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Everything posted by GraemeB

  1. Gave up on the rugby Watching Day After Tomorrow on Sky in preparation for Monday night
  2. Hoi - quit stealing my Glasgow Ramp. No, I mean literally, that's the ramp I take to get home to Stirling...
  3. Very waves high. What about low ? Talk about giving someone an inferiority complex.
  4. Just light snow in Stirling now - sum total of lying snow on garden table top is 3 inches. Normally I'd argue till the cows come home and swear that that was more, but as always, the wife knows best. edit - radar is showing some more build up heading towards us on the back of the front that's passing now...haven't checked temps etc so fingers crossed ( 0c/-0c dp)
  5. 52 feet waves I wouldn't want to be on a ship crossing the Atlantic through that
  6. Mini-Cheggers cough adds to the atmosphere Love it !
  7. Any snow reports from the Westies ? Still going/rain/clear ?
  8. Just what I was thinking....this to be honest, is mana from heaven for us Centralites..
  9. How much more do you think is in store for us ? Hasn't stopped here for hours !
  10. Just under 2 inches IMBY edit - make the most of it - the end is in sight http://www.meteoradar.co.uk/Home/ZoomRadar?lat=50.4525&lon=8.081818181818182&z=7&x=718&y=517&type=animated-12
  11. Major heavy ping on radar just hitting the west coast - red on Sat24 ! Surely that's a worry for over the weekend ?
  12. Just back in Stirling after an unscheduled dental trip Plenty snow here, and it's still going - Stirling always seems to do well from an Atlantic breakdown...radar looks like it may hold another couple of hours of ppn as well, so happy again that the empty tank of the snowshield caused catastrophic failure ...
  13. There's some heavy pulses just making the mainland around now - surprised it's coming down as snow in Gourock, as I thought the cold had been mixed out by now - so there's still hope for us later on...and, as my Gran used to say, "Ony Snaw is guid Snaw unless its aff yer heid"
  14. Just as I was about to skive leave claiming Day After Tomorrow Syndrome, I got called into a meeting, and, here I am in the weej still. MrsB has kindly been sending me updated photos via Whatsapp. Wimmin.
  15. I plump for "that's it", for the sole reason that I just decided to give it 1hr and leave to go home. Kiss of Death IMO
  16. Works for me - doesn't work for my HR dept as they come from Stirling too.
  17. No chance what ? Are the roads that bad, or is it expected to get worse ?
  18. Is this the band they forecast would cross through the day, that's almost gone over us ? http://www.sat24.com/?culture=en Or is it the beast out in the Atlantic ?
  19. For those Central Regioners - I'm in the weej just now - should I think about heading home before it gets worse ?
  20. Dammit. Looks like it's snowing heavily in Stirling and beyond...and I'm in Glasgow...
  21. 1c and light rain in Glasgow. Red Warning for severe drizzle expected to be released by the MetO imminently
  22. Not convinced the amber warning is warranted if I'm being honest - certainly not to lower levels. If anything the set up for tomorrow is worse than it was last weekend - very marginal DP's and upper temps - ground temps don't look to be anything near what YR.no prog - I'd guess if today is anything to go by, to be around 1-2c, which coupled with a -1c dp (for the central belt) doesn't really anything to me, other than sleet then rain.
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