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Everything posted by knightstorm

  1. Yep they said on the news it's the heaviest falls in the southeast for 18 years, so unless my maths is a little rusty that figures out to 1991 lol :o
  2. Amazing snowfall overnight here, has stopped for the time being but aload more forecast for this afternoon particularly around the rush hour home! I'd say approx 4 to 6 inches lying here at the moment with about 10 inches where it has drifted, by the time we've had the 2nd spell of snow later today it wouldn't surprise me if we have close to or more than a foot of lying snow with higher drifts! Keep safe everyone, and try to enjoy it lol :o :o :o
  3. Yes just started snowing here again, that's more ppl getting there P45's lol. Perhaps there is hope for me getting a job for London Transport afterall!
  4. Lol typical UK, a few inches of the white stuff and we're at panic stations and ppl are getting sacked, haha! :lol:
  5. 7 inches blimey, wish we had that much here! Where bouts on M25 was this? I don't know junctions geographicaly so your going to have to tell me North/South/East/ or West lol
  6. I remember it just about, I was only about 4, but I remember it was so thick. My dad always tells me how he had to dig his way out of the house, the snow was blocking the doorstep so I'm guessing a couple of feet fell that year!
  7. Well skies are clear and I can see the moon here atm so I doubt we'll get anymore here in Uppy for a few hours at least! :lol:
  8. Remember that episode of Thomas the Tank Engine when he ploughs into a pile of snow; "Silly soft stuff, it won't stop me!" how he regreated saying that lol I think a few trains could be doing impressions of that tomorrow haha!
  9. Winds have died down somewhat, it was really howling here last night and at times during today!
  10. Good I live in Upminster, not too far from you so hopefully it'll start snowing here in a minute!
  11. Yep and that wont have thawed when the prolonged spell of snow arrives tommorow afternoon/evening, just imagine how much that could dump on top of the 6 inches!
  12. Question: Does anybody remember the heavy falls in January/February 1991?
  13. Well if your to believe what someone put earlier than parts of Kent have already had 10cm with alot more forecast so I don't see why 20cm+ is that unrealistic! <_<
  14. Starting to fall again here now, lighter than before but with bigger flakes. Just waiting for it to speed up again! <_<
  15. Well my grandparents live in New Milton just across the water from you and they've lived there for nearly 20 years and they said they've never had more than an inch of snow in the whole time they've lived there!
  16. It's stopped here for the time being, but I get the impression that it will be on & off all night and tommorow morning with that spell tommorow PM bringing a more sustained spell of snow, perhaps 5 or 6 hours!
  17. Unlikely to get much so on IOW as you are in the south coast solent I believe which is normally cut off from winter weather. I heard a distant rumble of thunder earlier I'm sure I did!
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