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Everything posted by stun12

  1. Beautiful early winter morning but no proper frost with a low of about 1.5C. Now 9C but turning quite dark. The radar has no rain showing anywhere in the region, so the clouds must just be for effect.
  2. They take their tradition properly there. No Popery. Weather cleared beautifully for Icklesham. Hardly a cloud in the sky and an almost a full moon. Excellent fireworks and a really friendly event.
  3. Thanks. I'm visiting the Icklesham one tonight, if I can find it in the dark. I was contemplating buying our resident Icklesham poster a glass of mulled wine, but shouting 'bluebell' at a bunch of people carrying flaming torches and wearing zombie make-up didn't sound like a good idea in the end.
  4. Agreed, Jules. As a refugee from rural Essex where winter seemed to last forever in the flat landscape, Sussex has been a great improvement. Where we are, I'm not sure about big cities (I guess you have Brighton), but Tunbridge Wells isn't too far if Hastings doesn't have what we want. And then there are the bonfire societies... Hoping for a bit of an improvement in the dull murk out there currently. I can withstand the 7.5C, I'd just like it to be a bit clearer. Nowt worse than fog to mess up firework displays.
  5. Good for you. I love the bonfire nights in East Sussex and try to get to all of them (except Lewes where it's impossible to park), but have never been to the Robin Hood one before. Is it easy to park near the pub? It's finally stopped raining here. Horrible morning after a quite surprisingly windy night. Far worse than the (not) hurricane the other week. 10.2C, so already much cooler.
  6. Thunder here just now after a drizzly day with some heavy rain interludes. Still way too warm though...should be cooling down this week I beiieve, finally. Bonfire night is at Icklesham (Robin Hood). 10c and clear, at this stage of MetO forecasting.
  7. Not unpleasant down here in the SE corner of the region, but 'only' 17.6c with blue skies and the sun never climbing far from the horizon. The grass is growing in leaps and bounds, but never dries out enough to cut it. May need a scythe come the spring.
  8. Yep, the birds still tweet at dawn, even though it's an hour earlier LOL. Luckily, none of the owls have started up before it got dark.
  9. Heading up to bed, I noticed it was a tad chilly in the bedroom. 14.9c in here, blimey. 7c outside. Where did that come from?
  10. Completely underwhelming in this neck of the woods. Sun's out now, so at least the doggies will get their walk when I finish work. Looked a bit unpleasant out this morning so it was postponed. Never a good idea as, every time I even move from my office chair, they get massively overexcited.
  11. It's stayed away from the far SE corner so far, but getting breezier now and rain doesn't look too far away, judging by the radar. 16.8c and not a very comfortable night for sleeping.
  12. Just saw a flash of lighting and now, having checked the radar, there seems to be a rather large rainy bit incoming. Much happening in West Sussex yet?
  13. That reverse Kent streamer heading NE from Brighton has got some amazing rainfall in it. Just back from taking my son to Crowborough where he was having his 125cc serviced and there was lightning, thunder, flash flooding and plagues of locusts. OK, maybe not the last one. Poor sod is riding into work in Tunbridge Wells. He may get wet.
  14. Here too. The timing for the doggie walk will have to be split-second, judging by the radar. Not that they care, of course.
  15. Looks like all change from tomorrow. Coincides, as usual, with the start of the bonfire society processions and firework displays down here in deepest rural Sussex. Supposed to by dry tomorrow evening for the Northiam one, luckily. Nothing like a damp squib. Sunny on Sunday, but much cooler and apparently down to 5c in the early hours of Sunday morning. . Old shivery chap hasn't been out for a while.
  16. 6.2c here at dawn, Lassie. Now a balmy 17.5c but not sunny. That thin white cloud instead.
  17. I'm always amazed by how they sneak through such tiny gaps in the kitchen unit plinths. 8.2c here. Dark. Back to sleep for me...good luck with the mouse!
  18. Are you berating the cat for failing to catch it, or because it brought the mouse in itself? One of our cats is always surprised when she puts a live mouse down, goes off to do something else and it's not there any more when she gets back. We usually have to persuade one of the other cats to finish the job, though we have managed to catch and release field mice a couple of times.
  19. Twas a cool night for sure. Just 6.3c at 6.15 this morning, but it does feel fresh. The last few days until the weird thunderless storm didn't feel nice at all to me. I love our woodburner and luckily have a free supply of logs as we have a bit of woodland at the bottom of the garden. Not much temperature control however and we usually end up having to open the patio doors because the lounge gets way too hot. It heats almost the whole house -= last winter we didn't need the gas heating on at all, though it was quite mild.
  20. Lovely here too, with a high of 23.5c and decent sunshine once the mist cleared. It felt quite humid though and a storm would be nice (sorry, Thunderbuddy). Still 18.2 now and it's been dark for three hours already. I'm really beginning to notice the days drawing in - it's light when I get up at 6.30, but it feels like Dawn. As she's not my wife, I'm worried.
  21. Onions all the way down. Grim seems to be ok though. I'm no expert on the climate thing but I do read a lot about it on the various websites...a continuing cooler period seems to be quite possible. But you know what the pundits always say is always caveated with maybes, possibles, not inconsistent with's...actually anything other than haven't-got-a-clue's. I'm just pleased to see snow has been back on the agenda (apart from last winter which was another onions show). Whilst I look forward to it with glee, the additional cost to heat the houses of elderly people, who need it the most and are least able to afford it, caused by the renewables fetish, is probably best dealt with elsewhere.
  22. Thanks, Jules. That's the one. Take an umbrella. Chilly too, by all accounts. High of 14c for around here according to MetO. Brr.
  23. Netweather's front page has a forecast including an estimate for rainfall. http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=wira;sess= 34.6mm for me apparently. Dampish then. Could be an inside day with beer, instead of an outside day with cocktails. Boo. I gave up and moved the barbeque back into the garage today. It's been too cold for a couple of weeks now, after a rather splendid June and July. Tales of minus temps in Northern Ireland overnight are interesting, as are the precursor ice formations in the Scottish Highlands which precede glaciers (by quite a long time, just in case we scare anyone!). Snowy winter ahead? Pleeeeeze.
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