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Today's weather (aka General weather chat)


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  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Weather Preferences: Ample sunshine; Hot weather; Mixed winters with cold and mild spells
  • Location: Berlin, Germany

Grey it may be but it's a simply gorgeous night! Still almost 21c at midnight - you can really enjoy the outdoor life when it's like this. Drinking a beer in the pub garden in your shorts without getting chilly later on is just lovely and something I've not done since July 2006! Always the best part of these grey, humid days - the stunning summer nights. It's rare in the UK to get many nights when you can totally relax outside without that evening chill getting you. When they come, especially on a weekend night, they must be relished! Shall enjoy tomorrow eve's offering too... perhaps the last one for many months.

  • Location: SE London
  • Location: SE London

Current Nearest Observations:

cloudy 17°C

Wind E (6 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 96,

Pressure (mB): 1019, falling,

Visibility: Good

  • Location: SE London
  • Location: SE London

Current Nearest Observations:

cloudy 18°C

E (8 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 81,

Pressure (mB): 1018, Falling,

Visibility: Good

  • Location: Ashford, Kent
  • Weather Preferences: Anything
  • Location: Ashford, Kent

Finally waking up to sunshine!

  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire.
  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire.

Was a cloudy start but the sun has just made an appearance so i guess temps will rise fast.Currently 16c with a stiff breeze.

  • Location: Castle Howard, North Yorkshire
  • Location: Castle Howard, North Yorkshire

Dull and cloudy once again for me today after a bright start.

It's not the most enjoyable of weather types imo, but at least I have had a few dry days recently

Wind Speed 6.5 mph

Wind Gust 7.8 mph

Wind Direction 137.0 degrees

Outside Temperature 18.9 Celsius

Outside Humidity 66.0 %

Outside Dewpoint 13.0 Celsius

Atmospheric Pressure 1016.0 mbars

Inside Temperature 24.0 Celsius

Inside Humidity 54.0 %

Rainfall Today 0 mm

WindChill 17.5 Celsius

  • Location: Bedfordshire/Herts border 40m asl
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, crisp, calm and sunny
  • Location: Bedfordshire/Herts border 40m asl


Temp: 16.0 °C

Wind: E (6 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 99,

Pressure (mB): 1019, Falling,

Visibility: Moderate (improving)

Thick patchy fog at midnight with a temperature of 19.0 °C was slightly surreal to be out in. Sun is trying to break through the high cloud and it feels much warmer than the 16.0 °C recorded.

  • Location: Wigan 259 ft ASL where it always rains
  • Weather Preferences: Hot Sun ,Snow and Cold
  • Location: Wigan 259 ft ASL where it always rains

Well , having returned back from South-East Spain yesterday after 16 days of near perfect weather (Sunny and temps maxing at between 29c-33c), i was hoping for a bit of nice weather to ease me back into reality , but all i see is anti-cyclinic gloom, i have kept in touch via Sky News whilst out in Spain and i know the the weather has been pretty poor over the past couple of weeks (and the summer in general up here in the NW)... as far as i can see there is no prospect of any settled weather unless you really journey into F.I.....Ah well i'd better go and cut the jungle down that has appeared in my back garden..and dream of the 27th October (when we go to Egypt for a week!!! B)

  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Weather Preferences: Ample sunshine; Hot weather; Mixed winters with cold and mild spells
  • Location: Berlin, Germany

19.3c the low - definitely an all windows open all night job!

Think it was brighter earlier (8ish) as I remember waking up to something brighter and can see a little lump in temperature graph! Now grey once more and a temp of 19.5c.

Todays max so far was at 0044 with 20.4c.

Although grey - it is nice eating your breakfast outside in your pj's!

  • Location: Castle Howard, North Yorkshire
  • Location: Castle Howard, North Yorkshire
19.3c the low - definitely an all windows open all night job!

Yeah, I had a terrible nights sleep last night because of the heat; I'm having a real struggle to wake up today B)


Castlebay Isle Of Barra

Outdoor temp 14.8c

Outdoor humidity 81%

Pressure 1011.8mb

Wind direction South East

Wind speed 3mph

Cloud Height 409m

Rain in last hour 0.0mm

Rain in last 24hours 0.0mm

Total rainfall 29.0mm

Dewpoint 11.6c

Windchill 14c

Weather Cloudy misty dull dry

  • Location: Morecambe
  • Location: Morecambe

Grey slate skies, nothing else to be said really. I am hoping the dry air can melt some of this cloud away and we can have a bit of late afternoon sunshine i shall hope.

  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Weather Preferences: Ample sunshine; Hot weather; Mixed winters with cold and mild spells
  • Location: Berlin, Germany
Yeah, I had a terrible nights sleep last night because of the heat; I'm having a real struggle to wake up today B)

I was ok actually heat wise if not crazy dream wise! Just kept all windows open upstairs which are almost all skylights including one just above our bed kept a nice flow of air coming through. Think this new house I've moved to doesn't get so hot as my last place since that was a small terrace and this is detached. Not sure how it'll be in winter though... colder no doubt!

Still slate grey but looking here we may be in for some sun soon: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/satpics/latest_uk_vis.html

Can see over past few hours the cloud being eaten at from the south quite quickly - just hope it keeps going at it so more of us can enjoy the sun!

20c now with signs of it increasing more rapidly after almost flat lining for past 6 hours.

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

Oooohh B) : hazy sunshine, gentle Southerly breeze and 21c.


Abit of blue in teh sky at teh momnet, hopefully it will start brightening up a bit more this afternoon .

  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
  • Weather Preferences: Northeasterly Blizzard and sub zero temperatures.
  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK

Morning all,

Another sunny morning. Fancy waking up to that view ! Thats the view of the valley that links Munchen to Venice, via the A10 auto route. Venice abouts a days drive away from here. Temperatures well into the 70s today.



  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

The day dawned overcast and humid after yet another very warm night, the warmest night of the year, with the minimum temperature only falling to 18.1c. At reading time, dull and overcast with a little more breeze than yesterday.

Readings at 10:00 – 09:00 GMT

Sky Conditions, 8 Oktas, Stratocumulus.

Temperature 18.5°C

Barometer 1016.0mb, falling.

Wind Force 3 easterly.

24-hour extremes

Maximum temperature 22.6°C

Minimum temperature 18.1°C

Minimum temperature on grass 17.0°C

Rain = 0.0mm

Yesterday, 28 August 2008

The day dawned warm, overcast and calm, minimum overnight of 17.3c, equaling the warmest night minimum this year on the 28 July. Conditions up to reading time were mostly calm and saw the cloud thinning slightly allowing for a brighter sky. The rest of the morning and in to the early part of the afternoon saw bright periods, however thicker cloud spread to the area later in the afternoon, feeling very warm and humid throughout, maximum temperature 22.6c, maximum wind gust 10mph from the west.


  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

Well at the start of the day it looked possibly that the sun may sneak out. Soon dashed as thick grey cloud rolled up before ten. Max temp 18.9C at 9.39am so far.

  • Location: Heswall, Wirral
  • Weather Preferences: Summer: warm, humid, thundery. Winter: mild, stormy, some snow.
  • Location: Heswall, Wirral

A poor start to the day with lots of cloud, fairly mild temperatures though, currently 20.8C

  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.
  • Weather Preferences: Thunder, snow, heat, sunshine...
  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.

Quite warm (20Cish), rather cloudy, breezy and humid.

  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Weather Preferences: Ample sunshine; Hot weather; Mixed winters with cold and mild spells
  • Location: Berlin, Germany

Hazy sunshine coming through and increasingly warm with temps now rising fast. Currently 21.7c - I can see 25c if thicker cloud doesn't return...

  • Location: Windermere 120m asl
  • Location: Windermere 120m asl

Dissapointingly cloudy dull start to the day, currently grey skies, come on sunshine you can do it.... , this is turning into perhaps the dullest week of the summer so far by a long shout..


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