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Everything posted by scotteboi

  1. Thunder heard in braintree sounded distant but beefy, cant see any lightning
  2. You've been saying that or simliar for the past few hours...but your still on here!! Reverse physcology methinks!!
  3. Does anyone know (guestimate I know) when the cold front is due to arrive in the south east? ....Is the glass still half full.... just trying to keep the old spirits up?
  4. BBC & ITV Anglia Waether at 6.30 still going for storm in the East from 8pm onwards
  5. You and me both....just need it all to kick off later... bring on the prawns...oh, I mean storms!!
  6. Oopps, so excited about the prospect of later, forgot to spell properly!!! :blush: I fancy seafood for dinner now you pointed that out!!
  7. Its gone very cloudy in Braintree all of a sudden and the nice breeze we have had all day has dropped right off to nothing...very still and eerie...the clam before the storm???:blink:
  8. Cheers, cloudied over in braintree at the moment but still hot and sultry out there
  9. I take it that the anticipation is that there will be a break in the CAP? I am quite new to this so please forgive my ingnorance
  10. Yep...still plenty more time over the next few months to catch something decent!
  11. Well, I think thats my lot as well for tonight, watch the Manny fight and see what happens tomorrow. Good luck to the hardcores!
  12. Still got that muggy feel in Braintree its still 16 degrees with 77% humidity. We have had very little rain to mention so far this wekend, yesterday we got a 15 min light shower in the morning at about 6.30am ish and have had a few drops in the air tonight but nothing more so far. Its gotta break sooner or later!!! (Forever the optomist...why do we do this to ourselves!!)
  13. Blitzortung picking up a few strikes in the south/east in the last 20 mins... Maybe something starting to fire?
  14. Is it my imagination or is the band pushing up from France intensifying on the eastern side? Maybe we might get lucky in this neck of the woods tonight?
  15. Horrrrahhh, East Anglia gets a warning/invite to the storms, lets hope we see something tonight... everything crossed
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