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Everything posted by Barb

  1. I expect the GFS is overdeepening the low on 29th as usual. Met Office have it as 985 or so while GFS has it at 965.
  2. It's definitely sticking. But it's not that heavy, hopefully it beefs up a bit.
  3. Flakes have become smaller and finer suggesting its proper drier snow now.
  4. Oh yes proper snow now, temperature inching down too. Now start sticking please.
  5. I hope I get the stuff you further South are getting! Gone lighter now.
  6. Getting heavier now and seems to be turning more to snow.
  7. Sleety wet snow here, definitely some proper flakes. Temp 0.7c. Came at worst time of day, just when its warmest. Typical.
  8. Normally I'd dismiss charts that far out but it's been showing for a few days now and many runs and it's getting into a semi-reliable timeframe. It would be a very very special event for the right places.
  9. Could do. 50 miles further south and we could be in business, 50 miles North and its just rain. Never straight forward in this bloody country is it? Also, looking interesting for 28th/29th. Would normally dismiss charts this far out but it's been showing consistently for a few days now and now creeping towards semi-reliable timeframe. If this came off we'd have a foot of snow in the valleys.
  10. Looking interesting for major snow event 28th/29th, models have been hinting at this for a few days now. ~Foot of snow in places
  11. Crystal clear skies here, no wind etiher. Still a nice covering of dry powdery snow on the ground... love nights like this, very festive. We got to -9.7c last December I believe, that's the coldest I've ever recorded. Defintiely under threat tonight I think with clear skies forecast all night. The 12z looks a little better for us tomorrow, low bit more south and some cold air really digging back in later.
  12. Wouldn't be surprised, the snow cover will help a lot. May help us tomorrow too.
  13. Even the NMM forecast a minimum of -1c/-2c for us last night, how can they get it so wrong?
  14. Yay, first ice day of the cold snap here. A max of -0.3c and now down to -1.0c. Going to be very very cold tonight... -10c not out of question if the skies stay clear I think. Barely any snow melt. Derek said snow for North and East Wales and on higher ground tomorrow night. Maybe there's some hope after all... BBC going for a minimum of -3c tonight - what are they smoking? They said the same last night and we got -7.5c. A few days ago also they forecast -3c and we got -7c. There really is no excuse at all for such nonsense predictions - really damages their credibility.
  15. If only that low tomorrow would bugger off 100 miles further south it could be snow for much of Wales. Might come down to nowcasting.
  16. Got to -7.5c here. Stil -5.5c. Tomorrow doesn't look so good now, rain rain rain.
  17. Tis a very interesting GFS FI for sure, throwing up some real treats. Potential megablizzard from battleground scenario around New Year.
  18. True, notoriously difficult these setups to forecast. I'd really love to wake up to a fresh covering of snow on Christmas Eve and not lashing it down and green and muddy. One or the other I guess it'll be.
  19. If only that low on Wed/Thur night could move 100 miles or so further south we could be in business. Possible?
  20. The showers are kind of stuck in a calm doldrums at the moment but a NW wind should pick up and blow them SE tonight. Different set up to last night which was a SWly...
  21. Amusing apocalyptic megablizzard for 29th/30th:
  22. Wednesday night is interesting, showing rain/sleet for now for Mid/South Wales but snow for North Wales. Wouldn't take much change though to make it interesting for Mid/South, especially Valleys areas with a bit of height. A minority chance at the moment but still a possibility, fingers crossed.
  23. I've very sceptical of it reaching anywhere else but the far SE of Wales. Even there it won't be anything significant but I may be wrong.
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