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Everything posted by leemondo

  1. someone posted the video in the mod thread i think, but yeah it showed it over our region, i like many dont hold out much confidence, as the models are changing all the time, but nice to see we may get something
  2. it looks like everybody in the UK needs to go west for a swim and push our island a few hundred miles east! I'm utterly fascinated by this winters modles, up's and down's, although i cant really read them i love all the opinions being made, and also the fact that this thread has calmed down and leveled out now is an added bonus, was getting way out of hand, and i think the mods have done a fantastic job, thank you all
  3. the countryfile forecast showed snow down our way for wednesday, could change, but another positive is the models are slowly pushing the block west, which will delay the Atlantic and also increase the snow chance, no matter what happens it will be cold, maybe for longer than was shown a couple of days ago also who are the couple of morons commenting under the daily forecast section, really need to get rid of the trolls!
  4. the best thing about that is it was only posted less than an hour ago, surley they must know its gone pear shaped????........................................ OH hang on that wont sell papers or get web hits will it lol
  5. yeah, i saw that earlier, he was a bit p****d off that (most, not all)people were only interested in wether it was going to snow or not, and not so interested in the other details, i think he feels he has been wasting his time, although i think its rather rash of him to just leave, as many members were interested in all the details he posted, but i think the posts were picked apart for snow details. it is a shame, but its his choice
  6. I want to be positive, but as it stands atm, i think we can kiss goodbye to any real snow event, the only hope that i am clinging to, is that the models haven't got a clue whats going on, to see such a massive reversal in what they were showing only a couple of days ago is very odd, and the GFS is making out like the cold block isn't even there, far too over progressive. Everyone who's going, have fun at the meet up
  7. This cold spell looks less and less likely as time goes by. We have seen continuous downgrades in all models/ensembles of late, particularly regarding the heights over scandi and the location of the Euro low. The bottom line is that the jet stream is too amplified rendering the blocking to take up a more eastern position. If you look at the trend so far this winter, the severe cold has always been a week away (sound familiar?) and this could be the story of our winter. Don't get me wrong, I take my hat off to GP et al as their winter forecast is panning out according to plan regarding the northern hemisphere analogues, however for our tiny islands, the smallest divergence is proving to have a dramatic effect. Therefore, I expect a brief cold/dry spell until Tue/Wed next week followed by a more traditional mild zonal pattern. Edited by Jack Wales, A minute ago. not picking on you guys , but just using this to highlight why some of us noobs find it difficult to fathom what on earth is going on!
  8. its all a bit confusing really, thats a couple of forecasts this evening from the BBC that have been different, maybe the individual interprets the forecast their own way, i think they should all be given an offical "script" to read from so the forecasts aren't so confusing! lol
  9. yeah true, but i suppose they have to give an extended outlook based on the info they have, faulty or otherwise, as far as i am concerned FI is T+48 at the moment, models finding it really difficult with the PV moving, i think we'll get something quite snowy, maybe not the snowtastic event most of us want, but snow none the less!
  10. it seems that the beeb have fallen in line with the media, if only to cover thereselves, but, having said that they must surley be confident of some type of snow event, i think i'll stick to the level headed mature response to the models, R.E the Meto, rather than the crying, wrist slashing, toys out of pram brigade! I really enjoy the MOD thread, but over the last few days its decended into chaos!
  11. nothing here yet, fingers crossed, cloud cover starting to creep in
  12. Welcome to the madness! enjoy your stay A friend of mine is in stockholm, and just said they are expecting 30cms of snow tonight, i told him to send some this way!
  13. had frost on the tops of the cars here from around 6.30pm, i always find the BBC temps rather off target, although they show major towns and cities, so maybe they are a bit warmer, what with all the lights and traffic? hope to see some wintryness tommorow, TBH this rollercoaster is giving me motion sickness, lol, seems to be within reach just to be pushed back a bit, fingers crossed all
  14. So do i, it goes something like........................... You better not laugh, you better not cry, these charts mean nothing to my untrained eye!
  15. It did down my way, it was my xmas work do, we went out for a fry up breakfast and it was snowing, granted not heavy snow, the year before that i know it did as the work do was snowed off! lol,
  16. Hi all, am i right in thinking that if it snows on the 16th of dec this year, that it will be 3 or 4 years in a row its snowed on that day?
  17. I'm not for one minute suggesting a 2010 december, but didn't the models do something similar to what they are doing now, showing cold, then average, only to flip back about 24/48 before the event? its seems that whenever something cold is shown for the UK the models freak out and try to come up with every eventuality, then sort of reset to an atlantic push, then start showing cold again? its all very confusing for a learner like me! lol at least the cold is starting to make inroads, thats a good start, i think all good things come to those who wait
  18. I think that FI should stand for Flipping Irritating!! The last couple of weeks has been mostly unbearable, i, like most try not get hung up on each run, but its difficult when they show what your after. I'm a complete weather noob, and due to the slanging matches and mild V's cold squabbles, i feel that anything i have "learnt" is biased to my own weather preferances, I try to see what the modles show and then see various posts saying it doesn't, only to see others saying it does, so i have decided to just stick with the posters that i have come to admire, and ignore the obvious troll's. Back on topic..... the models have been struggleing badly with the evolution of this cold snap, only the UKMO has stuck to its guns, and even that was in doubt last night due to the UKMET thinking the other models were correct, and now it seems things are falling back into place, i cant keep up! The only thing that is for sure is its going to get colder, just how much colder remains to be seen. P.S Thanks to all who contibute to this forum, its an amazing place, now i'm gonna strap myself in an enjoy the ride!!!!!
  19. Every year i promise myself i won't look in the MOD thread, and evry damn year i do, this rollercoaster is starting to make me fell sick, but i cant get off! lol Anyway, lets get the cold in place then any Atlantic mush that wants to force its way in may give us what we want! P.S Hi to all again, for the winter ride, only time of year i get intersested in the weather
  20. Mate, you should change your weather preferences to "High Pressure" :lol:
  21. few flakes on the breeze here now too, cant see it amounting to much, but something is better than nothing!
  22. The Meto 16 - 30 day update is a bit dissapointing, but not going to read too much into it as its a long way off, fingers crossed it changes!
  23. lol, netweather will it snow thing, has me down for snow everyday until thursday!!! would love that to come off but got a feeling it won't i'd say around 10cm here today, no thawing yet and hopefully it wont for a couple of days yet
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