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Everything posted by asjmcguire

  1. Out of interest - what lampposts do you have, the orangey ones or the new fangled white LED ones? I used to lamppost watch, but since they replaced our lights with the LED ones, light snow is almost impossible to see. I have to rely on the road starting to turn white on the webcam now.....
  2. The last time we were at 8C here was in the middle of December, and even then it was actually 7.9C I don't see us getting anywhere near 8C tomorrow.....
  3. The snow we got in Greenlaw ( Timelapse: ) has frozen solid, and worse - where people used salt to try and make the pavements safe yesterday, have now turned in to sheets of black ice. It's currently -1.9C here in Greenlaw. It will be interesting to see if anything comes of the Met Office Warning, we normally don't really get much snow unless it comes from the North East or the East.
  4. Thanks Paul. That is indeed fantastic news! Can you make sure notifications about precipitation use the same notification tag, so we don't end up with 20 of them going back in time, and instead the latest one just replaces the one before it (this would mirror the functionality of the old app)
  5. Just wondering Site Development Team, if there is any news about things like being able to receive a notification when it's going to rain/snow on the PWA radar?
  6. If we are allowed to make suggestions. Now that WU is dead, I'm sure those of us with Personal Weather Stations would be more than happy to contribute weather data to make the product more complete? (For my location - Charterhall might be just along the road from me, but it rarely matches the actual temperature at our location).
  7. Overnight low was -4.6C. Still not the coldest November Temperature in recent years. Colder than 2007,2009,2010,2011,2014 and 2015. But 2016 still holds the record (for this station) with -7.6.
  8. Overnight low here in Greenlaw was 1.1C - not really sure what we are expecting tonight, different models say different things - and there is quite some range. NMM currently has us dropping to around -3C but that may well change in the afternoon update.
  9. OK, temperature started climbing now - that's obviously the excitement all over. Here in Greenlaw - we reached -2.5C shortly after sunrise.
  10. You must be wrong.... The Express tells us it's going to cold and snowy - and as we all know - The Express are ALWAYS correct when it comes to the over-the-top, not-at-all-disingenuous scary weather related headlines and stories......
  11. For the people interested in Scotland - you might like to know I have a page here: http://www.bordersweather.co.uk/wxleague.php which tracks the top 25 maximums and the top 25 minimums. It uses a mix of Personal Stations, Road Traffic stations (you can't see the temperature of these, but you can see the position in the league - because they don't want the data published), Met Office stations and Airports. I always find it handy (yes sometimes exciting too) for watching the temperature fall across Scotland.
  12. We reached 0.4 in Greenlaw on Tuesday - I don't know if we actually managed frost - but I suspect we probably did, because the temperature fell very fast.
  13. Well..... this is a tad confusing....... Even the air pressure is massively wrong - it's currently 7C and 1023.3mb - has something gone horribly wrong with the NMM?
  14. Seems to be drizzle here and not much else.
  15. Graham posted from Lochgelly - he has snow - watch it live on YouTube:
  16. Oh it's been sleety here..... all night.... it's just that it's been far too warm.
  17. Well.... at least you had something TO turn into a slushfest.....
  18. I'm blaming @CatchMyDrift for jinxing this - here I am smack bang in the amber warning zone. It's been nothing but rain at 154m. The temperature is up to 1.9C and climbing, this warning doesn't expire until 6pm but I don't see how we are ever getting any snow from it - it's too warm. You owe me snow Catch!
  19. I think there is a lot of that about right now.... I certainly have. Especially when the snow turned to rain and I thought - well, that was utterly pointless then.
  20. I was just thinking that earlier today - when people were living vicariously through snow in BC..... I mean it's bad enough having to live vicariously through snow elsewhere in the UK - but when you have to do it via an entirely different country - something is very very wrong......
  21. True - but let's wait for it to manage some sort of accuracy at T+96 (this winter) before we ask for more haha
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