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Posts posted by davyf

  1. Hi all, I'm still brand new to the site and am still trying to get my head round just about everything on here. Something that has got me really confused is the use of hpa.

    I understand that hpa (hectopascal) is a measure of air pressure and hope I'm right in thinking that this pressure decreases the further up you go in the atmosphere and the air becomes thinner. So am I right in thinking that the 1000hpa wind vectors I see on the chart are low level winds when compared with the 300hpa wind vectors? The 300hpa vectors are a lot more uniform on the charts and so does this mean the winds high up in the atmosphere are a lot more settled (I always assumed it was a lot more turbulent up there).

    Also, in laymans terms, how do you use these wind vectors? If I see, as at the moment, a big bank of snow, how do I know whether it is following the course of the 300hpa vetors or the 1000hpa vectors. I know this is probably a question that will have so many other variables attached to it but just a rough idea would be much appreciated.

  2. Definitely looking good for that area if it stays on it's current track and maintains intensity. Looks like it will come onshore just south of Sunderland. Looks like missing Consett and Stanley so a chance for Newton Aycliffe to catch up a bit.

    I'd rather have it at Consett and Stanley Mark, especially as I've already got my day off work today. But still I'd settle for work getting another dumping lol.

  3. I wonder if i can catch those showers?

    I think you'll stand a half decent chance of getting at least something from them looking at the line they're taking. I just wish that wind would change a bit more easterly.

    Looks like today's potential has disappeared.

    Nowt due till after 12 today Keith according to the forecast. Just been speaking to my mam - she reckons there hasn't been a car up the street for a couple of days?

  4. as the crow flys about 2 miles from city centre.

    there was about 1.5cm which fell last night and of course settled. there is about 6-7 inches in total here.

    only the main roads are gritted, and the grit isnt working very well it has to be said, too cold

    edit: i dont think we will see any snow today, possibly some tonight. the showers out to sea are heading for n york moors i beleive

    Yeh that's what I was worried about lol. Fingers crossed for us though that we get some even better stuff later!I've got my eyes focused for something growing off the NE coast of Scotland.

  5. Oh well another day off work. Can't get the car out of the street and one of the lads from Newton aycliffe says te roads are lethal down there. Took him 45mins to get in where it usually takes 5mins.

    Theres some interesting developments ut in the North Sea at the minute which could be immense if they hit us although I think it may pass just to the South of us.

    One question about the radar - from 0235 to 0240 this morning a load of snow just appears from nowhere, then from 0350 to 0355 it mostly disappears - is this a glitch with the radar?

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