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Everything posted by Carl46Wrexham

  1. I never thought the winter of 1988-89 would be beaten for sheer wretchedness, but the winter extended turbo-charged autumn of 2013-14 has managed it. For the misery it has inflicted on so many people for so long...far too much rain...too many times worrying about whether I'd be waking up to damage....for the damage caused to my ridge tiles, fence panels and the driver's door of my car during the February 12th windstorm. Never have I detested a season as much as I have this one. No redeeming features of any kind has this season had going for it. Will be a hearty good riddance shouted by me when March 1st comes...amongst a volley of swear words!
  2. Wednesday scared the bejeesus out of me here in North Wales....knowing only too well what you're experiencing right now...stay safe you guys down there.
  3. Rain with ice pellets/part melted snowflakes (in heavier bursts).
  4. It actually feels like winter out there what with the earlier snow and temperatures now close to freezing. Shame that the unwanted autumnal filth is going to return.....yet again!!!
  5. Couple of centimetres lying now and still falling....nothing like unexpected snow.
  6. Snow in North East Wales to low levels...you chaps in Cheshire etc heads up.
  7. First snow of the season and settling....the inner child rejoices after months of depression and gloom
  8. I'm taking a break from this place until Spring proper arrives. I have had it with the repetitive charts, all showing the same thing day after day, week after week. I've even stopped watching tv weather forecasts.....whats the point in watching them? Different face telling the same story over and over. A story that is as hatefully depressing as watching a particularly miserable Eastenders episode, and then having to watch it again and again until you can take no more and end up wanting to put your boot through the telly. I've had an interest in weather for many years, but too much of the same thing for too long becomes tiresome....and this weather type has gone on way too long, and has caused relentless misery for so many people, there is just no way I can find it "interesting" in any way shape or form. See you guys whenever.....I'm going to do something with my life that is more enjoyable than looking at depressing weather charts, and watching repetative weather forecasts all saying the same thing day after day after day after day...after day.
  9. February is but three days old......and I hate it already.....already it is looking to be as detestable as January was. Kick this poxy season out of it. Roll on the Spring. Sick of this perma-autumn crap.
  10. Thoroughly hateful. Good riddance to bad rubbish
  11. Bring on the Bartlett....Jeez am I really saying that? Must be....2 months of sludge crap weather is enough to drive anyone mad.
  12. Woeful is but one word that can be used for this season..(I refuse to call it winter for the simple reason that at no time has it remotely resembled one)...Other more suitable words would be...spiteful...hateful...vile...miserable...depressing....pathetic...the list goes on. January ends 0/10...as did December...two months of filth.
  13. So, today was the whisper of winter was it..? Cold light rain!!!! How pathetic! But then so in keeping with such a wretched apology of a "winter"....If ever a season warranted being kicked to death its this one! Sir Walter Scott would have summed this season up best...Winter 2013/14 will depart unwept, unhonoured and unsung....
  14. Winter 2013/14....a summary of the hunt for cold snowy weather.......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIIuR-HjFho
  15. Your name should be troll.....you have therefore won an all-expenses paid trip to the Somerset Levels...with my compliments,
  16. I'm writing this winter off as of now. I don't want anyone to think I am writing off the chance of snow and cold at all...yes that might still happen, but I see it happening sometime in March, with the kind of set up that will have people shouting "If only it was January!" I am writing off the chance of snow/cold for what remains of the meterological season of "winter"...this pattern we have been stuck in for what seems like forever is so stubborn...so relentless...simply shows no genuine realistic signs of ending anytime soon. We call Bartlett Highs winter eaters.....this pattern has proven to be a real winter eater, having trashed weeks on end, and destined to wreck the foreseeable with time running out. Well....thats it for me....I'm taking a break from model watching until the Spring...I have had it with seeing the same damn thing in the summaries day after day...rain/wind/rain/rain/rain. It is too damn depressing frankly and chasing Jam tomorrow charts has become as tedious as the wretched stinking weather. Enough is enough.
  17. Oh joy of joys...rain smashing against the windows..........again! Change the b'stard record already!!!
  18. And before you know it.....winter weather will be....wait for it...(drum roll)......TEN DAYS AWAY.....ta daaaa...backed up by a chart showing stratospheric warming at t+288 or further out still. December was an epic fail of a winter month...January goes in the bin as well....February??? Does anyone have any faith that it will turn out any different? I don't...I reckon winter 2013/14 will go down as the worst since 1988/89...in terms of rainfall possibly even worse.
  19. Rain showers only....so much for James Madden's "widespread snow"...what a deluded muppet.
  20. I would love to believe that charlatans like James Madden would be finished, but unfortunately, as long as there are people who are so incapable of exercising their own brain matter to get to the truth, that they swallow every ounce of BS he comes out with, Excreta Exacta Weather stays in business. The most disturbing thing I discovered before I was blocked from his facebook page was the number of people taking his utter rubbish as gospel.
  21. I am in mourning I've been blocked from the Exacta Weather facebook page. My crime was pointing out a few truths to counteract the absolute tripe being shovelled out by James Madden which alarmingly his disciples on there seem to be swallowing without hesitation. I don't know who is the bigger fool...Madden and his ridiculous "dangerous snow event this week" claims...or the muppets who believe him.
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