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dancing daisy

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Everything posted by dancing daisy

  1. With cheese? I am high maintainence. What appalling spelling, maintenance is what I meant obviously! It's the hunger.
  2. I would imagine that as local weather forecaster he has been told not to by his superiors. I think my bosses wouldn't be too impressed with me if I started posting league tables, information which isn't for public consumption...if you know what I mean. So posting on his blog may get him into trouble. This is pure guesswork on my part of course, maybe he is just busy, what with the weather 'n all.
  3. As I said before; I ordered rain. Someone up there loves me. Now I just need someone to come and cook for me! In all seriousness though, I am not so sure of our escape anymore looking at the radar images.
  4. Right my lovelies I am off to see a friend, I am hoping he will feed me! Have fun all! x
  5. See, another one! I never have heating on in my kitchen, 'tis wrong I tell thee! I come over all Gordon Ramsey with anyone who messes with my kitchen! The radar is telling me I have snow. I don't.
  6. Arghhh! Talk about setting me up for one liners which I am unable to say around people who don't me! It's very cold here, the meat I got out of the freezer at 6am to have for dinner tonight hasn't defrosted.
  7. Please don't! I am sick to the back teeth of the stuff and I want my life back. My daughter, on the other hand, absolutely loves the stuff as it gives her an excuse to scive college and go to the pub.
  8. Bridgwater. I can actually see an awful lot of green when I look out of my sitting room window with just patches of white on pavements, but the majority is slush. Sorry, it's all my fault as I ordered rain and it looks like I have got it!
  9. Well I have just left work and I am surprised by how much of our snow has gone, our drive was like an ice rink this morning. Now we have a big thaw going on and lots of rain falling on mucky slush! I am not complaining though.
  10. Oi! Sweet child of mine get your own user name! Love Mum. Lurking from work! Umm sky looks snowy
  11. It's going to take alot of snow for it to set, after thats sleety rain!
  12. No Way! I am just waiting to watch the weather forecast before I go to work and if he doesn't forecast snow for us all then I for one am never watching the BBC ever again!
  13. Do you think Ian has secret info? grrrrr, flipping weathermen hey! I have a hunch that he knows people in weather centres and gets his information from them OR the weather cones aren't showing snow this morning! I wouldn't take it personally people, I doubt very much that he has downgraded the snow for his own entertainment, although if he has been on here I suspect that all the hysteria surrounding this 'rain event' has given him a giggle! Actualy scratch that, it's probably just me that is finding it funny. I'm off to get my brolly now and go to work. Have a nice day radar watching the rain guys!
  14. The school will be in touch with regional weather offices and the local police. I would therefore imagine that they will close school if the forecast pans out as expected. Check with your local radio station in the morning. Our school closures are reported quite quickly on Heart fm, we find that the BBC is quite a bit slower. I am sure if you ring your children's school in the morning they will be quite understanding about the situation. It's hardly a scive is it! :lol:
  15. If the snow appears to be getting heavy then they will contact you and shut the school early.
  16. The only thing to make me smile so far today... The fact that Mr F has said the majority of Somerset will see snow, fingers crossed I am in the minority! I know you are all excited by snow, but seriously aren't you fed up with yet? It's cold, icy, dangerous and frankly if I was given to tantrums then I would be having one right now! Thank god I have a boss who told us all to go home. Day. From. Hell! Can someone let me know if it is going to snow here please, cause if it is and I know I won't have work for the rest of the week then I am heading off to Bristol airport and getting on the first available flight to somewhere hot!
  17. Can I just say that the above post has absolutely nothing to do with me! It was made by my daughter when she got in from work. I must log out of this site before I go to bed in future. Although she has inherited her mother's weather geekiness, she will be chastised later for common grammatical and spelling errors! Enjoy your weather watching today whilst I remember how to work for a living. :lol:
  18. Common! Lets have some snow in somerset then!! We have to get some!! Lol
  19. P*** off snow! I want to get a life again. Righto bed for me, work tomorrow and this is the latest I have been to bed on a school night for ages, 3 weeks off has paid it's price. Good luck all in your snow race. As long as it doesn't touch me then I will be happy. Night all xx
  20. For a straightforard camping trip then duvets and pillows are the way to go. For festivals a blow up lilo from Asda and a rucksack will suffice. At a very memorable Glasto my friend and I sat up by the stones about 4am, it was freezing cold so we huddled around some randoms campfire, shared their drink, had a sing song. This guy was playing the guitar so beautifully it brought a lump to my throat, we all had a sing song and a chat and went our separate ways. The next night on the Pyramid stage were the people we had sat with...It was only the Verve! ha ha ha Sorry, just having a trip down memory lane, bored with snow now.
  21. You'll have to get in the queue my lovely. I'm much sought after around these here parts! I love the idea of a storm named after my alter ego, I like to cause a scene in places I shouldn't! Ah yes, Cornwall! I go there quite a lot as I have family there, beautiful beaches, lovely pubs, nice walks. Oooh and camping, I love camping. I am the only female I know who actually loves sleeping on the ground in a tent. Give me a crate of lager, a campfire and some wet wipes and I am in heaven, looking at the stars, talking rubbish, a bit of a sing-a-long to the guitar. See I am daydreaming now! I have just realised almost every post I make references alcohol, I am not an alcoholic, I promise!
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