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Everything posted by Carl46Wrexham

  1. Can't say winter (using that word in its broadest possible sense as it hasnt even started) is over but its a decent bet that this month can be written off....."potential" is always ten days or so away....and never gets any closer. In truth am not overly bothered about snow now.......a dry spell is a far more important requirement. Am I whinging? So what if I am....this IS after all the thread to do it in....fed up of Jam tomorrow....smacks too much of cry wolf now....almost as tedious as the almost never ending rain of this relentless autumn.
  2. Bit harsh referring to someone as a whinger in the Model Banter, Ramps and Moans thread is it not....? Or it is because he's not falling for the repetitive Jam tomorrow postings where people say that things may start turning for the better re proper winter weather at t+240 (it's ALWAYS t+240)!!! (Pattern forming here!) Lets just face reality here....no more straw clutching...no more false hopes, this month is a write off, as big an epic fail as December was for a winter month. Let it go...this month is going to deliver jack....unless more rain is what you want...and frankly anyone who wants more of that needs their bumps feeling. February may deliver the goods...then again it might not, there are no guarantees either way. January 2014 is a busted flush in my opinion....I'll come out and say right now there will be no falling or lying snow in any part of low lying England and Wales for the rest of the month...if I am wrong...great...then rip me to shreds...I'll accept it and welcome it...but I don't think I will be. In conclusion...I suppose people are "whinging" because theyre spirits have been crushed by the relentless diabolical crap weather that has been thrown at us for what seems like an eternity...where grey skies and rain are the norm, and dry sunny days are as much a rarity as hens teeth.
  3. And this "winter" has caused and still is causing suffering and death...your point being?
  4. 3 weeks of zonal puts us well and truly into February...and the clock by then really is ticking on this so-called winter, especially for the more Southern areas. One other thing...just because March 2013 delivered a epic cold spell, it is absolutely no guarantee that this March will be anything like then. This "winter" truly has the potential to be down with the very worst.
  5. GFS 12z suggests MORE zonal trash that will destroy a few more weeks of this joke of a winter.
  6. Ahhhhh it is raining again and there's a wind springing up. This so-called winter insists on turning its unwanted ugly autumnal visage in our direction..... again. YUK! And another day ticks by.....another day closer to writing another month of this wretched hateful season off. ROLL ON SPRING!
  7. Eh? When was part 1? All we've had so far is autumnal rubbish. Certainly had no weather that resembles winter whatsoever.
  8. Corrected your post for more likely than not accuracy purposes. Seriously though.....this "winter" becomes more of a busted flush by the day...and no nice chart at t+384 is gonna make me think any different....nor any wishful thinking....sorry.
  9. Don't know about anyone else, but comments like that absolutely drive me up the wall. Seriously, do people who make such comments ever take the time to watch a tv programme called "the news"? What on earth is "interesting" about wind and rain.....miniscule dry interval....more wind and rain.....wind damage....huge waves.....flooding....more wind...more rain....Interesting!!!! my Arsenal its interesting. Boring and depressing beyond belief I call it.
  10. Looking at the main Model thread I see the dreaded words "zonal reset". If that comes to pass then its game over for January and more than likely at least a fair chunk of February as these zonal spells have the infuriating and soul destroying tendency to stick around for weeks on end. Winter 2013/14 really is fast turning into an unflushable turd. No straw clutching at promising charts at t+384 and wishful thinking is going to change that.
  11. Can we just sling this autumn "winter" straight in the rubbish bin where it belongs? I'm actually already looking forward to Spring....just sums up just how diabolically bad a season it has been. The clock is ticking...each day gets just a little longer..... I refuse to call it winter because it has been nothing remotely resembling winter in any way shape or form. Just relentless October-November style crap.
  12. Ahhhh more rain it is then.......wonderful (heavy sarcasm mode) When can we write January off and bin it along with the utterly foul and autumnal December? The way its going....the words winter is over will soon be spoken....but then we havent had a winter worthy of the name...just constant autumnal filth.
  13. More unwanted rainfall before then exascerbating existing flooding issues, rendering snow irrelevant. Correct me if I am wrong in saying that...but I would not think I am, given the ground is saturated/waterlogged
  14. Dark wet crap again...the fields around are partly underwater.......will this crap weather ever end? Probably when whoever is doing a non stop rain dance gets a well deserved kneecapping! Oh and as for the potential snow in a few days time.....no one who is in a flooded area is going to give a damn. Snow doesnt settle on floodwater!!! As much use as a chocolate fireguard. Dry weather (and a good spell of it) is urgently needed.
  15. More stinking crap from the winter thats done nothing but stink the place out. Jeez I cant wait for Spring to come.
  16. Being in the middle of a field would be unwise....you'd sink!
  17. This "winter" is turning out to be the worst kind of relentless autumnal wet windy crap. An unflushable turd of a season.
  18. Any re-run of the crap we've already would be catastrophic for the areas that are flooded. Roll on Spring.
  19. New Year - same old dark wet mild crap. If this crud is all Winter 2013/14 is going to deliver then I say roll on Spring.
  20. 7.1c - No lying snow in England and Wales (below 200m) for the entire month.
  21. Liked : March - Proper snowy spell. The best since the winter of 2010. July - Genuine summer hot spell...the first for over 7 years. The rest of the year? Pretty meh really apart from...... December- well what can be said for December? A gruesome brutally hateful month....wind and rain a seemingly ever present feature...sunshine...and frost a rare privelige...snow non existant....a wretched month that has brought flooding, wind damage, left tens of thousands of people in the dark over Christmas and ruining the festive season as a result. Hateful...hateful...hateful.....and just to put the tin hat on it, my plans to let some fireworks off for my kids this evening, left in tatters by.....wait for it....more rain!!!!!! Who says the UK weather is unpredictable? This month has proven that claim to be a lie....it has been all too predictable. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
  22. Snow doesn't settle on flooded ground sorry. I love snow but I would gladly settle for a spell of dry weather when this rubbish spell finally ends.
  23. Will be bidding December 2013 a hearty good riddance...utterly vile. Flooding...power cuts...damage.. and worst of all....peoples Christmases ruined for one reason or another.
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