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A Century Of Heat Is On The Way

Guest Daniel

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Guest Daniel

according to the BBC it now looks that the U.K will warm up and that will bring doom and gloom. But I belive a warmer future will bring great benifits to us if we adapt to them. Lets face it So called Global warming is a global problem and there nothing we can do to stop it. Now I think we will just have grin and bare it. What will warming mean in the comming years. Well a small increase in average temps as this is the likerly out come will mean hotter summers and longer growing seasons. In summer will be going around without waring jumpers or coats sitting in the garden or on the beach. Many new crops could be grown and we will be a major wine grown region. Average central England summer temps will proberly be around 20 and some days may reach into the mid 30s. Also much of the summers would be dry and very sunny. Though thunderstorms will happen sometimes. As for winters we would have to kiss good buy to frost cold and snow as they would be milder. Rainfall would be less across the south and more in the north. We may have to find ways of bringing water to the south or take water from the sea and turn it into fresh water. Further more solar power could well be the main power of the future as sunshine and brightness increase. So they are many benifts and also the ice caps are likerly to remain in place and we wont see a huge see level rise. what happens Beyond this century no one really knows. As I said this is the most likerly out come. but The gulf stream theroy is not dead and we could end up much colder instead. However disbite the cooler start to this year there no real evidance at present of any major cooling. only time will tell. But As I said climate change is a Global problem and we alone cant solve anything expect maje our local areas a better place to live.

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  • Location: Liphook
  • Location: Liphook

Ah ever so slight shift from the usual stuff then Daniel, oh how tempting it is to lock this thread BUT I'll allow it to stay open simply because its only a small bit to do with the gulf stream and not the entire post like normal.

(ps, don't we have tmeps in the 20's and highs into the 30's nowdays, yet alone in the future?)

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  • Location: Madrid, Spain (Formerly Telford)
  • Location: Madrid, Spain (Formerly Telford)

There's no chance of getting decent snow again.

Ill be happy for warm summers with more thunderstorms.

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  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

Well I think Joe Public will start going into switch off mode soon. Another Beeb rant on the news this time the power will go off becuase we'll melt in summer. Whatever happens if it gets cold your powers going off if you get warm it's going off.

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  • Location: Guess!
  • Location: Guess!

Mods - any chance of shifting this to the GW thread?

Daniel, much of what you say is speculation. What is missing and what I'd like to see is why you believe what you do. I'd be interested.

Regards. Paul

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  • Location: Cwmparc, South Wales.
  • Location: Cwmparc, South Wales.
Well I think Joe Public will start going into switch off mode soon. Another Beeb rant on the news this time the power will go off becuase we'll melt in summer. Whatever happens if it gets cold your powers going off if you get warm it's going off.

Sounds about right. Seems some people are only happy when they are trying to create panic. I agree a warmer UK would be good for us. It's not all gloom and doom...

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  • Location: G.Manchester
  • Location: G.Manchester

Hotter summers would be the final downwall for the economy. It would kill thousands and year, African born diseases would creep into Europe due to warmer summers and much warmer winters. We need frost and snow to kill off trpical diseases.

"Further more solar power could well be the main power of the future as sunshine and brightness increase."

That's complete ballocks, a warmer climate would not make the sun shine brighter, a warmer climate may increase sunshine ammounts but on the other hand could reduce sunshine ammounts in one way or another.

I warmer climate wouldn't be good for the UK, it would be a disaster. Yes there are some good points to a warm climate but also some bad points.

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Guest Daniel
Hotter summers would be the final downwall for the economy. It would kill thousands and year, African born diseases would creep into Europe due to warmer summers and much warmer winters. We need frost and snow to kill off trpical diseases.

"Further more solar power could well be the main power of the future as sunshine and brightness increase."

That's complete ballocks, a warmer climate would not make the sun shine brighter, a warmer climate may increase sunshine ammounts but on the other hand could reduce sunshine ammounts in one way or another.

I warmer climate wouldn't be good for the UK, it would be a disaster. Yes there are some good points to a warm climate but also some bad points.

A warmer climate need not be bad. If we adapt to it we could over come all thouse problems you mention. Most of the earths poulations live in far warmer climates than us and with the right adaption they are thriving. Now I would rather have a warmer climate then an iceage one.

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  • Location: Dublin, ireland
  • Weather Preferences: Snow , thunderstorms and wind
  • Location: Dublin, ireland

Hi Daniel,

Now you know I have been a supporter of your topics.

But.... This one goes against your usual topics of colder winters to come.

I think :

1. You believe the winters will get colder (as all your previous topics have greatly leaned towards)


2. You have had the greatest conversion sine WIB had last winter for about 2 weeks


3 You have no convictions and are just trying to rise people here.

Time to come off the fence.

or hang on I know what it might be.

The high temperatures this week are getting to you.

All of the above said in good faith and dont ake any offence because none is intended

Edited by John Cox
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  • Location: G.Manchester
  • Location: G.Manchester
Most of the earths poulations live in far warmer climates than us and with the right adaption they are thriving. Now I would rather have a warmer climate then an iceage one.

Most of us are white and as a result are best adapted to a cool climate. There is no way we would cope with a hotter summer and warmer winter. We would adapt in the long term as peoples skin changes to a darker colour. That's after hundreds of thousands, possibly millions have died due to extreme heat.

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  • Location: Cwmparc, South Wales.
  • Location: Cwmparc, South Wales.

It is rubbish to say we cannot adapt to a changing climate. Since when has the climate been stable? How do we cope when we fly off to Greece, Spain, Turkey or some other hot tropical shore for our holidays? Do the locals in them hot spots drop dead with heat every year? Of course not. We may have a climate more akin to the Med in years to come but there will be a lot of ups. Less old folk dying because of the cold. Tourism on the up. Lower fuel bills because of a warmer climate. A much longer growing season - Ok we will be growing different produce. To say its all doom is complete tosh…

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  • Location: G.Manchester
  • Location: G.Manchester
It is rubbish to say we cannot adapt to a changing climate. Since when has the climate been stable? How do we cope when we fly off to Greece, Spain, Turkey or some other hot tropical shore for our holidays? Do the locals in them hot spots drop dead with heat every year? Of course not.

We will adapt to a changing climate, in the future. 30,000 people died in the heat wave of summer 2003, evidence to suggest a hotter summer will be disastrous.

Where I work, at Tesco, we've had quite a few people feeling dizzy due to the very warm weather lately and a few that have fainted. Just goes to show, while you may be able to withstand hot weather and warmer climate, many people can't and I doubt you will be able too when it gets here.

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  • Location: Liphook
  • Location: Liphook

As with everything there are ups and downs and its upto yoursleves to make whether the ups are better then the downs.

Personally there are probably globally more problems then that wil lbe solved though here in NW it may not be quite so severe. Still tropical infections will massivly increase, though a trade-off is a longer growing season, but then again if things are hotter then wildfires also can happen. There will many more people dieing because of heatwaves, esp the elderly and very young. Trade-off is better tourism...prehaps but lets remember, the rest of the planet will also be warming.

Downside is much higher sea levels and threat of lots of coastal flooding as well as much more stronger storms and moree extreme foods as well as droughts...trade-off?????

Prehaps a longer grape growing season?

I personally probably would be able to cope with the heats, I'm naturally fairly tanned, though not quite as tanned as the med folk I can handle heatwaves quite well but as OP said, there are many hundreds of thousands that can't even handle heatwaves now.

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  • Location: New Zealand
  • Location: New Zealand

The ITCZ will get far wider too. I'm not sure wheter I like that idea or not, but my completely uneducated guess would suggest that Hurricane Vince could become a reasonably normal thing to see, and the UK would come under increasing threat not just from hurricane remnants (or extra tropical storms), but also from severe thunderstorms.

Of course, it's only an intuitive guess of mine. There's no real logic behind it, so feel free to pull it apart (or not) depending on your view.

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