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Everything posted by Azazel

  1. Does feel weirdly warm outside. Shame it won’t really last but it’s got me hankering even more for warm weather
  2. This is one of the grimmest looking forecasts I’ve seen at this time of year. Endless wind and marginally less cold.
  3. CryoraptorA303 as a layman, that’s definitely the case. The general public has been bombarded with articles and speculation that the south of England will soon have a Mediterranean climate. Most people associate the Med with heat. These constant sound bites about how the U.K. will soon be able to grow pineapples in Blackpool have definitely led people to believe it’s gonna get hotter and drier. Not many of them expected us to turn into the lost city of Atlantis.
  4. CryoraptorA303 don’t get me wrong I would love for it not to rain again until Christmas if I had my way
  5. raz.org.rain I do struggle with humidity to be fair so I just make sure I take all the steps possible to mitigate it. Drink a cosmic tonne of water etc. humidity means the chance of big storms so I’m all for it!
  6. raz.org.rain didnt the CFS predict similar last summer? Which model/forecaster suggested a plume filled summer? The literal opposite happened so i'm a bit nervous now.
  7. cold and sunny. Hate the wind and rain more than anything - though rain is kinda nice after a heatwave breakdown as long as it doesnt overstay its welcome! Wind is just garbage in every way.
  8. CryoraptorA303 I would take it - 2019 had some spectacular thunderstorms for my area and some actual heat.
  9. Definitely some shear/convergence going on. The scuddy lowering moving roughly north to south and everything to the right moving south to north
  10. Nice to see an actual convective cloud base again
  11. Showers getting going now. Just had a brief sprinkle in between some strong April sunshine
  12. Is there shear in the forecast? Got a lot of movement in different directions it’s also very active - for March especially
  13. Sun is out here. Everyone is sat inside but I am sat in the garden legs akimbo and splayed out in the sun like a washed up bin bag. I can feel the strength on my pallid, grey skin and it’s glorious
  14. My partners parents live in a little village called St. Mary Bourne and every time I drive over there, even though it’s only like 5 miles away, it takes me half hour because the route is full of trucks and equipment pumping the floodwater. They’ve been there every day since December I think. The water is coming up through peoples downstairs toilets etc and the road is lined with sandbags. Never seen that before.
  15. Interesting cell maybe passing over Andover just now. Couldn’t make out too much structure as the sky is just varying shades of grey, but the wind changed direction rapidly as it went over suggesting some shear
  16. B87 2022 too. Spring was no great shakes. According to Wunderground, London hit the 20c no times in March (fair enough) and ONCE in April (15th) - took until May to see decent temps 2021 had a lovely 3 day spell at the end of March where we hit 20c (I remember it well) 0 times in April and then only 3 times in May. So actually, it looks like we've only hit 20c on one solitary April day in the past 3 springs. I wonder if we can make it four? I swear I was gaslit on here for saying the last several springs have been c**p with people telling me 2021 was great etc but the temps say otherwise. Something has changed in our climate. One crap spring with reduced temps you could say fine, that's a fluke. Two Springs is coincidence. Three Springs (and what looks like a fourth) is a pattern. Winter seems to have shifted into a completely different section of the year. I would argue our seasons are now something like May (Spring) June/July (Summer) August - Feb (Autumn) March-April (Winter)
  17. Yeah this is ludicrous now. Absolutely throwing it down. No spring again it looks like. Becoming a theme since the 2020 lockdown. Feels like a definite climatological shift of sorts and I am very depressed.
  18. Summer8906 last ‘summer’ was the earliest I’ve ever seen the leaves begin to turn. It really has been the most extended period of dross I can ever recall with the odd bit of nice thrown in (September).
  19. CryoraptorA303 yeah it’s a pain. We’ve done several auto immune investigations over the years and nothing has come up but I finally did a poor man’s tilt table test a few months back and my HR goes from like 70 to 130 when standing and stays there for like 5 minutes. I have tried adding more salt to my diet and drinking tonnes of water and it really does seem to help - so that’s what I think it is and my GP agrees. He says getting a diagnosis is kind of pointless however but I still will likely try to get one as if I ever get really sick it gives me some kind of official record and diagnosis
  20. CryoraptorA303 fair enough - I’m pretty sure I don’t have hyperthyroidism but I DO likely have POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) which is why I do actually struggle when it gets TOO hot even though I like the warmth. This has been an ongoing thing for me since I was about 18 but before then I definitely always felt the cold a little more than most - swimming pools for example are always a few degrees colder than I can bare for longer than like ten minutes!
  21. Going by the models it really looks somewhat likely winter will arrive in April. If we get any snow I want to say that will be the 3rd or 4th April in a row I’ve seen it.
  22. CryoraptorA303 I mean, I’m fairly lean and not fat so that possibly contributes. But I’ve always felt the cold and always been on the cooler side - as have several people I know. I also know several people who always feel warm and as far as I know, they don’t have any medical issues. Its almost like we are all different with varying tolerances
  23. raz.org.rain I would love that to happen personally i appreciate it’s not for everyone, but I love that kind of weather.
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