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Everything posted by knightstorm

  1. I've just looked on Met Office and the amounts of snow forecast by the moduels for later on is rather scary lol
  2. Yes I noticed on the BBC weather site that it's predicting heavy snowfall on Friday, also the long range forecast predicts that the month ahead will remain cold and wintry!
  3. Yes the France system will definately start to kick in within the next couple of hours, but heaviest stuff looks like between 3 and 7pm this evening with an increase in windspeed so pottenitially blizzard like in places, particularly over higher ground!
  4. I predict the best snow will be from 3pm onwards judgeging from forecasts!
  5. I hate to say this but the snow here has started turning abit sleety in the last few minutes hope this isn't the start of something rainy!
  6. I hate to say this but the snow here has started turning abit sleety in the last few minutes hope this isn't the start of something rainy!
  7. Nowhere near 1991 here yet, perhaps about the same as 2003 or a smidge more. We had nearly 2 foot of lying snow in 1991 with 3 foot drifts!
  8. I wouldn't trust this source, it's a European website so probably not the most accurate. Stick with the beeb or our very own netweather alerts, the best source for weather reports on the net!
  9. Yippy that would be sweet!According to the BBC weather website, the snow will be at it's most widespread and heavyiest around 6pm this evening (rush hour)! Things are going to get very troublesome for commuters.
  10. This isn't round 2, this is just the last of the 1st crop of showers passsing through. Round 2 isn't due to hit until PM
  11. Starting to build up here again, if it carries on like this until tonight or horror of horror's gets worse I'm worried my dad is gonna get stranded on the way back from work!
  12. Wouldn't surprise me if the M25 is at a standstill as it is generally the busyiest motorway anyway, but I don't think there well be as many problems on the motorways as the sideroads and country lanes as most of the motorways would have been well gritted! WOW, it's really starting to fall here now!
  13. I wouldn't be gutted if I was still at school and I still had to go, it means I could have had a massive snowball fight in the playground at break time with my friends lol, or even better have got the chance to lob a few snowballs at the teachers I didn't like haha! Why cant 22 year olds still go to school, damnit!
  14. I think when they are talking about it turning sleety or back to rain they mean the east coastline, anywhere more than 5 miles inland will be snow I'd imagine!
  15. I'm gonna bet on about 40 cm/ 16 inches of snow by the end of all this if the lastest readings on this afternoons falls are anything to go by!
  16. Aww it must be soo great having young children when it's snowing like this, I envy you. Wish I was their age again lol
  17. Why where bouts are you at the moment? Well I havn't officially measured it yet, but my estimate would be around in excess of 6 inches, with loads more due!
  18. lol 40cm perhaps I couldn't see 60/70cm, but I wouldn't write it off. I do think judgeing my the weather images that this low comming up from the south will bring more snow than last nights, cause last nights was like lots of rashes of showers this 1 is a huge dolloping area of snow so probably continues for 4 maybe even 5 hours heavily!
  19. Blimey, did they measure how much snow was on that car? I thought my dads was bad when I was having to dig him out this morning! Must be about 8 inches on this 1.
  20. Yes very cold wind today as there was yesterday, gusting around 30mph when it starts falling heavier expect drifting/blizzard conditions! Light snow beggining to fall here again now.
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