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Everything posted by camperstron

  1. Gritted roads in south brum are starting to cover over. The wind is also making things interesting.
  2. Worst of timings though for brum - rush hour is going to be fun!!! Winds picking up here and I think some light snow.
  3. In 3+ years of netweathering I haven't seen a set up at close range like this one. I'm scared to discuss it in case I jinx it - this could be epic!!
  4. I don't want to jinx things - but this is the best set up I've seen for years. Surprise snow and UPGRADES going into the main event?!! Am I dreaming?!!!!
  5. Brum snow now seems more 'organised' than it was this afternoon - we've had a cm in the last half hour. (Looking at my garden) Interesting night ahead
  6. Met office have brum down for heavy snow from the current system from 9pm tonight!!
  7. Light snow in harborne birmingham for the last hour, it's sticking a bit too!! Things are still looking good Today's flurry is a real bonus!
  8. I don't think realism is being negative!! I love snow - but I'm cautious having been through the model watching up and downs for years. Most times great charts do not pan out. It's too soon to get excited but I'm willing to be proved wrong.
  9. Light snow for an entire day is nice, but far removed from snowmageddon and a foot of snow We'll have to wait until Friday I guess to see what happens! I wouldn't be surprised to see downgrades tomorrow to be honest.
  10. Sorry, breakpoint, not breakthrough point. My apologies.
  11. Met Office downgrade for Brum this evening from 2 snowflakes to one for Friday daytime. A forecaster on twitter mentioned something called a 'breakthrough' point which could reduce snowfall for the midlands. Apparently variations in GFS indicate that this might be a feature. I think it's way too soon to get excited, wait until the snow is actually falling. We're still way too far out from Friday to do the snow dance.
  12. One of my kids is due to travel from birmingham to Europe on a coach on Friday. Departing at 4:30. If the models could push things back to Saturday I'd be happier!!
  13. Today has been a beautiful wintry day/evening! I'm not holding out any hope for the weekend tbh, it would be nice but our geography always throws in a curve ball.
  14. In the darkest, bitterest part of my snowless heart I keep a little place where I remember the overland low of Feb 2010 (I think) that came from nowhere one morning and dumped lots of snow on birmingham.
  15. As usual there is a brum shaped hole in the ppn.
  16. I think wintry mix is an apt description for south brum. Not good for rush hour with the temp dropping too.
  17. The Birmingham snow shield will never be breached.
  18. Pretty much just icey rain in south brum now. Boo!
  19. Nice to see some proper snowflakes in south brum this morning. It seems to be a bit snizzly now.
  20. My lamp post watching has been ruined by the installation of LED street lamps!!
  21. There does seem to be a decent squall developing. And the back edge could be the decider - it depends how quickly the cold air gets pulled in I guess. At the moment though, it's a wet evening!
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