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Everything posted by asjmcguire

  1. You can go off some people..... EDIT: Just been out with the dog, it's not even raining, never mind anything else.....
  2. I see why we aren't covered by the amber warning now. We miss quite a lot of that snow, getting rain instead.
  3. Right I have added Dewpoint and Wetbulb to the webcam, let the waiting commence.....
  4. Yes, Lauder is very much under the amber warning area. When it arrives - if you could just pop outside and blow in to the air a bit, perhaps you can nudge it just a tiny bit further East so Greenlaw just sneaks in.....
  5. Accuweather and Weather.com (which annoyingly Google use) is consistently useless for my location. Quite often the temperature is wildly out. They might as well just tell me the temperature at Charterhall (perhaps they are), which is a few miles down the road. We are essentially in a frost hollow here, in the winter it is not unusual to see the temperature drop as much as 2C when entering the village. The other day it was -4 outside, and the Chromecast (thus Google and therefore Weather.com) were saying... oh it's 2C outside. Sorry that's not good enough, there is a massive difference in potential road conditions there.
  6. Oh look an Amber Warning.... *zooms in* Yup, it doesn't quite reach as far East as me....
  7. Zero snow here, overnight low was 1.2C It's currently 2.3C and very wet. Not holding my breath for snow.....
  8. Earlier tonight it did in fact start to sleet here in the Borders, and the air temperature dropped to 0.5C, but it didn't last long, and the temperature is now 1.6C / 0.7C and it's just wet, lots and lots of wet.
  9. Can confirm, definitely rain in this part of the Borders....
  10. Is there a Charts/Models Anonymous Support Group? You know for when you know you shouldn't look, but just can't help it?
  11. As I've been out of the weather circles for a bit, because of the previously given reason - I just wanted to ask a quick question. Have the various lockdowns, restrictions and grounding of flights - had a noticeable impact on the accuracy of the weather models?
  12. Yes! BBC says snow here, Netweather was saying a small amount of snow earlier, but now has decided no snow for me....
  13. My neighbour / extended support bubble has just WhatsApp'ed me to tell about the BBC forecast, because I have a prescription to pick up for her... They must be pretty sure about the forecast for them to be speaking about it like it's set in stone?
  14. Wondered the same, especially since he's not important enough on Twitter to have a name without a number in it.... Anyway A quick Google finds he is from UK Weather World. That doesn't really make things much clearer for me to be honest.
  15. Until they fix the issue that is crashing the site - you can get to the met warning directly using the link: Met Office Snow Warning (taken from the RSS feed)
  16. The GEFS for here is certainly trending low for the air pressure, but the T850 is trending up towards 0 and doesn't come back down to -5 until Friday now.
  17. haha! Sadly, my husband passed away in July, and he was the driver. I'm pretty much housebound now.
  18. I'm quite tempted now to make a stick! I've been using a steel ruler, like a caveman! I'm just concerned that I might jinx things my spending the time to make a measuring stick......
  19. @Kirkcaldy Weather The GFS Ensembles are also suggesting the low will rapidly deepen.
  20. Although we achieved 4.4C earlier today, the stuff that froze BEFORE the snow arrived, is now exposed and there is slippy ice everywhere.
  21. The snow, didn't manage to cover the road, it turned to rain a lot faster than I was expecting. It's currently 3.8C here, it's risen 0.8C in the last hour. The snow in the back yard is melting fast, but the thick ice is not shifting yet.
  22. Interesting, I wonder if we will do better here - it's -1.9C here.
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