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Everything posted by camperstron

  1. Ok, son 1 and husband have announced that we have proper flakes and they are preparing to do a snow angel in the garden <<slaps self out of negative snow mood>>
  2. I know why I'm depressed, I watched the vintage '87/91 forecasts on youtube!! Now THOSE were good set ups!!
  3. In north midlands you've had a bit of a heavy spell!! Still sort of snizzly micro flakes in brum.
  4. Hmmm so no one in the region is getting decent snow are they? Sorry, despite earlier optimism think this is another midlands let down. Am happy to be proved wrong though!!!
  5. It is lovely to have *any* snow but tbh I was sort of expecting (from the forecasts/charts) a bit more than an afternoon of mostly snizzle. Obviously the night is young, but this doesn't warrant an amber snow warning. We'll be lucky to get to 3cm never mind 10!!! And IMBY the snizzle is disctinctly wet. Oh well, perhaps winter 12/13 will be different!
  6. Been out for a walk with the kids - enough white stuff for snowballs! Possibly a 2cm covering and it's still coming down. radar suggests a heavier band in a bit too. So, all in all a good day...if not the snowmageddon I was hoping for!
  7. Looking very good now!! Slightly bigger flakes and v.intense!
  8. The intensity here is good - if the flakes were bigger then it would be awesome.
  9. Oh come on big flakes!!! I want dinner plate sized ones! (not complaining though...yet!)
  10. seems to me that there is a heavy band - looking almost like a squall line - about 30 minutes away from brum.
  11. In south brum it is coming down nicely - settling too. Flake size increasing. Good job this is a Saturday arvo and not midweek rush hour.
  12. Am coming from the most cautious coldie in the midlands that's quite something - hope you have snow now Gord!!
  13. Nice little covering here, just hope the flakes get a bit bigger!!!
  14. Quite heavy now in south brum!!! Seems to be settling too!!
  15. Very fine snow here in south brum, more of a snizzle at the moment.
  16. Oooh, it's soooo near (looking at radar!!) Have had to open a beer to steady the old nerves!!
  17. Really? Do you think (in brum) that as forecast it will turn sleety later on?
  18. Can someone educate me about this occluding cold front and a 'triple point' whilst i watch the v. light brum snow!
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