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Everything posted by Carl46Wrexham

  1. Sunshine and showers? Pretty poor call if that was the forecast. It's been a rank rotten dark day reminiscent of October. Persistent cloud, rain of varying intensity on and off, and a wind that is shall we say noticeable for its coolness. Seeing that places are struggling with temperatures between 7 and 9 degrees was a bit of an eye opener!
  2. Where did our lovely warm humid weather go? It's cloudy...rain on and off, with a noticeably chilly N/NE breeze. Don't like this one bit.
  3. They didn't learn the lesson from Monday when North Wales took a pasting! Warnings that day? No siree bob!
  4. Question is whether this thick cloud cover will break sufficiently to allow surface heating to get going. This morning is so reminiscent of mornings in the 80s and 90s after there had been thunderstorms the previous evening. Dull and gloomy. Memory tells me that this cloud might prove to be annoyingly stubborn to shift.
  5. After the very warm sunshine and thunderstorms of yesterday, a very different day...gloomy and wet.
  6. Two popcorn type thunderstorms rolled through here...pretty fast movers as well. Noticeably cooler now.
  7. T Didn't you read this mornings briefing?Monday pm: Bobby Dodgeball.Tsk! Serves you right for not keeping with the programme!
  8. Where did they get that beaut from? "The heat will be so extreme"???? Lower down that article he calls 23c "hot and humid" Take a trip to Death Valley sometime Mr Rao...you'll get a better idea what extreme heat really is! Absolute joke of an article. Trouble is...as long as there are people gullible enough to believe everything that this whopper comes out with, these ridiculous articles will continue to be printed.
  9. Definitely a more noticeable wind today...almost qualifies as a stiff breeze.
  10. Oh do we never learn? Whenever the term Thundery rain is used, how often does it occur that the vast majority only see rain at moderate intensity at worst, but also not hear so much as a rumble? We always seem to hope too much beforehand in these situations that we will get the holy grail....only to be let down for the umpteenth time. It's the hope that's kills you in the end.
  11. That line just passed over me, literally a blink and you miss it downpour...very sudden very sharp then gone.
  12. Congratulations Jane....you're out of the NSC early this time. Hope you'll be willing those of us still in there an early release.
  13. Doncha just know when the words Thundery rain are uttered, that there will just be rain with just a gnats fart of a rumble somewhere or other.
  14. Is this the same fantasist who forecast heavy rain and floods until May? Whoever is allowing this muppet the oxygen of publicity should be sacked on the spot.
  15. Half decent summer like last year will do....what wont do would be a repeat of the s**t on a stick summers the likes of which we had from 2007-2012.
  16. Ah well that's summer knackered then....get the wellies, brollies, hats and scarves at the ready.
  17. We've not long has "as much rain" as possible...it was in the "wretched season" known as Winter (stop sniggering at the back!) 2013/14. The last thing we need anytime soon is another rainfest.
  18. We've just come out of a three month period which resembled an unsettled late October.......thanks but no thanks on that one! Seen more than enough grey skies wind and rain....enough is enough.
  19. Plenty of hot sunny weather, and the reappearance of a weather phenomena which has been notable by its absence in recent years....a genuine Spanish Plume giving rise to night time thunderstorms which track northwards over the British Isles.....and an end to the trend whereby they either die over the channel or maddeningly track north-eastwards and slam into the Low Countries.
  20. If anything needs refuting, its the claim made by a few people that most of us have hated this monstrosity of a winter "because there was no snow" WRONG! We hated it because there were far too many days of rain and wind, which resulted in abject misery for so many people, not to mention that the hateful weather trashed Christmas for so many. We hated it because there was too little dry weather. It was the same damn thing over and over...too much of the same weather becomes a pain in the backside, and this weather had lost its novelty by January...so to hell and damnation with you "Winter" 2013/14. Good riddance!! You won't be missed!
  21. Disagree....It has been terrible for those who were and still are desperately in need of a sustained period of dry weather. I stopped looking for snow in January, the novelty of destructive storm surges, damaging winds and relentless flooding rains had well and truly worn off by then. Such weather has no "interest" to the vast majority whatsoever!
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