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Everything posted by laserguy

  1. It would seem that I'm one of the few remaining great hairy-chested creatures of our age! Maybe most folk do sit somewhere on the so-called spectrum but for better or worse I'm 100% hetero, no ifs,buts or maybes. Where would natural selection/survival of the fittest etc come into it anyway? By definition a 'homesexual gene' cannot gain dominance, and a repressive one would see it eventually become extinct. Is it therefore implied that homosexual people are less likely to reproduce because of some simultaneous 'defect' that shouldn't be passed on?
  2. Well there goes the most boring,tedious,depressing Autumn known to all of humanity in the history of the world evah - dang that global warming. Winter has an awful lot of making-up to do. Don't mind a dearth of snow but something with a glimmer of life would be a start, instead of 3 months of complete nothingness as we've just endured.
  3. I despise football too, don't follow the traditional 'manly' pursuits, shun crowds and prefer my own company or that of family and close friends, but as far as I know I've never been thought of as gay to any degree whatsoever.
  4. Um,no, I really don't think so. The exact opposite in fact. Trust those pesky scientists, again.
  5. At the risk of starting a row (I'll back out right now) I assure you 100% that I'm 100% straight. That's not some kind of 'boast' and I have no problem with a person's sexuality - just saying how it is when applied to me personally.
  6. Speak for yourselves - I'm 100% straight.
  7. Oh for sure, and it also causes one to see things in a very black or white way - which is no doubt why I'm the recipient of many posting restrictions and warnings on NW! My drum has crap insulation but all-new double glazing about four years ago. It is technically 'cold' in here - it's just that I don't feel it...
  8. Nope - she gets the choice of which fluffy cardigan to wear. Heating still not on....
  9. No, I love it. I'd rate June and July as the worst.
  10. By definition, 'gayness genes' are very unlikely to be passed on!!
  11. No,no,no! Don't say I'm 'tough' or 'hard' - you'll get 'cheese' all worked up. It's just how I am, and I wilt at the merest hint of warmth. Going out in ten minutes... in jeans and t-shirt.
  12. We've got one of those nifty devices in the loft which draws fresh air from the outside and forces (potentially) stale air thru' air vents in the walls/door joints etc. Bye-bye condensation and black mould. Another bonus is that it keeps the house fractionally cooler than it would otherwise be - win win. Still no heating on here....
  13. I find myself doing that an awful lot,these days - it's my age, y'know. Hope they get this thing fixed - such a shame after all the colossal effort and time to pull off the incredible feat of getting it there.
  14. Just watched this on the news and was almost crying with relief - God knows how all those involved must be feeling. This is rocket science!
  15. That's the spirit! Why dontcha chuck the tarantulas in the fridge (kept apart from cooked meat, of course)?
  16. Dunno, don't care until me ale starts to falter - and it's got to be less than 14C for that to happen. All's well on that front but I'm not sure how, given the recent 'cold' nights and the heating never having been on throughout.
  17. Well at least the misery of the recent warmth has gone and it's now a little more comfortable, but heating on? Yeah,right. Long way to go before that becomes anything remotely like a necessity.
  18. Ninety seven million, ninety seven billion - whatever. Makes no odds, we'll still never get the forecast thunderstorm.
  19. They ain't got nuthin' on our six-month old moggie who in the space of one hour last week dragged thru' the cat flap 3 rats, 5 or 6 mice, 3 blackbirds, a coupla sparrows and a whole bunch of worms. He's now grounded.
  20. And in the interests of fairness, they've had the last 6 months for that type of nonsense - sheesh how much more do they want?? Anyways, ten to four now and the light is already starting to fade. Awesome!!!
  21. 6 hours before my work starts/ 2 hours after it ends, or 2 hours into it depending on what shift I'm on. How many people hold down the mythical 9-5 anyway, these days? Botts, you need to choose another career path if your daylight cravings are becoming so obtrusive.
  22. Yes, my heating is now on. But before y'all faint in shock, it's only on in one room, courtesy of a small one-bar electric fire, and it ain't for my benefit. I've got 10 gallons of ale and 8 gallons of wine on the go, and progress is now a little sluggish. Can't provide heat for them individually so they're all snuggled up together in one warm room - bless. As for me, it's still t-shirt weather, the back door is wide open and I'm simply melting.
  23. Finally! Today it's going to get dark at a sensible time. Going to enjoy the next 6 weeks or so as things continue to improve further, until the pendulum swings and the whole sorry cycle starts over. Bit light this morning tho'!
  24. What chill? The heat emanating from the back of my telly is enough to push things into 'uncomfotable' territory.
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