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Higher Ground

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Posts posted by Higher Ground

  1. Its deja vu all over again.

    Remember early February and it looked as though the mild was going to make a breakthrough only for it to give a glancing blow?

    Looks like a pretty major breakthrough by the end of next week on the GFS 6z. If it came off, even 20C might be possible. Not sure it will come off though, seems there is a trend for everything to be pushed progressively westwards, as previous posts have suggested, and has happened throughout this winter.

  2. Haha thanks but i doubt it - not expecting anything to settle. Hope i'm wrong. Will try to remember to report back......

    Well we got our snow flakes - been sleeting lightly for last 15 mins or so. Temp 0.8C.

    Though we got no precipitation from the main band; this sleet is from a new (narrow) line of precipitation formed to the NW in last couple of hours.

  3. wouldnt go as far as that, higher ground may well get a smattering of snow, but for lower levels, cold rain is the most likely outcome.

    I've seen it forecast for above 200m (Ian Fergusson's blog), or above 250m (another forecast, but can't remember where)

    So a fair bet for some flakes here at 286m, just a question of how much. Hopes not very high, but marginal situations often have the potential to be interesting.

  4. Hearing the talk about moving to where there's more snow, thought i'd point out that i may be moving to Leicester later this year which is rather the opposite as i will no longer have reason to be smug when snow is only forecast for higher ground lol. Maybe i will have to re-register with a different name.... sad.gif

  5. About 2cm of new snow here, better than nothing. Depth on grass gone from 6-7cm to 8-9cm. All today's snowfall settled, so main problem has been lack of sustained intensity.

    Still got basically no hope of level snow surviving till any possible return to cold at weekend. Deeper drifts might though at least...

  6. Sticking nicely here, leaves already white. Still 6-7cm of snow left on grass from last week, so might even get top-up back to 10cm... before it all thaws in the next couple of days sad.gif

    If anyone in this area wants to get (probably) their last fix of deep snow for the winter, I would recommend a trip up to Beacon Hill - you can park right at the top just off Monument Lane. You can trudge through a large area of deep snow up there, still up to 10cm deep with some big drifts too.

    Snow heavier now with bigger flakes... (so getting deeper as i speak)

  7. Thanks for that mate. Well there goes my plans for an early night!

    Sorry! oops.gif I thought of that just after posting lol

    Trouble is, i'm even tempted to stay up myself as it would be fascinating to watch on the remote offchance that a massively underpredicted pasting gradually evolves out of nowhere.

    No, i'll see what's outside the window in the morning......... or maybe just one last radar check..... maybe 2??

  8. I don't mind what happens beyond 1st March, but up to 28th Feb, I am quite keen for the weather to keep helping the winter statistics as far as possible, *for as much of the UK as possible*, to trend as close as they can towards historic levels of cold and snowiness overall.

    GFS 18z doesn't seem to do a bad job so far at all. Certainly nothing "mild". ("Close to average" perhaps at times in the south).

    Here at altitude in the West Mids we currently have up to 10cm of snow still from Wed/Thu (was out night sledging at 7pm!) and Met Office weather warnings totalling potential 32cm of further snow (10+7+15) up to Wed.

    What a fascinating end to winter (or should I say the official winter months....)

  9. Hey peeps, well I am back home in Leicester now. I arrived back at 4pm to be greeted by a blizzard like snow shower biggrin.gif

    I took some pics on the way back from South Wales on the coach, I took a pic of the snow in Tredegar and also near Hereford and I took a picture of the 50p size snowflake shower when I got home.

    There was around 2 inches in Tredegar and 3-5 inches in the hills around Hereford. Only snow on the grass in Leicester when I got home, that heavy shower settled even on wet ground though because it was intense.

    Nice pics thanks

  10. If GFS 18z comes off maybe a new thread will have to be started this summer for "Snow patches surviving on Midland hills", let alone the traditional Scottish mountains one..... 10 foot drifts anyone?! (Already got 1ft drifts here on Beacon Hill, another 9ft to go lol)

    That's my ramp anyway. I know in reality by midweek there will be the familiar sound of rain lashing against the window......

  11. 3 channel lows between Mon and Thu! Just to see such output within the 7-day timeframe is impressive enough. To see even one come off in reality would be a bonus of course.

    And a 4th channel low snowfest for Fri night? Insane!

    (Caveat - very unclear what will happen in reality beyond the next couple of days, but these are extremely unusual charts to see, certainly within such a close timeframe)

    [Edit: further caveat, didn't make it clear I'm talking from a West Mids perspective here, as we would be bang in the most likely snow zone for the modelled set-up]

  12. Sounds like we were lucky here as over in Stourbridge the settling snow was rubbish tbh yet just 1 or 2 Miles NE here it was all white. Still some snow around too. Clent was looking nice and white from our road today too. smile.gif

    Here it's a similar height to Clent and finished up with 5 inches of snow by the end of yesterday. Not much melted today on the grass or in the woods - this eve @5.30pm still an average of ~4 inches on the grass on the highest parts of Beacon Hill, with drifts close to a foot in places (honestly not exaggerating) and trees with all their snow intact in the woods. This was despite several hours of strong sunshine, and no top-up of falling snow.

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