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Everything posted by Barbmac

  1. Yes looks to be easterly, or ESE-ly cloud drift. Our location on the west side of the Malverns makes it impossible to see anything to the East unless one walks a short distance to the north end and peers around it! Often quite different on that side. Don't ask me to do it though, the paths will be awash!
  2. Moderate rain in Malvern now, has been since my last post. Very dark towards the north.
  3. Ah but Telford has a shield for every occasion, hasn't it Conor? It is raining lightly here now. *yawn* Agree it's looking better than an hour ago, Herefordweather. How is it over where you are?
  4. The radar shows our area choc full of showers yet on the Malvern Hill itself, hardly anything but the odd light burst! It must all be circulating around us. When I went out for a walk earlier I could see showers dotted around in all directions. It was strangely calm and felt relatively mild out.
  5. Missed out on any 'interesting' weather today, only a few splashes of rain now and again. Temp currently 9oC. Looks like all the action is... well anywhere but the west Midlands! LOL. We appear to be in the 'dead zone' for the moment.
  6. Big rumble of thunder a few minutes ago, looks like we might be in for some action from the west.
  7. Moderate hail shower passed through here just now. No lightning/thunder though.
  8. Only a couple of light showers here so far today, temp between 6-7oC for the majority of the day.
  9. What a murky morning here! Foggy, has been a little light or drizzle rain overnight, damp everywhere, most unpleasant. Not too cold, though, around 7oC last time I looked at the weather station about half an hour ago. Might have to have a go at that game, Rainbow Snow, don't think I'll do particularly well though!
  10. After a lull with clearer skies, the snow has started falling again.
  11. It's 0.5oC in West Malvern currently, snow sticking to rooftops and cars, I can also see it further up the Hill on the ground, and on our garden, but not on the road, it's just not quite cold enough. Snow has stopped falling for the moment, I think we could easily get more with that lump of precipitation heading southwards.
  12. Snowing here in Malvern, there has been a little dusting overnight. Big flakes now. Temp around 0oC
  13. Getting moderate rain right now, more intense stuff looks still to be northwards of here but yes, it is breaking up.
  14. I just saw the radar and came here straight away! You had snow AJ? Wow. Nothing to note here as yet except it does look very murky looking north from here. 4.8oC currently.
  15. Mist/fog gone but it's still overcast and grey, doubt we'll see any sun today!
  16. Getting tired of the constant fog here, have had foggy weather since Monday, despite promises of sunshine. Feels very cold and clammy out today, fog is thicker than it was yesterday.
  17. Heavy fog this morning, just like yesterday. I expect it will linger here all morning before finally lifting to a sunny day. Beautiful sunsets these last 2 nights, but not the great washing and drying outdoors weather I was hoping for!
  18. Typhoon alert! One just flew overhead here. :o Weather's horribly grey, overcast and windy, not terribly pleasant, but it is at least not too cold.
  19. Light hail shower here, that's the only noise at the moment.
  20. Ditto, just happened here as well. LOL Stourbridge, the new Typhoon capital of England.
  21. Heheh. Yep, just saw a Typhoon out the window to my west, heading north towards Clee Hill. Not the windy type, the metallic sort. It has cleared up nicely here, still windy but sunny, although quite nippy in the wind.
  22. Cool! As I write I can hear more jets somewhere in the vicinity, so they're practising again today.
  23. It's deafening when overhead! :o They used to fly round here quite often, you could be on the Hills and they'd actually be level or below where you're walking, and very close! Or flying out across Herefordshire or towards Clee Hills. The past year they haven't been out round here too often, possibly budget cuts? Sometimes they do a night-time exercise, say around 6-8 pm-ish, they did one of those a couple of weeks ago, not too close to the Hill here (although they might fly right across us to get there), but further out across Herefordshire. I did notice they seem to prefer flying on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Friday afternoons. Random trivia! B) With the Olympics coming up, I expect we'll see more of them, or rather, hear more! As for today's weather, couldn't be more different from yesterday, overcast, windy, temp around 6oC, quite murky to start.
  24. And Malvern... they were overhead, really noisy today. What are they training to do, triple axel loops or something? LOL. It was a lovely morning though, I was out walking and although the breeze was cold, the sun felt warm.
  25. Still coming down steadily here, but at 0.8oC it's not going to stick. Pity, had this been a colder day it might have been the best snowfall in Malvern this winter.
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