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Everything posted by snowysouth

  1. Felt very spring like at work. Birds were singing, sun was out, it felt very mild. I've seen snippets of people saying about snow returning but the MAD threads are impossible to follow lol
  2. Gah moderate at times now but little to no accumulation at the moment. I gather that's down to dew point. Any more would be a bonus though. Had so much fun last night lol
  3. Quite a rapid thaw this afternoon so it's weird to see the snow falling again. Its not really settling though, not yet but because the radar is flawed I can't see what else might be coming lol
  4. If it helps it seems all ok here. All transport and schools ect not affected
  5. They don't count us. If it was in the south east it would be different lol
  6. Funny that seeing as the radar shows you, Poole and Bournemouth with nothing. We don't have much, just flurries but radar doesn't show anything lol
  7. Snowing in Poole but only light. A fair thaw through today but not as much as I thought it would
  8. Morning from Poole. Doesn't look like there was much else falling last night. There's a few flurries in the air but a bit of melt. If that's all we get the rest of winter I will be happy. It certainly was fun while it lasted
  9. Looking at the radar, I thought Bournemouth and Poole were done for now. Any more is a bonus. I'm just happy to have seen and enjoyed what we've already had
  10. I don't care what else we get now. We had fun this eve. The snow was heavy for a time as you can see
  11. Oh my days we've had so much fun lol. This sums it up. My son and daughter, 19 and 22, just like their mum. Loving the snow while it lasts
  12. Snow and starting to settle in Poole. Not enough for a snow ball mind...yet
  13. We have snow in Poole, fine flakes but it's snow. Ground is wet. Radar looking sparce to me
  14. Lol there was a small moment of sleet but now it's drizzle again. Its weird. Me and my 22 and 19 year old are up and down like a tarts knickers. So excited lol
  15. That's hillarious! I live in Poole and got light rain. Our town is so localised
  16. Just to say I'm not stalking, I just like to see the location of snow reports lol. Still rain here and very light. We have it a little bit damp
  17. Light rain in Poole but I'm still feeling positive for when the heavy stuff hits
  18. Tantalizingly close to Poole. No PPN at all yet. The wind chill is something else out there. I miss my weather station. I don't know how cold it is but it is but feels very cold. Seeing the pics and videos from cornwall gives me hope!
  19. I will be outside lobbing snowballs and putting footprints in every inch I can find at 9pm tomorrow, as long as we get snow lol
  20. I wouldn't want a repeat of March. We had freezing rain on top of the snow. It took me over an hour to do a 20 min walk to work. I've never felt so unsafe. The ice was a good half inch thick on top of the snow. Its one weather phenomenon that I'm glad I've seen but wouldn't want a repeat
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