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Everything posted by Azazel

  1. yeah 15c would definitely require a jumper for me. A 20c evening is just about perfect.
  2. I'm pretty sure i've seen ball lightning before. Years ago in the middle of the night one summer, there was a thunderstorm in the distance (probably a good 20-30 miles away) and i was having a cigarette out of my bedroom window. There was a very bright flash which seemed to come from very high up (the anvil i'm presuming) and then i noticed what can only be described as a ball of light about the size of a tennis ball hovering about 4 feet above the ground in my neighbours garden. It swayed from side to side slightly and appeared to be "dripping" or "flaking" smaller bits of light like diamonds. It had a very unnatural appearance and resembled CGI. It stayed for about ten seconds before vanishing as quickly as it had appeared.
  3. typical Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter day in England here, cool, blustery and wet
  4. Its Springgggggggggggggggggggggg ....cue the return of Winter
  5. *sigh* too late in the day now for me to care about deep cold and snow. It's March on Tuesday and my attention turns to Spring warmth, but alas..we all know the winter will make an unwelcome return and provide nuisance cold (not quite cold enough for snow) right through until May now.
  6. indeed:) now when my alarm goes off at 6.30 its not pitch black. In a few weeks time I will start to naturally wake up before my alarm
  7. how long until we start looking for Spring warmth? This winter has been an absolute car crash - possibly even worse than the two that went before it and I never thought that would be possible.
  8. definitely noticeable now in the evenings and slightly noticeable in the mornings. Sun is above the horizon now when on the train on the way to work. I love waking up at 4am in the summer because of the light. Its lovely knowing I still have 2 and a half hours in bed so I just roll over and go back to sleep:)
  9. finally noticing it when I leave work at 5.00 now. Had my first "Spring prang" in my tummy the other day:D
  10. No snow seen for 3 years now here. Unprecedented in my lifetime:O
  11. but James Madden says it will be the one of the coldest spells for 50 years. http://www.express.co.uk/news/weather/632611/UK-Weather-Snow-snowbomb-red-alert-UK-coldest-winter-58-years God I hate that bellend.
  12. I havent really noticed it yet, but I check my rubbish iphone weather app every few days and smile as the sunset time creeps later and later. Still pitch black when I get up though:(
  13. haha you say that, but i actually love getting up in broad daylight. I feel like in the summer I can survive pretty well on a few hours sleep, whereas in Winter I can have 8 hours and still feel like i've been hit by a steamroller when i get up in the dark. Hayfever is crap though, but as long as you have some antihistimenes with you then you'll be fine and can enjoy the beautiful smell of freshly mown lawn grass:)
  14. That does sound cool. Imagine if the sun didn't rise throughout December here in the UK:/ A month of wind and rain but in darkness:(
  15. Something incredibly depressing at looking at my weather app on my phone and seeing double digit temps for the foreseeable future. regarding seasons, i've started thinking about it like this - Dec - Feb (Winter), March - April (Spring) May - July (Summer) August - November (Autumn) or just Autumn all the time.
  16. I'm not a coldie by any stretch of the imagination, but this is just ridiculous. I can't believe Christmas is just 2 weeks away and its almost warm enough to go out in a t-shirt:/ For me down here, 2015 has just been one big perpetual Autumn. Absolutely atrocious year devoid of any interesting weather bar about 3 days overall. I was hoping for a cold/snowy winter to break the monotony and chain of wet/windy/mild winters but no sign of that until at least January. We all know the synoptics we all want will come along in April when its too late to really tap into long-lived cold and when everyone is looking for heat/storms. Dross.
  17. the most boring year weather-wise for as long as I can remember. Probably because I brought a GoPro to document things like the weather. constantly windy, cool and uninteresting. One hot day at the beginning of July and overnight storms, otherwise it's been dreadful. I don't even recall seeing a cumulonimbus in daylight hours once this year. No beefy showers, just infill, stratus, infill etc. I hate winter, but i'm praying it snows just to make it interesting.
  18. Coming home last night in the dark was super depressing, especially because I haven't had to do it for 5 years or so (my other jobs finished way before 5) However, getting up in the light the last two mornings has been glorious! although that will only last a matter of weeks
  19. I know it means absolutely nothing, but I have a gut-feeling we will have a colder, snowier and drier winter than normal. Just getting that vibe from somewhere
  20. I could go for a cold and snowy/bright winter, but i think another mild, wet and windy/grey winter might finish me off
  21. The idea thay wasps only sting when they feel threatened is a complete myth. They are aggressive, nasty little bastards with wings. I hate killing anything, If i kill something by accident or step on a snail or something, I feel genuine remorse. I will even try to free giant house spiders, even though I am absolutely terrified of them to the point of physically shaking with fear. Wasps though? nope. The amount of times i've been dive-bombed and attacked by them just minding my own business is ridiculous. You can see when they land on a surface, just incessantly thrusting their thorax trying to sting it. I actually made the stupid mistake of "stay still and it will leave you alone" recently. It stung me on the neck for absolutely no reason. I swatted it to the ground and stamped on it thirty times and felt great about it to be honest.
  22. Agree with this, I'm actually very worried about the state of my mental health this winter.
  23. it does feel as though Autumn is lagging a bit here. Some trees are turning but i'm sure we are usually at a more advanced stage by now? Seems strange to me seeing as the weather has been autumnul since the end of June.
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