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Everything posted by jy

  1. Well I have been to the Tank Museum at Bovington lol the ton bags are only the size not the weight thank goodness lol
  2. Last car died 3 months after purchase.Replacement about the size of a Sherman Tank.Bit nervous about first drive but really happy.Also got 5 one ton bags of customers garden rubbish in so fingers crossed perhaps a slight change of miserable luck.
  3. Sorry to upstage you but I fished the green punt in the Bridge Pool at Christchurch as they did.Things livened up when I foul hooked a sea trout in the tail lol
  4. I did indeed.Due to crisis after crisis fishing taken back seat however nearly ready to return high water conditions my favourite so well timed.
  5. Brilliant story about gardening in Downton they had a pond and there were lots of Roach in there.I remarked as a fisherman how lucky they were.The husband told me the Avon badly flooded.When the levels dropped the Roach were left and 2k of mature Koi legged it into the river lol.
  6. Tactical change with my gardening work.Where lawns are deeply flooded I'm introducing Koi Carp.On lightly wet lawns I've been planting rice.Got to move with the conditions lol
  7. Seems to me the forecasts are a little at odds makes sense to stay regional get real time what's happening....only a personal view
  8. It's been a nightmare cannot believe the level of ineptitude masses of broken promises and lies.latest promise is tomorrow may well happen at long last but not really holding my breath.
  9. Ah yes phones...been at new place for 2 months now.Engineer number 5 is with us today.7 weeks now without the ability to make outward bound calls.BT blame Openreach and you've guessed it Openreach blame BT.To add to the fun woman has offered 25 pounds compensation for 7 weeks...I thought it but didn't say it.Once this shambles is sorted next stop Offcom.
  10. Good old BT....50 days without a outward dialling facility 120 hours on the phone (over the 50 days ) lost work time waiting for the 4 engineers to arrive between 8am and 1 over the.period.At last after all the.lies blaming BT and Openreach ect all sorted by tomorrow.But no....2 emails arrive saying we are having problems..won't be tomorrow lol..but deep joy...lady rings to say I will get 25 quid compensation to ease the pain...good luck with that my lovely lol
  11. In the new rented property I'm in 11 hours of oil heated Radiator a day comes with the rent payment.its fixed...1st Oct on..30th April off.It was challenging having it fixed on during the recent 24c temps lol
  12. With OH In Kent delighted to report my second hot meal of her absence just devoured.Bacon sandwich and a coffee in local cafe who said men can't survive alone lol
  13. Interesting....22 years renting given notice to leave...found new place...previous house wanted a few bits removed..went to collect the bits...bonfire and no garden.Everything..fruit trees raised beds..fish pond..3k worth of trees and shrubs I planted ditto 60 yds of mature hedge all gone 3 sheds..quite unbelievable.
  14. Fri 13 th.OH brother having 6 hour cancer op.Tests done awaiting the call to theatre nurse comes in says surgeon has fallen down the stairs and is injured badly enough that he can't operate.....just great
  15. Strong rumours emerging that VAR is being introduced to weather forecasting.If prime time forecasts have got it badly wrong and a serious and obvious error has taken place then 3 other models can ask the Met Office to reconsider and change the forecast..for example a Channel Low.Blizzard nailed on only for it to scoot off into France a case in point.
  16. Whilst understanding people's.preferences with the weather spare a thought for folk that earn a living outdoors it affects millions of people especially at school holiday time
  17. Funny old world.20 years building up a country garden.Flowers..then fruit...then veg.Landlord has given us 3 months to vacate.Incoming bod will scoop the lot wrong time of life for this to happen but it is what it is.Anyone let us put a tent up in their garden will garden for free lol
  18. Yes I am but Gordon the landlord bucks the trend he's been good it's a new job they need to learn quickly expensive business plant and basket replacement the only time these clots shut up is when you ask them how they would be after 6 days in 80 degree heat with NO liquid rant over
  19. Heard it all now pub garden hanging baskets and borders dry,landlord said no need to water after the rain we've had.Add that to why haven't you watered...well there's the horses to deal with twice a day oh the school run oh busy social life ect ect ect and fair enough work but if you can't be bothered to care for your garden slab the damn thing.I need help I'm turning into Victor Meldrew
  20. Interesting seeing folk leaving our river fringed Recreation ground today.Im sure you could fry a full English breaking on some of those bright red shoulders,poor night's sleep ahead methinks English Breakfast lol
  21. As people are advising what they are wearing,it might be useful if you added what colours the items are,that way any fashion advisors on here could give tips on colour coordination,this year's must have outfits,colours ect could avoid the that's so last year darling shaming
  22. I was doing my gardening work in a string vest and Speedos today,customer reaction was mixed,been a tricky time for all sorts of outdoor work of late.
  23. Lovely day here,sun out,cut a really big lawn,customer happy,only needed t shirt and work jeans,sweating as I sat down for my coffee breakore please
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