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dancing daisy

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Everything posted by dancing daisy

  1. So is the NAE 18Z rolling in an anti clockwise direction? and will it just keep rolling? If this is the case then surely most of Somerset and Devon is going to get a pasting as well? Please excuse my ignorance, I am trying to learn.
  2. It's been snowing quite heavily 10 minutes up the road from me. I have an orangey sky, no stars, lots of cloud...but no bleedin' snow! grrrr
  3. After watching the lovely Dickie's forecast it looks as if most of us are going to get a hammering. Patience is a virtue or so I am told! Thanks again Ian for all of your updates, been telling everyone at work about you and your spot on forecasting.
  4. Ian just just said significant snow risk going into the later part of the week on our local weather report! He also said a bit of snow possible tomorrow, but patchy. I look forward to seeing what he has to say on here later. Right, out to work I go. I will miss you all! Gosh, a day without snow~watch.
  5. Oooh big tease! *stamps feet* Thanks Ian, on the basis of reading between your lines and making stuff up in my head I am planning on working a 2 day week next week!
  6. What he said ^^ Well I won't be popping over to the model thread anytime soon...scary!
  7. I do hope you're right! Oooh who has been dissing our Ian? grrrr
  8. Sorry Paul and thanks for replying Jonesey and lost. It is very icy here in Somerset, no snow, no rain. It's going to be a slippy one in the morning. So are we going to get shed loads of snow on Tuesday/Wednesday? Do I need to do my lesson planning for a whole week or just a few days?
  9. Can I just butt in on the bit of off topic we have going on please? What about the arguments that the world is coming out of an ice age and this is natural progression and not caused by Co2/emissions/pollution etc? I am definitely interested in this and not just flame throwing.
  10. Thank you Ian So, possible snow next week? I have an apology to make to you all. I feel to blame for this as in the last 2 weeks I have been thinking that snow now would be a waste, as a teacher snow in term is soooo much more fun! Righto, now to find somewhere hot to go to for a short break in Feb half term whilst looking at this forum very 5 minutes with everything crossed.
  11. Good! Sick of winter already! Looking at hols to the Canaries in Feb half term, so you're bound to get some sort of weird heatwave then. Glastonbury festival forecast anyone? lol I have given up on seeing any snow and am now just looking forward to warmth, summer and fun.
  12. Woo hoo Although I am more of a weather watcher than a weather understander. I know that isn't a word but it should be!
  13. Thanks Ian for your forecast, you are a star! I await with baited breath for your next forecasts as I am travelling to Cornwall from Somerset on N.Y.E morning and planning on travelling home on N.Y.D. I really cannot be trapped in Cornwall as need to be back for work, I also do not fancy a dangerous drive home. Thanks again
  14. I am terrible, a real pedant. I blame my uni prof from back in the day. Yes, January 4th would be great as I am back at work on the 5th
  15. I am not going to get any am I? Not that i'm bothered or owt Had to edit as I forgot the question mark. This would bother me! lol
  16. You will all be bored of it tomorrow and begging to see the green grass that I can see on my garden!
  17. I know exactly what you mean! It's like rain at Glastonbury. Not a proper Glasto without some! I was writing christmas cards earlier and looked out of the window and it was snowing and it felt right. If we don't get it then we don't get it. Would much rather get it on the 4th January to give me snow days for school!
  18. Show off! Well I have snow so nerrrrr. I admit it is only about a mm on the ground but it's snow. Infact if I scraped up all the snow from my drive I could probably decorate a cupcake. :lol:
  19. Repeat after me...C'mon guys we don't need snow. All those snow losers won't be able to get ready for Christmas, they will have problems travelling anywhere, the shops will run out of bread. Whereas we will be eating roast turkey with lashings of alcohol whilst they are eating cold beans whilst trying to get warm over their candles! Yeah snow is for losers who will have their christmas ruined!
  20. Any due in Somerset? Feeling left out now as only had snow for about 90 seconds. It was good snow though!
  21. The temperature hasn't stopped the very brief snow showers here. It has got warmer as the day has gone on. Vey strange..
  22. You don't want the anti climax of it all, trust me! 1 minute of heavy flakes. Wooo hooo
  23. It has just started snowing here as well! I m giving up weather forecasting, I am obviously rubbish at it.
  24. I like Ian Shame I won't get any snow here in tropical old Bridgwater as temps appear to be rising not falling.
  25. Right we have a huge Orange, grey cloud covering for miles Its fulll of snow quite clearly So lets just see.
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