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Everything posted by asjmcguire

  1. Well - in general - we do best from snow from the NE and E. N is marginal (usually on the wrong side) and NW is snow? there is snow somewhere in Scotland? Really? but it's all blue skies and sunshine here......
  2. Nooooooo not radar watching - I swear if I have to sit radar watching there will be strong words! Anytime I have to watch the radar - snow either miraculously turns to rain just as it's reaching me (despite all the forecasts being for snow) or - it approaches me and either changes direction or goes around me and out into the sea. I expect @CatchMyDrift may have had the severe displeasure of observing this happening in the past!
  3. That seems like a bit of an anti-climatic end after all the energy expended getting there. I mean - could you not at least do a bit of spray paint graffiti or something?
  4. That's far too small for me - that doesn't look like it will break your kneecaps when it climbs on you.....
  5. She's an Akita crossed with a GSD - she normally looks a bit like this..... although I call her a puppy - she's nearly 6 now....
  6. "It's cold outside, there's no kind of atmosphere" So.... It's a fire day and the puppy agrees...
  7. Roughly 2 weeks after the supermarkets reduce the price of soup...... funny that...... (You will all be religiously checking the price of soup next winter by the end of this one - I guarantee it.....)
  8. Down to -1.6 here now. Hearing whispered excitement about the ECMWF on Twitter. Netweather NMM has us down for sleet overnight - but I think an update will be coming out shortly which will probably obliterate it. That said - the NMM also doesn't have us being anywhere near as low temperature wise as we are - and suggested we should have seen nearly 4C during the day compared to our actual max of 1.9C. Avg 24hr temp is currently -0.6
  9. We dropped to -3.3 overnight, we climbed back up to the dizzying high of 1.9 and we are now back down to 0.8 and falling.
  10. The best snow is the un-forecasted type.....
  11. That's what I use too - surprising that most people don't realise you can substitute your own lat and lon - you don't have to use the preset ones.
  12. This doesn't mention the soup thing - but it helps explain it a bit more - http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/news/in-depth/human-swarm I'm really frustrated that I can't find a copy of the documentary online anywhere, But I've set a reminder on the All4 site so hopefully I'll be back at some point to remind people to watch it. Yeah I don't think it's a Heinz promotion - like I said several days ago, since watching the documentary several years ago - I've kept a close watch on the price of soup to see if it was really true, and other than the Summer when they also reduce the price of Soup - it does indeed appear to be the case that they reduce the price of soup in advance of a cold spell - presumably so subconsciously people stock up - and then the price goes back up just before or actually during the cold spell (though generally with one of the flashy - hey look this soup is on offer) promotions - so people buy the soup thinking they are getting a good deal, apparently unaware that just a few weeks prior the soup was less than half the price.
  13. Let's see if it holds true then, if the supermarkets are right, this signals a cold snap within 2-3 weeks.
  14. Must admit that certainly for Winter - I've always classed the start of Winter as being just before Christmas rather than the start of December. The same was true of Summer - being closer to July than the start of June - although now that seems to have changed somewhat and the last several years in a row Summer appears to have been a few days in May....
  15. I've heard that theory before! (I also think it has some grounds for further exploration)
  16. I too was expecting it be warmer by now - but the temperature is continuing to drop, we are now down to 0.3C here!
  17. Mars would be the towards top left of photo if the moon was around the middle of the photo. I didn't notice Mars in my photo until someone pointed it out to me. This was a zoomed in one I took, it might be more obvious
  18. Scottish Borders, taken with LGG4 Mobile Phone.
  19. Best photo I could get of the Moon and Venus.... (oh and Mars) Oh and it's 1.9C
  20. We managed a whole -1.6 and that was it.
  21. Happy New Year Forum people! @A Winter's Tale - did you know your signature is a tad out of date - listing stats for 2013? Fingers crossed I might see something vaguely wintery today.... I'll count sleet at this point....
  22. I managed to figure out everything but "sx" - is it..... um..... is it..... sex?
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