up with situations like the above. I admit I am a severe weather FANATIC and a good thunderstorm really does make me feel energised and alive - not just plain angry like I feel things are going to get in the next few days. The forecast shows very little rain expected for this area and the 'risk' of thunder is low. This looks like our only chance now and I dread to think how bad it will get if this is yet another 'bust'. Why can't Guildford have a pleasant surprise for once and that the above forecast which is bound to verify, not come true for a change - perhaps even Lincolnshire go without and have a 'bust' just this once would be good!

    We suffered a major let-down in June - I am NOT ready for yet another and after all these other dreadful 'summers' in recent years.

    Be prepared for a much bigger moan post tomorrow night! Especially as 23rd July has delivered good storms in the past, notably 1983 in Guildford (reports of all nighter and 46 mm rain in 3 hours), 1984 (35 mm and 12 mm hail at Fleet) and 1996 (heavy thundery shower with 12 mm hail at Guildford). Can 2013 join the 23rd July satisfaction list?

    ps. Midnight 23rd July 1983 30 years ago right now! Close G-C near garden when camping out. Thunder was explosive and 'repeated' as the sound wave passed between houses in the street.

  5. Sunday 22nd June 2003 was good - Saturday 29th May 1999 was excellent but sadly too short. In latter case, a friend reported ball lightning in her living room - we were only talking about it this morning funnily enough.

    Some thunder events since but no close discharges in Guildford since the two listed above. Last reasonable storm was on 7th July 2009. Dates a long ago highlighting how dreadful the lack of any decent storms has been in Guildford and the vicinity in recent and not so recent years.

  6. Last decent storm at Guildford was 7th July 2009, with 29.5 mm rain and several hours of thunderstorm activity in a cool W.N.W.ly trough set-up.

    Most events since have been single 'claps' to about 3~4 rumbles but no more.

    Thunder only heard on 4 days in 2010, 6 days in 2011 but a better 12 days in 2012, including 2 decent rumbles on Christmas day. The annual mean for Guildford is 16 days. So far in 2013, there have been 4 days and these were all single rumbles and the last 2 dates were barely audible.

    Thursday 18th April / Saturday 11th May / Thursday 23rd May / Friday 7th June.

    The last occasion with more than one rumble was Christmas day last year (2 rumbles) and last occasion with over 10 rumbles was Saturday 25th August last year - but no precipitation fell locally as shower moved to north of Guildford, clobbering Woking area.

    The last successful 'home grown' event affecting Guildford was in August 2004! and although there was a plume event on 19th August last year, this missed Guildford affecting areas to the east, the last successful plume event was therefore 16th July 2009. Indeed, the last decent month with a 'reasonable' level of thundery activity was July 2009 (7th, 16th and 24th - all with multiple discharges and lasted more than 1 hour).

  7. It's not the thunderstorms that make me under the weather, it's the constant dross and missing out like we are getting yet again this 'summer' that leave me feeling fed up, bad tempered, irritable and tired and extremely b-o-o-r-r-e-e-d. Yawn.

    Seeing other people get all the fun (like 28th June last year) just exacerbates this frustration especially when there are no other exciting weather or non-weather events to look forward to in a 'post-holiday' set-up.

    Thunderstorms leave me energetic and feeling full of life and they bring a welcome relief to the monotony of daily humdrum life as does snow in the winter.

  8. Thoroughly fed up today and this evening. Had to work another shift in nauseating humid muck knowing about last night's continental excitement while we miss out yet again.

    Feeling like this is getting to be almost the norm in summer now and year in year out it NEVER seems to change. The emphasis is always on S.E. England and central south England missing storms, never getting surprise thunder events or upgrades to forecasts. Each year one area gets favoured or there is a theme - 2010: Storms moving N.E. into low countries and Germany, like last night; 2011 & 2012: N.E. England favoured. In other words, never the S.E.

    Summer is now a horrid season and it is getting a right bore. I am definitely a winter person and SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder should be renamed Summer Affective Disorder as I feel more depressed, bad tempered and lacking in enthusiasm in the summer than winter these days. Current summers for the deficiency of thunder are the equivalent of those dreadful winters for the deficiency of snow in the late 1990's.

    Now there is NOTHING on the horizon except more atlantic depressions and their piddling useless amounts of rain in the S.E accompanied by an annoying constant breeze and no opportunities for shower development, yet too little sunshine to enjoy outdoor activities or feel good.

    I have never known such an awful summer month for dullness, boredom and depressing weather produce so little rain. Every decent quantity quoted is downgraded in the 24~36 hrs before. The term upgrade only applies to other peoples storms, never here.

    Nothing to look forward to now - had Cornwall holiday last week and there was drizzle and strong winds much of the week, yet I miss the glorious wonderful sunny week they had by one day! Typical - feel I have been cursed to suffer a FOURTH consecutive horrid summer - I know there is 2 months of 'summer'to go but as it is behaving like the last 3 already, can't see any chance it will improve.

    Wish I could move from this depressing overcrowded town where interesting weather never happens.

    Rant over. Sorry.

  9. Well they were. 18z reduces CAPE and looks to be another yawn-fest. I honestly do not remember a summer as bad as this one for storms. I do hope the pattern changes soon as its becoming tiresome. I would rather LP's off the Atlantic than what we currently have, at least they actually deliver some activity.

    I can remember summers as bad as this one for missing out on thunderstorms and downgrades - 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008...I too am sick of this pattern every year - June is going to end up a very dry month here in Guildford unless there is any significant rain soon.I have lost count of the time 10 mm+ daily rainfalls have been forecast to be downgraded then the actual amount that falls is less than the downgraded amount, yet the weather is generally unsettled and dreary. If it can't rain / thunder, then some sunshine and pleasant warmth would be nice. Getting truly depressed with these summers. 2011 was enough and last year was even worse as local areas missed much of the 'excitement' that affected the rest of the U.K. (notably 28th June).I dislike summer these days as much as I disliked winters that repeatedly didn't deliver with snow and cold between 1988 and 2008. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) should be renamed Summer Affective Disorder with the horror shows, hopelessness and predictable boredom the 'modern' summer brings without fail every year.
  10. Joe B has just posted this on twitter....

    17 days through March and the Central England Temp is .2C Below THE JANUARY NORMAL!

    Pity then that Guildford has missed all the snow this month and didn't get the thunder yesterday either. Every event seems to go round us and not over us. 5 days off work coming up this week and doesn't look like any of them will be suitable for a pleasant bike ride.

    Not impressed with March 2013 at all - fed up with all the drizzle and light rain and continuing 'winter' without snow. Wish it would either just be sunny and warm as last year or get some proper snow like in January when things did work out well locally.

  11. Guildford: Haven't had a decent snow event since March since 1987 and that was only 5 cm which lasted all of 6 hours. The last 5 winters ('08~'09 through to '12~'13) - defined by 1st December to 28th (29th) February, have all performed well for snow, some better than others, but March is a different story. No March event has been more than a dusting since 6th~7th March 1987. Light snow has fallen in March in 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2008 and these were all 'dustings'. Each time, somewhere nearby received a much greater depth.

    So today's letdown is nothing new then. Last time there was snow in March was in 2008 - Sunday 23rd - which was supposed to yield 9 cm and there was all but 1 hour of moderate wet snow which thawed after another hour.

    Last impressive March snow event was probably Maunday Thursday 27th in 1975 when it was a cold Easter with further snow events to follow. There was also impressive depths in March in 1970 (4th) when the WHOLE region was affected and in a northerly as well; 1965 (4th) and 1964 (15th).

    At least today's bu**er-up is not connected to, or slurs the otherwise 'good' winter and is primarily a spring letdown and therefore not a winter letdown.

    I really do hope this March isn't going to be like 2006 (or 1996) with endless nasty windy cold damp and overcast days with 'winter' dragging on but not yielding any interesting events. That would be an even bigger kick in the teeth after today.

  12. I remember this one well (Thursday 30th January 2003) at Guildford.

    There was heavy wet snow before 8 am with about 1~2 cm lying on all ground by 9 am.

    The snow started to thaw as less cold air spread in from the N.W. Temperatures were up to 2 deg.C. by 10 am. Just as I thought a pleasing bit of snow was over and I would have to cycle to work in thaw conditions to be followed by a dry day, the sky darkened noticeably to the N.W.

    By 10:15 am, light snow was falling from the threatening sky when the wind suddenly increased to about 20 mph. The heavy powdery snow started at 10:17 am and I managed to get 2 photos with the window open to follow. Within 5 seconds of the 2nd picture at 10:20 am there was a good 'crack' of thunder to the S.W. during the snow squall. All surfaces were covered again, although in a powdery dusting. The snow ended at 10:22 am and temperatures had dropped to -0.5 deg.C.

    This was my first true thundersnow event after thunder plus snow on 9th &13th April 1994 and 22nd February 1995. There was possibly distant thunder on 6th January 1994 during very heavy wet snow in the early evening (flashes seen to west and a rumble heard separately, thought to be railways and traffic respectively). The 2003 event was a portent of things to come almost a year later on Wednesday 28th January 2004.

    Although sunny on the 30th Jan '03 for a while. Clouds developed with frequent snow showers and period of prolonged snow at 0 deg.C. during afternoon especially at 4 pm to 5 pm. Snow died out in evening and stayed at a depth of 5~5,5 cm.


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  13. Marginal event here in Guildford with a pleasing hour of moderate snow from 11 am to noon, when I happened to be cycling in it, so got full effect of the days offerings. The overnight dusting was thawing by this time and the new snow was not settling. The dreaded rain set in after 1 pm. Heavy shower this evening with ice pellets leaving slush on skylights for a time. Horrible damp and yukky cold now with temps just above freezing and everything soaked. Debating whether to have bike ride tomorrow early but don't feel at all motivated with the bone aching damp and cold.

    Dreadful inaccuracy in Daily Express with the usual culprits coming out with even more tosh and bilge than usual. It was suggested that 1993 (20 years ago) was a cold winter! 1992~1993 was one of the most snowless, depressing and dreary winters I have ever had my misfortune to experience. Indeed, more snow fell today than in the whole of that winter. Many 'feet' of snow are to be expected in the U.K. - what? 12 inch imperial feet or cats feet (eg. 4 cm units). Nuthouse so-called experts in this trash media will probably adopt the cats-paw as a unit of snow depth measurement - the new SI unit. My 31 cm snowfall on 2nd February 2009 would have to be rewritten as 7.75 cats paws - now that is a lot of 'feet' depth. lol.

    Sorry could not resist a bit of good natured sarcasm and I am a cat lover too!

    Hope all dispirited coldies and snow lovers get their wishes soon.

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  14. I have got a bad feeling about Winter 2012~2013 in the south. I have had this for some time and if the rest of 2012 is anything to go by then I sincerely hope I am wrong about the continuing trend of missing out every event going like it has been this year.

    The last few winters have all been interesting with decent snow and cold in 2008~09, 2009~10 and 2010~11 winter (although '11 was a let down). Even last winter 2011~12 had the goods in February and the mild and dry conditions were advantageous for cycling and work.

    My pet hates concerning type of weather are damp, dull and dreary conditions, windy conditions, along with drizzle and mediocre amounts of rain. Cold and damp conditions are thoroughly unpleasant especially with wind. Another dislike is a term I simply call 'unfairness' where local areas miss out and other locations have all the excitement. Boring anticyclonic weather can be dealt with by ignoring the weather and focusing on other interests. However, a mild and dry winter could help assist with hobbies like cycling in comfortable conditions. If there are exciting conditions like snow, then cycling may suffer but it is worth it for the winter weather thrill & interest.

    Bad winters in my opinion are perceived by the 3 following features and often a combination of all 3;

    (1) Amount of 'UNFAIRNESS'.

    (2) Amount of 'BOREDOM'

    (3) Amount of 'DISCOMFORT'

    The following are a list if the nastiest winters in my experience and the dominant features;

    2005~06: Uncomfortable, Unfair (no snow, missed all the snow events - late Nov.05, late Dec.05, Feb.06 / frustrating Europe-wide snow except U.K. & frequent model downgrades for the cold in U.K.).

    2001~02: Unfair (Mainly mild with limited snow in U.K.- poor snow distribution Christmas week where we miss everything - completely snowless winter).

    1998~99: Unfair & Boring (Mainly mild and Atlantic type zonality - Brief cold with northerly toppler in January - no snow locally).

    1992~93: Unfair, boring & unpleasant (hardly any snow, mild zonality in December & January with frequent snow up north. Horrendous February (1993) with extreme boredom from anticyclonic gloom, breezy, damp and cold but very low rainfall - my most uninteresting month ever following the disappointments in Dec & Jan)

    1991~92: Boring. Almost snow free. Tedious at the time but can see the advantages of this winter nowadays. Very little snow anywhere in U.K. so no unfairness and hence little 'weather jealousy'. Conditions would have been good for outdoor activities with dry ground etc. Driest winter on record locally.

    1988~89: Boring. Almost snow free & very dry. Similar to above but very mild - definitely good for outdoors had I been cycling in those days.

    1983~84: Boring, VERY unfair and probably very uncomfortable given the frequent rain. (Virtually no snow locally, much snow from midlands Northwards and over prolonged period - very disappointing).

    I would rate 1992~1993 as the worst winter in my perception as the frustration just seemed endless!

    As can be seen, 2005~06 was the last horrid winter and being 7 years ago, I feel another is due. Let's hope I can be proved wrong.

  15. I was not in Guildford at the time of the thunderstorms - but I do remember that afternoon well.

    The surface flow was N.E.ly and conditions were very unstable. There had been heavy rain in the late afternoon with thunder on Friday 31st July.

    The thunderstorms affected the Guildford area around 4 pm onwards and slowly moved west and N.W. The N.W. movement being more due to the first cell decaying and a new one developing to the right of the flow.

    The heaviest rain was initially to the N.E. of Guildford where an observer recorded 27~28 mm rain at East Horsley. This storm missed Guildford itself where only 7.5 mm fell in the whole day. To the South of the town, conditions were severe, especially at Milford, Hambledon, Elstead and possibly Farnham. An observer measured 12.5 mm rain with pea-sized hail at Milford and this was quoted in the Surrey Advertiser newspaper in the following week.

    While I was travelling south along the A331 near Farnborough there was vivid CG lightning to the south at 4:30 pm. The lightning was a vivid blue-purple colour and was estimated to be over Seale or Compton (Nr. Farnham).

    Around 5 pm. A new cell developed to the N.W. and rain / hail shafts were seen along the M3 westwards towards Basingstoke. There were reports of rain lashing 30 cm high on the motorway when chatting in the pub later that day. On visiting Fleet at 5:30 pm or so, there was a power cut which lasted about 45 minutes. Only 3 mm of rain fell at Fleet and all the activity had been to the east, south and west of the Guildford-Farnborough-Fleet area.

    I remember hearing about the tornado on TV later that evening and feeling peeved that I may have missed an exciting event at home (Guildford) but no one at work saw anything either. There had been a power failure at Guildford in the supermarket where I work, as the checkouts failed due to the power glitches at the height of the storm. For the main town area at Guildford the event was a good electrical storm with close lightning and loud thunder but disappointingly little rain.

  16. Is Guildford, Surrey actually going to get a decent storm in this gutless, useless disappointment of a summer in the next few days or are we going to have to suffer - YET AGAIN?

    Typical, another weekend of stinking humid muck - and probably no storms again. Wish I could summer-hibernate and wake up when this awful excuse for a summer is over and not have to watch the agony of seeing the usual areas getting all the storms again while there is no hope in Hell's chance of anything changing for the better down here in the S.E.

    Also about time there were 'surprise developments' here rather than the occasional hopeful forecast being downgraded for us or failing completely like the 26 mm rain this area was supposed to have yesterday when the actual amount was 0.5 mm.


    Sorry to gripe - I NEED a storm - I need some excitement to forget the misery that my flat may have to be demolished in due course (structural issues) leading to more stress and uncertainty. This is not a melodramatic joke either.

    This horrid summer is seriously doing my head in - I cannot tolerate prolonged boredom and incessant failure frustration disappointment. I've been booted out of the NSC because of the weak thundery showers that have mostly passed this area by over the last 4 months, so sorry I have moaned on this thread.

  17. I have never seen the No Storms Club have to extend into a second thread in a year before!

    2012 must be bad.

    Kick me out of the club if you have to as I have had thunder on 7 days this year.

    But these were ALL passing thundery showers and no event lasted more than 20 minutes, and each event yielded thunder ranging from only one to seven claps. I have still not had a 'proper' storm lasting an hour or more since 28th June 2011. 'That' day this year was a tremendous disappointment and the prelude to a certain part of the country - which is normally not known for high levels of thundery activity - you know who you are! - to have a chain of excitement in the form of regular thunderstorms while the S.E. constantly misses out.

  18. I guess our weather patterns have changed since the 1980/90's as people said on here a warm spell meant guaranteed storms. I think pattern shift in the jet stream is probably to blame instead of the jet stream heading north over the uk (or close by) its just heading in a east/north east direction meaning anything that forms in france goes the same direction.

    I guess our weather patterns have changed since the 1980/90's as people said on here a warm spell meant guaranteed storms. I think pattern shift in the jet stream is probably to blame instead of the jet stream heading north over the uk (or close by) its just heading in a east/north east direction meaning anything that forms in france goes the same direction.

    In the past when the storms missed this part of S.E. England and stayed over France moving away in the 'wrong' direction there would always be the good prospect of storms from unstable cooler S.W.ly / westerly / N.W./y situations that inevitably followed. We don't even get any chance with those, once reliable, setups either.

  19. Well, what can I say. After the heaviest rain event I've known here in my lifetime happened on the 7th, and a thunderstorm on the 6th, perfectly timed for the one week in hundreds I (but not parents + brother) was out the country on the 3rd-10th July, In which the stream and river flooded which I find very interesting when happens being interested in river systems and also severe weather, I thought interesting weather surely must be trying to avoid me. Indeed I was not at home last time it did this in a big way on the 30th October 2008 (the first in ages).

    Also 2 decent thunderstorms while in exams or windowless rooms in the last few years (A high percentage of all total storms in that time)

    Then today my mum drove to a town to take my gran up to see relatives. I could have gone but was a bit tired after arriving home yesterday, and thought it just looked like a 'thundery shower' day and here seemed to have a chance. What's more if I had gone here would surely have had a thunderstorm. Guess which town that was. Yep, you guessed it, Reigate! The town that looks to have at least 2 major thunderstorms today with dramatic reports coming from them!

    This shows that interesting weather has proved that it usually tries to avoid me at all costs. The statistical likelihood of what's happened happening must be very small, and with anything that could be controlled/done by a person would be pretty strong evidence. It seemed to have a minor error on the 28th June at 3:30am though but that was soon compensated for.

    I have decided I will probably go out and chase in the coming days and find the weather, although no doubt it will mean a thunderstorm magically hits my house. laugh.png I've got to laugh really or else I don't know what I'd do.

    Some nice cumulus/distant CB's tobay but only a brief shower at my house.

    Well, what can I say. After the heaviest rain event I've known here in my lifetime happened on the 7th, and a thunderstorm on the 6th, perfectly timed for the one week in hundreds I (but not parents + brother) was out the country on the 3rd-10th July, In which the stream and river flooded which I find very interesting when happens being interested in river systems and also severe weather, I thought interesting weather surely must be trying to avoid me. Indeed I was not at home last time it did this in a big way on the 30th October 2008 (the first in ages).

    Also 2 decent thunderstorms while in exams or windowless rooms in the last few years (A high percentage of all total storms in that time)

    Then today my mum drove to a town to take my gran up to see relatives. I could have gone but was a bit tired after arriving home yesterday, and thought it just looked like a 'thundery shower' day and here seemed to have a chance. What's more if I had gone here would surely have had a thunderstorm. Guess which town that was. Yep, you guessed it, Reigate! The town that looks to have at least 2 major thunderstorms today with dramatic reports coming from them!

    This shows that interesting weather has proved that it usually tries to avoid me at all costs. The statistical likelihood of what's happened happening must be very small, and with anything that could be controlled/done by a person would be pretty strong evidence. It seemed to have a minor error on the 28th June at 3:30am though but that was soon compensated for.

    I have decided I will probably go out and chase in the coming days and find the weather, although no doubt it will mean a thunderstorm magically hits my house. laugh.png I've got to laugh really or else I don't know what I'd do.

    Some nice cumulus/distant CB's tobay but only a brief shower at my house.

    You have brilliantly summed up how I feel about recent events.

    Around 4 pm I was pleased with my 3 rumbles of thunder and I even abandoned cooking my tea to go out and walk to a less built up area and watch the cell developing as it moved east. Took photos but cannot seem to upload them on here. Typical then that yet again Guildford misses these two outbreaks as another followed to the north and east and Reigate gets pasted a second time. I believe Dorking and Reigate also had a storm yesterday afternoon as well. This area 15~20 mile to the east of Guildford has had event after event over the last few days including a deluge (also with thunder) on Saturday night. We missed it. 3 rumbles is comparatively puny now I am getting reports on various chat sites of >20 discharges, many very close, in many nearby areas. We wait weeks for the right situation to develop while the north gets plastered, yet again then we get let-downs like today.

    Lets just hope the next few days can deliver - I don't care about the rest of the U.K. grumbling about the wet summer as here in Guildford it has NOT been especially wet or thundery and I really don't want to lose the instability until I finally experience something. Selfish - I know, but after weeks of mediocrity and extremely boring and depressing weather, I really want this wet summer to go out with a bang. 2012 summer may be similar to the wet summer of 2007, but the general rain, interesting events and thundery activity was far superior to what this year has offered.

    I was in Cornwall in early June when Guildford had >40 mm rain in a day (June 10th~11th). This also happened last year (June 5th~6th) when I was on holiday. I was also too far west for the Plymouth storms of 11th June. I am a well experienced veteran of being in the wrong area at the wrong time for interesting events, so I can identify with your frustration very well!

  20. Brief heavy shower at Guildford at 3:20 pm to 3:25 pm - about 1.5 mm.

    Thunder as large cumulus moves away at 3:28 pm. The heavy shower fell from partially clear skies with the large cumulus overhead and very dull skies immediately to the south and S.E.

    Thunder at 3:33 pm then lightning on rear of large Cu at 3:41 pm with thunder about 20 secs later - cell 4 miles away eg. over Chilworth.

    Lightning in Cu which was glaciating (developing anvil) at 3:51 pm.

    Possible hail shafts seen on rear edge at this time.

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